The King of Knights in a Different World

Chapter 441

Anyway, I can win no matter what, if that's the case, why not enjoy it.

In the face of this gradual deterioration of the environment, the Helen coalition forces did not have much to do for a while.

If it was Macedonia's attack, they could still use it to ask for help, but now it is Helen's civil war, they don't know what reason to use.

Because Helen almost saw that there was a civil war, but this time it was much bigger.

In fact, these...The King of Helen didn't know that Lucifer was actually waiting here, waiting for an opportunity.

If Helen asked for help again now, she would deliberately hesitate and wait until the civil strife exhausted the strength of both parties.

Of course, if New Helen now annihilates the Helen coalition forces, he will do it immediately.

As for the reason, feel free to find one.

For example, Daddy Atta's revenge.

Of course, revenge is revenge, and in the end it will definitely not be the restoration of the country...

In the face of long-standing wars, the person who couldn't help but was Europa's father.

He is not as lucky as Papa Atta, his city-state is in front.

The war was also affected more, and at the same time he doubted whether he could defeat New Helen.

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After receiving the letter, Lucifer did not use force immediately, but asked Mira to put pressure on New Helen through diplomatic means.

At the same time, let St. George once again line the border.

Faced with this situation, New Helen decided to temporarily cease the war to observe Lucifer's reaction.

After all, although everyone knows that Lucifer did not come to the front line, the military power on the border of Helen is not small.

Especially after Dieng took the initiative to apply for an external transfer because he avoided a certain pervert.

Helen's side is not only a truce, they also sent envoys to negotiate with Britain, saying that this is a civil war belonging to Helen and hope that Britain will not interfere.

However, most of these protests had no results.Lucifer threw all this matter to Mira and gave her a bottom line.

After Mira got the bottom line, she was also happy to play scheming with the people on Helen's side.

One come and two, the war of words between the two countries has been fought for two months.

Helen also had a truce for two months.

Faced with this situation, the main battle faction in New Helen once again fought against the truce faction.

The final study was decided by Sisyphus, and the war continued.

With the passage of time, most people on New Helen's side listened more and more to what Sisyphus said, and Attalus, as the king, became more and more kind: the tendency to become a decoration.

Of course, these are the opinions of the people below, and Attalos himself does not feel that way at all.

Because Sisyphus agreed to all his requests at present.

You want beauties to beauties, you want money for money, you want palaces to build palaces.

This made Attalus couldn't help but sigh, ‘this is the greatest happiness of being a king.

In order to prevent Lucifer's rapid intervention, Sisyphus increased the draft and sent troops to the front line. He ordered the marshals to quickly resolve the problem.

But at this time, Lucifer ordered Saint George to launch a limited attack.

One hundred eighty thousand British mixed forces walked out of the fortress and marched towards New Helen. This move forced Sisyphus to mobilize troops back to defend.

So the decisive battle can only be delayed for a while.

After the two sides fought a small encounter on the border, the two sides began to confront each other.

At this time, Lucifer, who dominated all of this, was playing war games with Nero in the palace.

Laxmi next to him was studying seriously, how can I say, this... the former army commander doesn't seem to want to give up his military career for the time being, and is ready to go out at any time.

Especially after hearing about Leah's experience.

In this regard, Lucifer can only say that she is happy with her.

As for how to use her, that is up to you.

"Stop playing."

In front of him, Nero looked angry.

Her expression seemed to be: people coaxed her.

So far, she has competed with Lucifer 30 times and has never won.

"Did you give up so soon? It's not like it, Nero."

Seeing this, Lucifer couldn't help laughing.

If it were Al, it might be... another situation.

However, Al doesn't like this kind of intellectual games.

"Yu didn't give up, Yu just...want to rest first.

By the way, how is Helen's situation?"

"I said you.

You are now my princess, not the emperor of Rome.

Just leave it to me.

you do not need to worry."

"I want to know."


Sit down and say."

Luer sat down: shook his head.

He Zhang, a map appeared in front of them.

In addition to...Nero's hobbies...except for Morgan's operas, the most are probably...military matters.

"Why is it still the same.

This month, Marshal Saint George still failed to score Helen?"

When Nero saw the map, his expression was a little strange.

"Because the order I gave him was for a limited war, mainly for the running-in between several different generals of them."

Lucifer smiled slightly and said.

This battle is just a training.Although the war is annoying, it is also another way to promote great integration.

Even if they were originally from different places, their relationship would change a lot after going to the battlefield together.

"But, does this make any sense?"

"Yes! Confrontation like this will be costly.Half Helen is only that big. While they want to fight with Helen's coalition forces, they are also confronting us.

Coupled with a series of operations by Attalus in China, they will soon have problems internally."

Raising a 700,000 army based on his current situation has not been a problem for a few years.After that, he can continue to raise his army until the two places recover.

But Helen is different.

Let them raise so many, there will be problems in the country immediately.

Some types of this approach are related to arms races.

If they increase their troops, Helen will also subconsciously increase troops to defend themselves, even if they know that there will be problems with the increase, they have to do it.

But the situation on his side is very good and it can be consumed.If they consume another year and a half on the other side, problems will occur if there is no accident.

New Helen's current army has reached half a million.

Except for...the two hundred thousand used to defend yourself, the other three hundred thousand are confronting Theseus and the others.

This number is absolutely abnormal, and there may have been a problem internally.

That's why I am not in a hurry at all.

Rather, I hope they will continue to play like this.

"But, in this way, aren't we also consumed?"

Nero thought immediately.

"War itself is a consumption.

The key is what is consumed.

I already have a large area of ​​his country, which is consumed by hundreds of thousands of people.

It doesn't matter even for a year, I can afford it.

But Helen's side is different."

Now he has issued a comprehensive order to ban the export to Helen on the grounds that he needs to appease the newly harvested two places: the corresponding armaments and food.

Before long, they will play themselves to death.

At this time, Laxmi couldn't help but speak.

"His Majesty......"


Facing Lucifer's eyes, Laximi changed his words with embarrassment.

"Um..., I know.

Lucifer means that as long as the confrontation is consumed, will the winner be us?"

Laxmi still doesn't quite understand why she is in the palace, to use Nero's words..., she was married.

But her current identity is also the princess.

Especially after seeing Al, she instinctively felt a little guilty.


Is it a pity, Laxmi?"

"There are some! I thought His Majesty would use some more bizarre tactics to defeat Helen."

"Tactics are born for strategy.

If you can win by waiting like this now, you must also fight.

After all, the advantage is now on my side, and I don't have to pay unnecessary price.

However, it is said that.

But from the situation of New Helen, they will not wait to die.

There will be a battle at the end."

To put it simply..., if you can win at all times, it may be a bad thing to insist on a show operation.

Of course, excellent operations can reduce the casualties of soldiers, which is undoubtedly a good thing.

As long as you don't play adventurous tricks, you are still very supportive.

But think about it carefully, with St. George's steady personality, he is not the kind of...

If it was replaced by Mia, it might be... an onslaught.

"But didn't you just say that you can win by waiting?"


I have said this, but I can see such an obvious problem, and there should be someone on Helen's side.

The one who continues to wait to win is me, but not...they.

So if you want to see extreme operations, you should go to Helen now.