The King of Knights in a Different World

Chapter 9

Originally, France still had an absolute advantage in military strength, but now the comparison of forces is not so obvious.

"The new king came earlier than I expected. This proves that he also understands that one of the keys to this war is time. He is also an excellent general, but he doesn't know how he is capable in other areas?" Said with a sigh.

"Unfortunately, it's just excellent. After today, the Marshal may be able to ask him this question directly in person?" At this moment, Anses said it seemed that they had caught Lucifer.

In fact, both of them have similar ideas in their current psychology. This wave has stabilized.

"We haven't laid down that fortress yet."

"Sooner or later. I don't believe that stupid Britons can see through our sophisticated plan. Marshal, after today, your glorious deeds will spread throughout the continent, and catching a king will definitely bring you great glory. The arrival of the new king is also destined to be just a ladder for promotion at your feet."

"If there are too many of those things, it will look dull. In fact, I only want to solve the enemy in front of France in my life. I never think that things like glory are of any use, and I don't want to care about it."

At the end of their discussion, through magic, they had seen the door of the distant fortress opened. A group of cavalry appeared there.

"The door is open!" The expression on Anses' face turned into joy.

"Give orders!"


With a happy mood, Anses felt that this battle might almost come to an end.

The door in front of the Dragonscale Fortress opened, and Lucifer rushed out with a team of five hundred knights. They were preparing to meet Ziegfei on the road, racing fast, they were getting closer and closer to Ziegfei, and the opponent's army could already be seen from the front.

The horn sounded, Lucifer took out a longbow and opened the string. As the arrow hit the longbow, a thunderbolt covered it. Releasing his hand, the bolt of thunder pierced the air and quickly flew towards the two-footed dragon with a popping sound.

The moment the arrow flew into the dragon group, an explosion occurred, and the fallen corpses of several flying dragons quickly overwhelmed the French front row knights. Lucifer drew out his sword after a first move, and shouted.

"Knights, save your fellow citizens."

The knights behind them saw this scene, their morale was high, and they responded to the king's expectation together.

"Rescue the compatriots!"

In a moment, the two groups of knights rushed together.

Lucifer was the first to bear the brunt, but instead of liberating the power of the holy sword in his hand, he was fighting with the power of fire. After cutting down a knight with a sword, Lucifer took the spear he had snatched from the opponent. The backhand projected out, and the two flying dragons in the sky were pierced together.

At the same time, the supported Ziegfei and other knights also exerted their strength at the same time. The sword burst in Gawain's hand emits powerful magic power, giving priority to solving the threat of the sky. In contrast, Lancelot and Tristan. Even Ziegfei, who has always focused on evasion, began to counterattack after receiving support.

Under their blow, more than a dozen flying dragons were falling at a speed visible to the naked eye.

However, on the side of the battlefield behind the fierce battle ahead, there was a tremor on the ground, and at the same time a haziness appeared in the air. A group of four thousand knights unlocked the large-scale illusion on their bodies, and they seemed to walk out of a mirage.

These French knights did not join the previous melee, but directly charged towards the gate of the gate. *

no.26Strike (seeking votes, flowers)

On the city wall, many soldiers were taken aback by the cavalry that appeared suddenly, but some of them did not panic. St. George looked at everything in front of him, his eyes extremely calm.

"The king's prediction is really accurate. There really is a problem here. The inner city is in place!" St. George gave orders to the soldiers behind him. At the same time, behind the gate of the city wall, you can see that it has been arranged into a concave position.

Reinforced iron fences were erected all around, and six strong crossbows were aimed at the gate. At the same time, archers lined up on the surrounding high walls, and the magician troops were already in place. The entire inner city is like a huge trap waiting for the enemy to come.

Of course, this arrangement would certainly not be able to withstand the impact of tens of thousands of troops, but it was enough to deal with the opponent's elite knights.


Before the French knights approached the city wall, many bows and arrows and huge crossbows had been shot at them. Many people fell off their horses and disappeared into the chaos army, but these attacks did not slow down the cavalry force at all. They rushed towards the gate in a rain of arrows.

For them, there is only one chance, and if they fail, there is no second time. At the same time as the plan was going on here, the French army by the distant forest also began to move. They stepped out of the forest fantasy and prepared to attack with all their strength.

Lothar left a few hundred people to guard a hundred magician troops exhausted by illusions, and formally marched forward with the main force of the whole army. In the sky, more than two hundred two-legged flying dragon legions flew into the sky at the same time, with five people on each flying dragon's back. They are the legendary dragon knights, and together with the flying dragons became war weapons.

"What's the matter! Why did the Flying Dragon Legion only appear in half?" Lothar looked at Anseth beside him.

"His Royal Highness said that with the marshal's plan, half of the flying dragons would be enough. He also said that the others need to stay behind to defend the army so as not to be attacked." The face of Anses who had just returned was also black.

"Asshole! The capital of Britain has entered the city, how could there be a surprise attack, or run behind us!" Lothar was so angry that he exploded directly.

"Marshal! I think..."

"I know what he is thinking. I want us to fight desperately first. Fortunately, he shows up to take credit at a critical time. This **** does not care for his own merits and the lives of others." Lothar, as the battlefield veteran, naturally understands The prince's thoughts.

Wait a minute, the forward force will definitely encounter desperate resistance. The prince wanted to wait until the two sides were exhausted before sending out to grab the head.

"Marshal, we can't stop now, even if we don't have the entire Flying Dragon Legion, we can't stop."

"I know. Speed ​​up!"

The French army began to move, but a part of the army did not follow them and stayed.

The center of the army formation was where the prince was. Inside the tent, a young male noble general was watching the prince carefully and hesitated.

"His Royal Highness, are we really good like this? I think"

"Tell me, who has the final say here now, Roman!" The prince gave the nobleman a cold look.

"Of course it is you, Your Royal Highness."

"Then you just shut up, here I say, everything is up to me. I don't want you to think, I want me to think, understand?"

"Understand, understand!" The nobleman wiped the sweat from his forehead and said nothing.

On the plain in front of the Dragonscale Fortress, Lucifer and Siegfried had already dealt with these hundreds of ordinary knights, and the people on the flying dragon just saw that the situation was not good. Make them a lot easier.

After the battle, they didn't have much time to sigh, because they had discovered that the knight in the distance had already rushed through the gate of the fortress.

"It's a trap! No wonder they only sent so little troops to hunt me down. I'm sorry, everyone." A guilty expression appeared on Qigefei's face.

"Yes, it's a trap! General Zieg, you still have the ability to fight now." Lucifer looked at the fortress in the distance and didn't worry too much.

"Yes! Please give the order from the king."

"Knights, sound the horn, and we will charge again from behind them."


All the knights turned their horses, and they rushed back to the fortress. The battle just now cost them dozens of people, and the overall combat strength is still there. Not without the ability to rush back.

Moreover, not knowing if it was an illusion, Altria found that from their current position, it was not so much that the French knights were attacking the fortress, it was more that they exposed their rear to the front of their sword. She subconsciously glanced at Lucifer who was smiling.

Is this also in your plan, master?

Putting away the doubts in her heart, she followed Lucifer's figure and once again launched a charge against the enemy.

Inside the fortress, Saint George also found the French army on the distant horizon. He estimated the time of arrival in his mind, and at the same time looked at what was happening in the inner city.

Below is a purgatory-like scenery, countless corpses are piled up in the main road, blood is flowing freely, they seem to be a natural barrier blocking the way in which the knights come in, and wait until the knights behind have roughed it up. Their bodies will become part of the barrier again.

"If it's normal, maybe we won't have time to react at all. Not to mention mobilizing so many troops." Saint George was lost in thought.

Normally, the main force of defending the city is concentrated on the wall. Because the gate is at the door, unless you see that the city gate is about to be broken, it will not increase the force, let alone set up a trap with heavy troops like this.

He knew very well that he had to solve these knights quickly. Then close the door, so that France's plan will be completely finished.

Outside the city gate, the troops led by Lucifer had already touched the rear of the French knights. They took Lucifer as the tip of their sword, and if a sharp sword cut through the French knights.

Knights continued to fall under their swords, and they were getting closer and closer to the gate. And in the distance behind them, a large number of French knights are also rushing towards the fortress with all their strength. Now they are all in a race against time.

Seeing that Lucifer and the opening they made was about to approach the door, St. George again gave orders to the soldiers behind him.

"Stop the attack! The king is coming back! Get ready to close the city gate!"

The soldiers in the inner city put away their bows, arrows and crossbows, they began to move towards the wall one after another, and the soldiers on the ground also pushed open the fence beside them to prepare for Lucifer's return.

Lucifer led the knights to behead the enemy all the way, and finally returned to the city wall. When the knights returned completely, there were still a large number of undead enemy troops behind them. These people are desperately charging towards the city gate.

"close the door!"

Just after St. George's words were finished, the voice of the city guard came not far away.

"No, Master Marshal, the enemy army below forcibly stuck the door with its body. It can't be closed."


no.27 first wave

Saint George looked at the French army that was about to approach, as well as the more than two thousand enemy troops remaining below. These people were still desperately squeezing towards the city gate, in order to buy time for the army behind.

"I will go down myself..."

St. George is preparing to personally go down to solve the following troubles, but a bigger trouble has already arrived.

"The Flying Dragon Legion is here!"

More than two hundred two-footed flying dragons in the sky have already reached the city wall first. In the face of these enemy troops flying in advance, St. George has taken care of the following situation flawlessly. The bigger trouble is in the sky.

"Don't stop those who close the city gate! Go on! Silver Dragon Guard, the strong archer is ready to fight back! The first, second, and third magic units make every effort to sweep away the enemy's cavalry." Although it is a bit strange why the flying dragon legions in the sky are missing. Few, but he still gave the order.

Rows of soldiers holding huge bows and arrows on the city wall walked out of the fortress. They picked up special arrows and aimed them at the flying dragons in the sky. At the same time, behind the fortress, dozens of silver-white dragon species also lifted into the air at the same time, with only two knights on their backs, and the dragon's body was not as strong as a bipedal wyvern.

For a time the chaos between the sky and the ground officially opened, Long Yan recklessly fell from the air, and the British soldiers stepped up their attack on the cavalry below with the danger on their heads.

Under the city wall Lucifer also noticed the strange place of the city gate. It seemed that the gate could not be closed. If this goes on, once the opponent's army arrives, the problem may become very serious.

Altria discovered the problem first, and she looked at Lucifer.

"Wang! Need help over the gate."

"I'm going!" Gawain immediately appealed to Lucifer.

"No! Gawain went to the machine room of the city wall and tried his best to close the gate. Leah, you go and let the knights at the gate try their best to retreat behind me, Tristan, you and Lancelot to help Duke George solve the problem brought by the dragon. trouble."

Lucifer immediately arranged everyone's tasks and asked them to perform.

"Yes!" Everyone carried out Lucifer's order without even thinking about it. Now they will not have doubts and hesitations about the king's words.

After the others left, Lucifer stood alone and walked towards the gate. He had only held the sword in his right hand and put his left hand on the hilt. This is his first hands holding the holy sword that symbolizes the king, and he wants to liberate the true power of this sword.

The holy sword seemed to sense what Lucifer wanted to do. The sword body began to show many golden light spots. Lucifer stepped forward and stepped on the **** water. The floor under his feet split instantly. Raise the sword above his head with both hands.

The golden light began to converge to form a whirlwind, reaching the sky. The powerful magical force formed an air current to blow everything around. Altria took the knight and ran by Lucifer, all of them were amazed by this scene, and couldn't help turning their heads.

"Appear, my kingly way. I use this sword to seek the world! King's Landing, the king's sword."

Lucifer swung the holy sword in his hand forward, the sword body was like a huge magic furnace, and the huge golden laser aimed at the city gate, swallowing everything along the way in this huge light.

From the sky, the gate of the Dragonscale Fortress seemed to have become a muzzle. A huge laser shot out from it, and all the French knights who had been crowded here swept away together. The light lifted up the dust, lasted for a few seconds, and then disappeared.

The air also revealed a scorching atmosphere, and a long black depression appeared on the ground. In these short seconds, thousands of French knights disappeared in this huge laser. The tremendous power formed by a single blow caused the French knights to fall into a short period of sluggishness. In the face of this attack, they no longer desperately advanced as before, but quickly retreated, and finally collapsed.

Lucifer’s blow completely swept away all obstacles in the gate. Thanks to the efforts of Gawain and the others, the gate was slowly closing until the last gap was closed, and Lucifer’s face disappeared in France. Before everyone's eyes.

The power of this blow was even seen by Lothar and others several kilometers away.

"That is!" Anses looked at Lothar next to him in a little astonishment.

"Holy sword! The sword of the king of Britain. Damn, their king is a lunatic at all. He dares to use such dangerous things in the fortress. Isn't he worried that he will involve himself in it?" Lothar was a little weird. Looking into the distance.

There is nothing wrong with such a thing as a holy sword, but because of this, you have to be extra careful when using it. Because if you are not careful, you may wipe out your own people together.

"Marshal, can your holy sword do this too? Can we blast through the walls of the fortress with one blow." At this moment, Anses suddenly thought of a shortcut, and he looked at himself and Lothar's hands. Holy sword.

"No, when many important fortresses on the mainland are established, magic arrays such as reinforcement and offset will be arranged in advance on the walls. It was already a tactic hundreds of years ago to bombard the walls with the Holy Sword." Lothar shook his head and canceled. This kind of thinking.

If he could blast off the wall with a holy sword, he would have done it a long time ago, and he would not use soldiers to siege the city like he does now.

About a few hundred years ago, countries still liked to play like this. But after that, all countries have learned well. They had already made tricks in the walls when building the fortress, and using the holy sword would only waste their power.

In case his power is exhausted and the opponent's holy sword user runs to charge again, the result will be very sad. He is not stupid, so naturally he would not take such a risk.

"The fighter plane has disappeared, and there is no need to continue fighting today. Don't let the soldiers' blood flow in vain. Blow the horn to inform the whole army to retreat." Lothar shook his head and gave orders to his subordinates.

Anseth didn't understand, so many people had already sacrificed in front of him, why he suddenly gave up now. Continue to attack, maybe it can be beaten down.

"But!" He looked at Lothar hesitantly.

"The king we have to deal with first, and the holy sword in his hand. Now we can't attack this fortress." Lothar looked at Anseth firmly, and he didn't want to continue the attack.

But seeing the scene just now, plus the door that has been closed, he already knew that he couldn't continue fighting today. Especially since the prince behind him hasn't fully kept up, and the air power is insufficient, it is even more impossible.

"Yes!" Although not reconciled, Anses obeyed the order.

The horn of the French army blew again, and everyone was at a loss. But the order from the horn was to retreat. Hearing this, all French troops began to retreat one after another.

The gate of the Dragonscale Fortress in the distance was closed tightly, and there was no thought of taking the opportunity to pursue it. Inside the fortress, everyone is cheering for their victory. *