The King of PUBG is Coming

Chapter 443: Bribery in court

Chapter 443: The Secret

Song Liangkang also came with Ye Gucheng.

Anyway, it's this time, and he doesn't need to pretend.

Seeing Ye Gucheng looking at him, Song Liangkang smiled triumphantly:

"I'm dumbfounded? Tell you kid, I've always been the boss from start to finish. Do you think I'll be scared by your little trick? A joke~"

Seeing Song Liangkang's desperate ambition, Ye Gucheng was very upset.

So Ye Gucheng whispered to Song Liangkang:

"Do you really think that I have never seen your identity? Could you please use your legs and think about it, am I playing you from start to finish?"

Song Liangkang trembled and immediately retorted:

"Impossible! You can't see through my identity! I hide so well, there is absolutely no possibility for you to see through my disguise..."

Ye Gucheng smiled coldly:

"Hehe, in fact, from the very beginning, I saw through your identity. Otherwise, how would I pass you to turn Zeng Hongtao's jokes around!"

Song Liangkang was completely dumbfounded.

Although Song Liangkang was very reluctant to believe what Ye Gucheng said, he calmed down and thought about it carefully. Ye Gucheng seemed to be really as he said, passing the wrong news to Zeng Hongtao through himself.

Song Liangkang thought he had a good disguise, but he didn't expect that he would always be an idiot in Ye Gucheng's eyes.

Abandoning Song Liangkang who was stupefied in the same place, Ye Gucheng immediately walked to the plaintiff's bench with ease.

Chu Shihan grabbed Ye Gucheng and asked in a low voice:

"Gucheng, you directly told Song Liangkang the truth, aren't you afraid that Song Liangkang will tell Zeng Hongtao the news?"

Ye Gucheng pointed to Song Liangkang who was stupidly in place, and laughed:

"Do you think he has the courage to tell Zeng Hongtao that what he did not only did not have any effect on Zeng Hongtao, but was instead helping me pass the wrong message?"

The answer is obvious: Song Liangkang dare not.

Now Zeng Hongtao dislikes Song Liangkang very much, if Song Liangkang tells Zeng Hongtao again, he has been used by Ye Gucheng.

Zeng Hongtao, who was in great anger, might do something.

So even if Ye Gucheng lent Song Liangkang ten more courages, Song Liangkang only dared to break his teeth and swallow in his stomach.

Since this time it was broadcast live on the whole network, the judge and jury did not dare to slacken their efforts and came to the court early.

But there was still half an hour before the court session, and everyone was sitting awkwardly.

Especially the Honorable Judge, he tossed over those few blank papers that hadn't written anything, and they were almost ripped apart.


Zeng Hongtao, who wanted the judge to take care of him, sneaked up to the judge with a thick envelope.

When Zeng Hongtao pretended to ask a question, he slipped the envelope into the judge's hand and blinked and said:

"It's worthy of being the judge, and the knowledge is profound. When I look back when I have time, I must come to you for advice!"

A big envelope of such a thickness would cost 20,000 to 30,000 yuan for less.

If it's dollars or euros, it's even more profitable.

The judge legal person subconsciously prepares to accept the envelope.

But he took a closer look and found that the cameraman had already pointed the camera at him.

And the conspicuous little red dot indicates that the machine is already running.

This Nima is broadcast live on the whole network. If you are careless, you will lose your fame and reputation. It is a big question whether you can see the sun tomorrow.

In order to protect himself, the judge had to stand up abruptly and slam the envelope that Zeng Hongtao handed on the ground.

Looking at the large amount of dollars spilled, the judge felt distressed.

But he could only put on an awe-inspiring appearance, and shouted:

"Angry! Defendant, do you know what a severe charge is for bribing a judge?"

Zeng Hongtao was taken aback, but under the hint of the judge, he later realized that the camera had started working.

So he quickly put on a dazed look, and then explained:

"Oh! I must have gone out in the morning too hastily and took the wrong envelope with some evidence!"

The judge quickly answered:

"Hurry up and collect the money, otherwise I will directly sue you for contempt of court and bribery!"

"Yes Yes Yes......"

Zeng Hongtao quickly picked up the money, but he was still ecstatic.

Because this judge is an old acquaintance of him, his previous cases have been taken care of by the other party.

Ye Gucheng could use Zhou Weiwei's father, Zhou Lei, to use his relationship to shorten the cumbersome steps that originally took one or two months to a few days.

Then why would Zeng Hongtao not use his relationship?

This old acquaintance judge, it was Zeng Hongtao who spent his energy to get the other party to try his case.

But he didn't expect that there were cameras in this courtroom, and it was broadcast live on the whole network!

After Zeng Hongtao returned to the dock, Lawyer Ma couldn't help covering his face and said:

"Ms. Zeng, it's not that I said you. When you can't do things like stuffing red envelopes, you have to run to this court to play. You said you are not making trouble for yourself?"

Zeng Hongtao replied unhappyly:

"Do you think I want to? It's not that I was tossed by this kid over the past two days, plus investigating a person last night, wasting a lot of my time. I actually forgot about the big thing of giving red envelopes. ."

After all, every time according to the rules, Zeng Hongtao gave the red envelope first, and the other party helped himself with things later.

Therefore, Zeng Hongtao was afraid that if he didn't send the red envelopes in advance this time, he would make the other party feel that he was playing tricks.

In addition, this case is very sensitive, which is also very important to Zeng Hongtao.

So in desperation, Zeng Hongtao came up with such a stupid act of giving red envelopes in court.

But there is one thing that Zeng Hongtao didn't expect. Even though the judge and his double reeds are so realistic, under the camera and in front of countless pairs of eyes, any cover up is futile.

"Hold the grass! Do you dare to be more obvious?"

"I've seen it for a long time. It's the first time I saw someone mad to give red envelopes in court. Do you want others to know that they have PY transactions in private?"

"Furthermore, these two funny comparisons are all about rubbing our IQs on the ground. Although I don't understand the legal process, how can I wait for the court to proceed after submitting evidence?"

"Yes! They two bastards, dare to be more obvious?"

"After all, Zeng Hongtao is a local snake. It's too easy to make hands and feet."


Hundreds of millions of viewers across the country have long been sitting in front of mobile phones and computers.

Although they had guessed, this is a fierce lawsuit.

But no one thought that such a blasting scene would appear before it was officially opened.

And everyone can see that this judge is basically a nest with Zeng Hongtao. Everyone angrily began to organize various agencies in Aite Wuhan on Weibo, and strongly demanded that a fair judge be replaced.

In court.

As a gold medal lawyer, Lawyer Zhang naturally did not miss any opportunity to attack the enemy legitimately.

So he immediately stood up and said:

"Your Honor, I don't think things can be so simple. The behavior of Mr. Zeng Hongtao just now has obviously constituted the crime of bribery, and he is still in the court, and the interest is even worse. So you should convict them! "

Attorney for Zeng Hongtao, attorney Ma immediately stood up and retorted:

"I have long heard that Lawyer Zhang has a clever mouth that can turn black and white. When I saw it today, it was indeed well-deserved. My client, obviously took the wrong envelope, and the judge also gave a warning. Is it possible that you are scorning the judge? Is it a judgment?"

Before Attorney Zhang continued to speak, the judge shouted impatiently:

"This matter has already passed, so don't mention it again. The court will be officially opened in two minutes, so let's just focus on the case!"

"Puff whistle~"

Ye Gucheng's laughter sounded unusually harsh in the quiet court.

The frowning judge asked displeasedly:

"Mr. Ye Gucheng, did your contemptuous laughter just despise this judge?"

Ye Gucheng laughed and said:

"Do you deserve my contempt for a foolish bastard?"