The King’s Moment

v1 Chapter 41: The strongest national service

Biquge, update the latest chapter of King Moment as soon as possible!

He Yu's style and standards have been secretly seen in his eyes. As a person who has been in the KPL professional circle for many years, the strength displayed by ordinary players makes him feel plain and uncommon, and he is not very clear about the watershed of the strength of ordinary players. For the countless teammates or opponents he has faced this week from bronze to platinum, to tell the truth, in He Yu's eyes, they can basically be summed up in three words: they will not play.

These players have countless loopholes in the details, and even have a wrong understanding of the basic rules of the game. In He Yu's eyes, they can all be regarded as beginners.

However, before the four with Su Ge, and today with Gao Ge and Zhou Mo, they had a taste of the high-end game. The players in this segment seemed to have a different appearance in He Yu. The four Su Ge left him with a particularly impressive impression. The four men had clear ideas and coordinated with each other. From the beginning of the game, they had full control of the rhythm. This was basically the way the professional team played. It's just that the professional team is better than them in terms of rhythm control, detail handling and so on.

In the eight innings played today, He Yu can see that Gao Ge and Zhou Mo also have a lot of tacit understanding. But in terms of personal strength, after all, Su Ge only played one game together, and did not add friends. They could not see more of their performance, so for the time being, they could not judge who was stronger than Gao Ge and Zhou Mo. . So he threw this question to Gao Ge and Zhou Mo.

"What should I say?" Zhou Mo scratched his head. "I don't think Liang Chen's order is better than mine. But I wasn't the one I played against in the game. It's usually Su Ge. Shooter, different positions are not easy to compare ... "

"If you can't beat it, you can't beat it. Check out the order that will be suppressed by the shooter alone." Gao Ge said to He Yu.

"It's just as good to change to Liangchen!" Zhou Mo tried to defend himself.

"It seems that Su Ge is very strong!" He Yu said. The shooter's survivability is poor, and the output is usually only reflected in the middle and late stages. Usually, the dare to suppress the line only when there is auxiliary help. If a single person is on the line, they will basically be suppressed by the opposite side under the tower and dare not go out lightly. In turn, being able to single-handedly suppress the opponents, this requires a strong personal strength to make up. Zhou Mohao said that he is also the king's rank, and will be suppressed by the shooter alone, so the strength of Su Ge can be seen from this.

"Yes, Sun Shangxiang, the strongest national costume." Gao Ge said.

The strongest national service!

Even in the five years when he only focused on the professional circle, He Yu will not be unfamiliar with this title. This is probably the highest achievement a player can achieve in the game. Many professional players in the professional circle have been explored by the professional circle because they carried such a name, and finally set foot on the professional field.

After becoming a professional player, you need to broaden the depth of the hero pool, plus most of the games are completed in training games or official games. There is basically no energy to maintain the strongest name of the national service that needs to be maintained by a large number of in-game qualifying wins, so professional players will no longer occupy this position. This position is always the strongest title of a single hero outside the professional circle.

And Su Ge is the strongest Sun Shangxiang in national service. The translation basically means the one who played Sun Shangxiang best among professional players.

In the game where he teamed up with Su Ge, He Yu chose Genghis Khan to take up the shooter position. Su Ge finally played a helping hand to let He Yu miss the appreciation of the strongest national costume.

Sun Shangxiang, a hero, was used by Zhang Shichi of the natural selection team in the opener of this season, which is a model of crit. Gunshot headshot terrible damage has always been the most powerful output point in the team. In the game with Su Ge and them, He Yu ’s shooter Genghis Khan ended up embarrassingly taking only 10.3% of the output. In the end, the team ’s output was mainly concentrated on the two heroes Zhuge Liang and Pei Qihu Yu once thought that their output core is the mid laner and the wild position, and now it is known that the original shooter Su Ge is the real devil of their team.

It is usually the assassin jungler who can target the shooter. However, at Wave 7 they are currently in charge of junglers, Li Sijie and Zhao Jinran, two of whom are still unclear. Rely on these two people to target Sun Shangxiang, the strongest national costume? He Yu estimates that it may not be enough to package and send it together.

"It turns out that Su Ge is so strong, he played with the assistant in the game with him that day." He Yu sighed.

"In our current situation, if we really meet Suger, I'm afraid no one can restrain him." Gao Ge said.

"I don't know what would happen if that Schrödinger's cat played wild." He Yu suddenly thought of the Athena she met in the first game today.

"If it's really a professional player, maybe it's okay." Gao Ge said.

Is it not a professional player who can be stronger than the strongest national service? Gao Ge said nothing wrong. But even for professional players, Gao Ge still uses the word "probably" in the wording, which can be said to be very important to Su Ge's strength.

"Doesn't it end immediately if we meet in the first round?" He Yu said.

"Not so bad?" Zhou Mo said.

"If you really want to meet, what is the solution?" Gao Ge said.

Several people entered the cafeteria during the talk. At this time, not many people in the canteen are still eating, just because the canteen is the largest and the food supply is the most, so when the other two canteens are closed for cleaning, the second canteen can still have some food left.

But one can imagine the taste of this last dish. It was not the first time for He Yu to come to school for a week, and it was not the first time to come to the second canteen to eat at this point. I knew that there was no room for choice. After the three of them casually cooked some leftover food together, they found a place to continue eating and talking.

"If you meet Suger if you want to come up, it would be too bad." Zhou Mo continued the topic that made him panic.

"If you want to take the first place, you will meet sooner or later." He Yu said.

"But at least let's find two more reliable teammates ... Li Sijie and Zhao Jinran? Alas ..." Zhou Mo is a kind man, but after today's incident, he was finally desperate for these two.

"A little more reliable than these two?" He Yu said.

"Trust us, it's not easy to get these two uncles," Gao Ge said.

"How did you get it?" He Yu asked curiously.

"Ask him." Gao Ge looked at Zhou Mo.

"It's soft and hard to soak, and the food card is almost exploded by these two goods. It hasn't been more than a third this month ..." Zhou Mo sighed.

"Senior Brother is working hard." He Yu also only smiled bitterly.

"It's nothing to suffer, but how reliable are you!" The honest people became more and more angry, and their voices suddenly increased by an octave.

"Who is unreliable and annoyed by our counsel?" A grinning voice was heard from behind Zhou Mo at this time.