The King’s Moment

v6 Chapter 62: The role of Yixing

"The opposite blue BUFF will be refreshed soon." He Yu shouted in the voice channel of Team 6.

The focus of Xu Hexiang's attention off the court, He Yu on the court has also paid attention to it. As for the memory of BUFF refresh time, it is completely basic operation for He Yu. He would consciously do these things when he was still a bronze. Although it sounds like a fool to report this information to his teammates in the Bronze Bureau, He Yu managed to stick to this habit after all. Up to now, these things are as instinctively as he is, and I have to say that memory such things can sometimes be trained.

"Roger that."


The teammates had heard He Yu talk about the arrangements for this wave, and they were now in this half of the area. After hearing the sound, the mid laner Yang Yuhuan and the wild boar Bajie all started to move towards the opposite blue zone for the first time.

The deployment of Team 5 looks more grand. In front of and behind Yang Qi Luna, supporting Liu Bang, jungler Sun Ce and Zhongdan Yixing closely followed. Mo Du's Baili Shouyue didn't follow this closely, but he was also participating remotely, already hiding under the wall. The red line of Breath of the Wind was aimed at the blue pit.

This is their own blue BUFF, they will only remember the refresh time more clearly than He Yu. Almost as soon as the blue light started, the moment the blue monster began to refresh, the gun shot!

The farthest Baili kept the contract and launched the first strike, which was a blind sniper. They also expected that the 6th team would definitely come to grab the blue monster, and Mo Du simply came towards the intersection where the 5th team must pass. Such a shot.

"It's hit!" The large troops rushing to the blue pit also opened their vision at this time, seeing Zhu Bajie being hit by the shot of Baili Shou. Even if the damage of Baili's contract compliance at this stage is not terrifying to Zhu Bajie, this first smashing shot still boosted the morale of the 5 team. But immediately, exclamation marks lit up on their heads.

"Be careful with King Lanling." Yang Qi reminded subconsciously.

"Dare he enter?" Sun Ce disapproved. The heroes were assembled in a group and in good condition. King Lanling entered the arena first at this time, no matter which target he was looking for, there would be only one end. What's more, the heroes of Team 5 are not particularly afraid of King Lanling, including some Crispy Luna, Yixing and Baili Shou. They all have self-protection means.

As soon as Sun Ce's words fell, the exclamation mark disappeared. It was indeed impossible for King Lanling to enter the arena first under such circumstances.

"Pay attention to keeping skills." Yang Qi was still cautious, and said as though he was still eager to try after seeing the opponent Zhu Bajie hit Baili's contract.

"Pull in the grass and fight." Sun Ce said to Liu Bang who was driving the blue monster. They not only want to get this blue buff, but also hope that it can be given to Luna of Yang Qi. But Luna's summoner skills on Yang Qi's side did not choose to smash. In such a melee, she would need to completely control the scene if she wanted to win the blue buff. Pulling the monster into the grass so that the opponent can't see the blue monster's life bar will undoubtedly make it easier to control the field.

"Everyone is there." He Yu had already seen the enemy's situation with the invisible approach of King Lanling.

"I can't do this, right?" Zhou Mo's Zhu Bajie is still wandering. He has a certain economic advantage and he is certainly worthwhile facing melee heroes, but there are really a lot of people on the opposite side, and there is a hero like Yi Xing. In this link that requires combat in a fixed area, Yixing's big move Tianyuan has a huge effect.

"It looks like it's always going to be done." He Yu said, his Lanling King had already turned around. From the perspective of watching the game, it was clear that the blue zone facing the 5 teams of good guys was just Zhou Mo's Zhu Bajie.

"Senior brother, don't push too much." He Yu this still exhorted.

"How could he." Gao Ge laughed. She was only worried that Zhou Mo would not be able to put pressure on the other side, but she was not worried about the pressure being too much.

Zhou Mo didn't say a word, his attention at this time was called concentration. Zhu Bajie carried the nail rake and moved closer to the blue pit grass carefully, as if he was calculating the damage, at any time a meat bomb trampoline might jump in and **** the final blow.


The gun fired again, and Baili's breath of wind hit Zhu Bajie again. With two shots down, Zhu Bajie's bloodline looks a little unhealthy, and the busy heroes in the grass can't bear it.

"I'll fight when I get the blue." Yang Qi has already given the next instructions.

"Okay." Yixing on the 5th team is also ready to go. As long as there are people from the 6th team, his big move Tianyuan will immediately cover this area. In fact, this is the scene they most want to see. Under the envelope of Tianyuan, they both kill and get BUFF.

But in the end...

Captive moment!

At the very crucial final moment, Zhu Bajie did not enter the field after all, but dropped his big move and built the high wall directly into the grass. This also caused a panic on the 5th team. Yi Xing hurriedly put down Tian Yuan, but before anyone from the 6th team came into the field, even Zhu Bajie turned away after dropping the big move.

"Cheated a big one." Zhou Mo counted this as his own credit and happily informed his teammates.

"Pretty." He Yu praised. Yi Xing's ultimate CD is 80 seconds long, which is of great use in such a wild game. It is also very meaningful to be able to fool Yi Xing's big move in a wave of abandoned competition.

And all this, even Xu Hexiang only remembered when he saw it.

For this blue, the 6th team did not intend to grab it, because the 5th team has Yixing. This is also the reason why Xu Hexiang let the 5 team mid laner choose this strange hero. As a result, he himself had overlooked this original intention a little bit. Instead, the 6th team kept in mind the important role of Yi Xing in the competition for resources in the wild. In this wave of blue, they are just bluffing, and all lines are well hidden. It looks like all the staff are going to come here to make trouble, but in fact?

They didn't play in the blue zone, but at this time they were lying in ambush in the red zone. The 5 teams currently don't know anything about it. After all, there were only three quiet eyes in Baili's promise.

Seeing that the 5 teams successfully got the blue BUFF from Luna, they spread out beamingly. Their positions on the field have been adjusted. Yi Xing has changed to defend the line against the road. Luna will then be responsible for the center line and wander around, while Baili Shou will go to the development road. This road seems to be what the 5 teams want to advance next, and Yesuke, who is left to clean up the small wild monsters, seems to be ready to clear the wild and come to find opportunities for development.

But the spectator's perspective, no one paid attention to this side at all.

What they saw was Yi Xing who was heading for the confrontation road, step by step approaching the ambush of the 6 teams in the red zone. He didn't realize the crisis here, so the moment he approached the grass, he became a corpse.

"They are in the red zone, be careful!"

This is Yi Xing's last words, but they are all superfluous. Where else do they need to be careful? Luna, who had originally cleared the center line, would go to the Red Field area, but now she dares to pass alone. After counting the ambushing heroes on the opposite side, I probably estimated the distribution of the opposite heroes. Yang Qi's Luna was very decisive and drilled towards the blue zone of the 6th team.