The Koi Fairy Wife Is Sweet as Honey (Love from The Koi Goddess)

Chapter 1018: Violent

Lu Zhengya was a little surprised by this question.

He didn't accidentally ask himself the host, but the content of the question.

His tone was a little puzzled: "Do I need any reason to build a manor for Jinli?"


It really is a couple.

Chatting is all a style-people can't continue.

She smiled and forcibly continued: "This way, such a manor that costs a lot of money and effort, Mr. Lu must have a deep love for Jinli."

Lu Zhengya's indifferent face showed an expression of "Of course so": "My thoughts on Jinli are clear. But there is one thing you said wrong."


Lu Zhengya calmly said: "For me, this manor is far from the level of spending huge sums of money."


I believe you two are husband and wife now!

You two are just the same!

Can you die without pretending to speak well?

Envy of our real name!

Before she burst into tears, she forced her expression management, which caused her look to be hideous for a moment.

"Hehe." She smiled, "That's it."

At this time, the group of experts squatting on the ground also got up.

An Boming, an angry old man, saw Lu Zhengya at a glance.

In all fairness, the aura on Lu Zhengya's body is quite bluffing, and Jane didn't dare to get in touch with him when ordinary people met him.

But at this moment the old man was on fire, and he broke out as soon as he saw him.

He walked straight to Lu Zhengya, pointed at him and asked, "Are you the Lu Zhengya? The owner who organized the construction of this manor?"

Lu Zhengya glanced at him: "It's me, what's the matter?"

"You still asked me what's wrong!" Speaking of this old gentleman, he was angry, "So, you are the one who used mutton fat and white jade to pave the floor and forcibly change Dongzhu's appearance. The violent fool?!"

This old gentleman has been gentle and elegant throughout his life, cultivated his body and cultivated his vitality, and hardly ever got angry with others.

"Stupid" is already the most vicious and most serious word in his life dictionary.

To push him to this level, one can imagine how angry the old man was.

Lu Zhengya: "..."

His whole body sank in an instant, and he looked at Mr. An coldly.

Very few people, and no one has scolded him like this for a long time.

The host on the side couldn't bear this feeling a little, and subconsciously took a step back.

Lu Zhengya said coldly: "My own things, I use them as I want. I am happy, Jinli is happy, even if we hold our hands and throw them in the water, it is our own business. What to do with you? "

What to do with you.

It can be said to be quite provocative.

Mr. An was so angry that he took a deep breath for two seconds before he said, "Your stuff has nothing to do with me. But, such a high-grade baby, take a little less stuff, don't you really feel bad about it?"

Lu Zhengya glanced at him.

He saw that the old man in front of him had no bad thoughts, and he was so simple to indulge in various studies all his life, so he was willing to talk to him more.

"What is spoiled?" He shook his head, "For me, one thing that makes me and Jinli happy is its value."

He pointed to the bottom, then pointed to the front, and said, "They are piled up in the collection room. They are just a pile of light-emitting dead objects. Maybe I won't look at them for many years. Isn't this bad?"

"And now, they are under my feet, beside me. Jinli and I are happy looking at them."

"That's the realization of value, old gentleman."


Better than a heart? Good night~