The Koi Fairy Wife Is Sweet as Honey (Love from The Koi Goddess)

Chapter 1077: Married is great

But again, since it's all about this, I can only say it clearly.

The director expressed his thoughts and asked if he could have some dried fruit of Jinli as a gift.

Lu Zhengya frowned, and refused coldly: "No."

Dried fruit is a small snack that Xiaoxianyu likes. If it weren't for Jinli to talk like that at the time, he wouldn't even give it to other people in the car.

The director did not give up: "...we can pay a high price..."

Lu Zhengya interrupted him: "Director, do you think I am short of money?"

The director was dumb.

Lu Zhengya's tone was cold: "This dried fruit is a snack for Jinli. We came this time and didn't prepare too much. So I can't give it to you."

What can the director say?

Of course shut up.

The movement on Lu Zhengya's side certainly attracted the attention of others.

Jin Li finished solving the string of squid whiskers in her hand, her spicy mouth was red, and she asked him what was wrong while drinking ice water.

Lu Zhengya shook his head: "It's not an important thing."

It’s not something important, just ignore it.

Jin Li started to eat with his chopsticks the shrimp that Lu Zhengya had peeled for herself.

The six people ordered a big round table and ordered a large table full of delicious food. Looking at it, judging from the remaining number of trophies on the table, Jin Li was the one who ate the most.

After all, Mo Mo's food intake is normal, and Long Hao has no preference for food. After a few bites, it's almost the same.

As for Lu Zhengya... he spends most of his time eating Jinli.

Mo Mo looked at the pile of food in front of Jinli, rubbing his stomach, a little envious: "You have a good appetite for Jinli, but don't you worry about getting fat after eating so much?"

Although she is taking the singer's route, this circle always has demands on her face.

Since entering the circle, she has paid more attention to her appearance and figure. Although she is not as strict as some idol actors, she does not dare to eat whatever she wants to eat like ordinary people. Up.

Like now.

If it were before the change, facing such a table of delicacies, she would go straight on with a whimper.

Just give up when it tastes good.

Where is it like now, pick two favorites to taste, drink a glass of white water, and dare not eat more-she eats two more high-calorie barbecues, and she has to spend several hours in the gym. Consume this energy.

When Jin Li heard this, she was content to swallow a mouthful of shrimp meat.

This late-night snack shop tasted really good. She glanced at Mo Mo and stroked her stomach with a smile: "I'm not afraid, I can't eat fat. Never worry about betraying the food."

As she spoke, she glanced at Lu Zhengya: "Right, Lu Zhengya."

Lu Zhengya nodded.

Seeing him move, Jin Li reached out and stopped: "Hey, don't peel it, I can come by myself, and you can eat too."

Lu Zhengya kept on holding, "I don't like to eat these things. It's happier to see you eating than myself."

Other people on the table: "..."

Falling in love is amazing.

No, it should be said that people who are married are great.

We should not sit on the table, we should lie on the bottom of the table.

From afar, I found an inconspicuous corner to follow the photographer. I couldn't hear the conversation, but the picture could still be captured.

For example, Lu Zhengya peeled shrimp for Jinli.

The photographer thought about the nationality and traffic of the two, and thought that if this section is released, the hot search will be stable.