The Koi Fairy Wife Is Sweet as Honey (Love from The Koi Goddess)

Chapter 1079: Exposure 1

Jin Li: "..."

She always felt very familiar with this conversation.

After thinking about it, she whispered: "Usually in novels, people who say such things are cannon fodder. Those who don't appear in a chapter."

Her voice was not very loud, only people on her side heard it.

As a result, the originally tense atmosphere was stunned by her.

Su Hexiang smiled: "Shut up at this time."

Lu Qingyuan is not in a good mood right now.

He is currently at a stage where he has just discovered his true feelings in his heart, and realizes how much he has done, and is trying to mend the relationship with his sweetheart.

It was the stage when he didn't know how to treat Su Hexiang, and felt that no matter how careful he was, he couldn't be too much.

Encountered such a group of people.

This group of people also tried to molest Su Hexiang.

Even a man can't bear it.

He couldn't bear it.

So he took a step forward, ready to speak.

——The result was another step ahead.

Lu Qingyuan: "..."

It's this Wen Hao again.

Long Hao took two steps forward, facing everyone in front of him lightly.

He has only one of more than a dozen other people.

Even when he was wearing a hat, the collar of his coat was pulled high, making it difficult to see the appearance. But his superior height and powerful aura made him a dozen or so couples, and he didn't even lose the wind at all.

Most of the surrounding guests have already got up, and a few have left, most of them watch the excitement around the outer circle, and those who are in trouble even took out their phones to make videos.

Long Hao remembered his personal settings very much, and said, "Don't forget that I am a martial arts coach. Besides, coming here, another job is to protect your safety, right?"

Lu Qingyuan: "???"

I am a big man, what do you want to protect?

He was about to speak when he was slapped on the arm.

Lu Qingyuan turned around and it was Jinli.

Jinli said to him: "Long...Wen Hao alone is fine, he is very powerful. Also, a few of us, the popularity is too high, if you go out and do things with others, we will probably be recognized. Then it will be true If you want to leave, you can’t leave. Don’t try your best, let Wen Hao solve it alone, and we’ll leave."

Lu Qingyuan hesitated: "Can he do it alone? There are so many people on the other side."

Jin Li: "..."

She said in her heart that just the group of guys, another ten times would not be high enough, Captain Lenglong cut it with one sword.

She thought about it, stretched out her hand to compare two fingers, and said, "Two minutes."

Mo Mo was at a loss: "What two minutes?"

Jin Li shook her finger: "I bet, this group of people will be solved by Wen Hao within two minutes."

Mo Mo widened his eyes: "So amazing?"

Jinli smiled: "You can see it."

There are not many conflicts between men.

Not to mention when one party drank alcohol.

Go straight, and you're done.

As a result, the crowd around the audience stunned and admired the effort of Huaguo.

One by one, adult men with fat and strong bodies, under Long Hao's hands, they kicked one by one like a light cotton bag.

Someone around murmured: "Isn't this really making a movie? Isn't it a trust?"

His companion pulled him, motioning him to look at the broken plastic chair next door.

Within two minutes, a bunch of people lay on the ground.

Long Hao turned his head, just about to call someone to leave, there was a scream not far away: "I know who it is! Wen Hao!"


see you later.