The Koi Fairy Wife Is Sweet as Honey (Love from The Koi Goddess)

Chapter 1080: Exposure 2

Long Hao turned around for a while, and then said nothing, raised his hand to press his hat, and hurriedly looked at several people: "Hurry up."

But it was too late.

When "Wen Hao" was called out, most of the people looked blank, but there were still many young people in this big night snack shop.

Most people who play Weibo have clicked in and read the hot searches these days.

What has been the most lively these days?

Of course it is "Travel with Me".

The name Wen Hao, because of that superior face and aura, successfully got a name from many netizens.

So as soon as the girl called out, everyone looked at Long Hao and his companions.

I have a personal guess in my head, and if I look at someone, I can match the number instantly.

There are six people at their table.

There are six guests in "Traveling with Me".

Everyone who came for supper generally dressed more casually. These six people not only dressed strictly, but also had to wear hats with the brim down to block their faces. They were obviously incompatible with the people around them.

Looking at the figures of a few people, the shorter girls are very slender, and the men are tall, thin, and tall. Standing in a crowd is different from ordinary people.

Three men and women.

One is Wen Hao.


The crowd suddenly became a commotion, and many people ignored the group of people who were still lying on the ground and swarmed here.

Going closer, the places where the hat can't block are revealed.

Some people almost screamed: "My innocence is God of Land!"

"That's Jinli, half of the face is really skin Shengxue!"

"Is the person next to Jinli Dad Lu? Dad Lu is so tall"

"Ahhhhh, you can't admit your mistakes? Are they really a few of them?"

"I'm sure Wen Hao will not admit his mistakes. His aura and figure are so beautiful. I watched the video dozens of times during the live broadcast. It is impossible to admit his mistakes, it is him!"

"The few fights just now are really handsome, isn't Wen Hao a martial arts coach? I thought it was just a personal design, but I didn't expect it to be so handsome..."


Several people:"……"

Long Hao took a look: "Why are you still stunned? Let's go!"

Su Hexiang looked at the person in front of him, and smiled bitterly: "How can this run?"

In order to keep a low profile, they chose a corner specially.

At this moment, there is a wall behind and people in front.

Long Hao glanced at Jinli, and the two exchanged glances.

Long Hao whispered: "Just follow me."

After speaking, he took off his hat.

A beautiful face made of ice and snow appeared in front of everyone without reservation.

The original noisy crowd was shocked by this sudden crit.

Long Hao looked around the people coldly, his eyes seemed to have an unbearable strength, and the few people who rushed to the front even couldn't help taking two steps back under such gazes.

Long Hao raised his leg and walked forward.

The people in front of him couldn't help but leave him a way.

Jin Li shouted a few people to keep up.

The crowd began to commotion again, and some even couldn't help but walk forward to get close to Jinli and his group. Long Hao just dangled and didn't know how to do it with his hands. Pulling and pushing, the crowd in front felt it. Strong, couldn't help but retreat.

These spaces are enough for a few people to leave the shop quickly.

Several people ignored the screams behind them, quickly got into the car and moved away from this place.


Good night everyone~