The Koi Fairy Wife Is Sweet as Honey (Love from The Koi Goddess)

Chapter 1108: Brother Ahao

But think about it, forget it.

He clicked on the Weibo homepage and saw the hot searches related to him.


#文季明文昊 Relationship#New

Clicking in and taking a look, Long Hao exited and went directly to Wen Jiming's Weibo homepage.

The latest update contains three photos.

He bowed his head and looked at these three photos for a long time, his eyes were calm, as if through these three photos, he saw something more distant.

He has all three photos.

Since childhood, living in a large yard, neighbors have a very good relationship with each other. He and Wen Jiming are more familiar with each other because of their similar age.

When his parents died unexpectedly early, a grandfather took them with him.

Of course, in the TV drama plot, there is no such thing as being bullied and squeezed out by others seeing him without parents.

People in the same compound all know each other. In the lives of ordinary people, where does so much intrigue come from?

On the contrary, the big guy pityed him for his young age and lost his parents. Although there is a nanny at home, there are some things that are not easy to do. Everyone can help.

Besides, even though there is only one old man left in the Long Family, he is still counted in the compound in terms of status.

So Long Hao grew up, and apart from his inherent weakness, he never suffered from anything beside him.

Of course, Mr. Long is getting older and doesn't have much energy to take him around to play. Wen Jiming liked this good-looking brother since he was a child, and often took him with him.

The conditions of the two families are not bad. In addition to his birthday every year, Wen Jia remembers to take a photo album for Wen Jiming, and usually takes various daily photos of him.

Every time, Wen Jiming remembered to print out a photo of the two people and give it to Grandpa Long.

These photos were carefully kept by Mr. Long and turned into a thick and large album.

Until now, it has been so many years since Mr. Long passed away, and only Long Hao is left in the Long Family.

All that was left for him was the thick album.


Long Hao recovered from the memory, he sighed without a trace, bowed his head, and turned over the comments below.

He quickly understood why Wen Jiming made this dynamic.

Knowing where things came from, he couldn't help but look a little ugly.

I knew the depth of this circle, but I didn't expect it to spill on myself so quickly.

Not only himself, but also Wen Jiming.

He did not talk nonsense, opened his WeChat record and sent a message to a contact.

When I quit, I glanced at a certain group by the way.

Sure enough, the group was discussing him.

[Is the captain so cute when he was young? 】

[If I met the captain of my childhood, the captain would be my first love]

[White Tree, take advantage of the captain’s absence, if the captain sees you, it’s over]

[But the captain is really good-looking...]

[Hahaha The appearance of the two-year-old captain holding his brother's hand is too milky, right? 】

[Save and save! This is a confidential photo that can never be seen normally! 】


These are the most recent news.

Long Hao snorted coldly in his heart, said nothing or disturbed them.

Let's talk about it.

When he settles the matter on Mo Mo's side, when he returns, they will know what it is, the price to pay if you can't control your mouth!

Back to Weibo again, Long Hao thought for a while, and Aite said to Wen Jiming:

Wen Hao v: Thank you brother. [Hold fist]

Fans suddenly jumped under his Weibo:

[Brother Ahao also tweeted]

[Ahao's brother called his brother, so good! 】


Good night~