The Koi Fairy Wife Is Sweet as Honey (Love from The Koi Goddess)

Chapter 1142: Backlash

They set up the magic array on the Daomen, basically one person set up the array, several people swept the array.

What's more, Jinli's formation is not ordinary.

Long Hao took another look at Jin Li, then thought about her identity.

Forget it, shut up.

The world of immortals is not something mortal can understand.

Mo Mo opened his mouth and looked at the huge magic circle on the ground that was both mysterious and gorgeous, still glowing.

It's like watching a big special effects movie.

She looked at Jin Li with a complicated expression, feeling that her three views had been impacted.

Jin Li pointed to the ground: "Go, stand up."

Mo Mo was a little scared: "Stand up? I won't be in any danger, am I?"

Jin Li: "With me, you can rest assured."

Mo Mo was still hesitating, she added slowly: "If you want to do it, you have to do it. If you don't want to do it, you have to do it, so be quick."

Mo Mo: "..."

She gritted her teeth, stepped forward, and stepped in with one foot.

In an instant, the magic circle was radiant, forming a beam of light that surrounded Mo Mo.

Mo Mo only felt that her whole body was empty, she could see nothing, could hear nothing, and her consciousness seemed to be floating in the depths of the vast universe and galaxy.

Outside of the formation, Jin Li looked at Long Hao, and said with emotion: "Look, speaking a good word as a guarantee is not as effective as a threat."

Long Hao: "..."

He had never seen Jin Li's formation, and asked, "What are you going to do next?"

Jin Li: "Simple."

She said to Mo Mo: "You go forward, go forward, do you see a lot of mist, various colors, floating around?"

Mo Mo, who was in a daze, suddenly heard this voice in his ear, like a thunderstorm, gathering her loose mind again.

She didn't have the slightest thought of resisting and questioning this voice, and walked forward as she said, and saw the twining silky fog lights in front.

It's pretty.

The voice continued: "That's your things, now, reach out, grab those things and take them away."

what is that?

Mo Mo didn't know, but followed the instructions of the voice and came to these things.

Then, reach out

She noticed the resistance, but the resistance was not violent to her, and she easily took these things into her hands.

When she left, she seemed to vaguely hear a man's roar.

It's not true, listen carefully and it's gone.

Mo Mo didn't take it seriously.

Then, her eyes were blank.

When I came back to my senses, I saw familiar furnishings and three people sat in front of them.

And she herself, standing on the carpet.

The mind returned in an instant, and she remembered what had just happened, lowered her head, and her feet were clean, as if the magic circle had never existed.

She remembered something, then looked at her hands.

The same is clean, those colorful silk mists do not exist.

She was a little dazed: "I just..." Did she have a dream?

"Not a dream." Jin Li answered her doubts.

Jin Li said with a smile, "What you have to do is done."

"Done?" Mo Mo repeated, his eyes brightened, "Then my backlash..."

Long Hao: "If you do injustice, you will suffer backlash. If you go back, you can offset most of the sins."

This means that it is impossible to have no backlash.

Mo Mo was a little nervous: "Then what will I meet? I won't be able to bear my life anymore?


Good night