The Koi Fairy Wife Is Sweet as Honey (Love from The Koi Goddess)

Chapter 426: I don't like selling miserable

Although she felt that something was wrong, she felt that Jin Li's words were very reasonable.

"So," Jin Li concluded, "I'm so happy, how great. Still say..."

She was very careful and asked: "Do you want to see me sad?"

"No, of course not!" Lan Ting quickly denied.

But when she said this, her mind started to fill up Jinli's tears while she was biting at the corner...

It's a bit **** sweet.

Stop it!

Lan Ting shook her head, throwing this unharmonious thought out of her mind.

Therefore, Lan Ting was fooled successfully.

Lan Ting knew, and within half an hour, of course Sister Qing knew about it.

She hurried over from home and confirmed the matter with Jinli.

With the eyes of an agent, she almost quickly worked out a series of marketing plans in her mind.

"The eldest lady who was originally aloft was framed by others, and she was abused for more than 20 years in a horrible place, and finally relied on her own efforts to counterattack strongly. Although this story is bloody, it is not classic. Your tortuous and bizarre life experience is definitely It's a big hit." Sister Qing said definitely.

She and Jinli analyzed: "You have enough fans now, but you have gone too smoothly along the way. Although fans like you, they may not be so loyal. This wave of production, properly operated, can definitely earn enough tears and solidify fans. , Let them feel sorry for you and pity you, and thus they will die to you."

Don't you see, there are so many miserable stars in the circle.

No matter how many people complain about it, you have to admit that this trick is very useful.

Jin Pears are good and don't need to be sold. Naturally, there is a classic life story here.

Sister Qing had already thought of 1234 follow-up plans in her mind.

But Jin Li, who was sitting across from her, frowned.

"I refuse." She said simply and neatly.

Sister Qing's eyes narrowed: "Why?"

Don't look at Jin Li Chengri's chuckle and heartlessness, he doesn't care about most things.

But after working together for so long, Sister Qing has already understood her temperament-although Xianyu, she has independent opinions.

Except for beauty and narcissism, she rarely expresses her own opinions, but if she expresses her opinions in such a serious tone.

Well, most of the decision is made.

Jin Li's eyebrows are still frowning, she is a natural beauty face, and there is nothing unsightly in her facial features, and she is moving in anger, madness, joy and anger. At this moment, frowning doesn't affect her appearance at all. On the contrary, it makes people want to hold out everything about themselves and put them in front of her, hoping to smooth out this shallow trace of depression.

Jinli answered simply: "I don't like this."

Sister Qing sighed and tried to reason with her and convince her: "Jinli, you can't be so self-willed. You see, so many celebrities who have no stories need someone to make up a set of stories to earn tears. This is our opportunity. And, let’s not say anything else, with a pair of parents who have a superb reputation and status, your reputation in the circle and the way forward will have to go too much."

Just take a look at Su Hexiang.

Jin Li remained unmoved: "But I don't like it."

She looked at Sister Qing and repeated the sentence seriously: "I don't like it."

There are no more benefits than she is unhappy.

Sister Qing: "..."

Jin Li snorted: "Moreover, why should I learn from other people and earn fans by selling miserables? Is I not beautiful enough or cute enough to be liked?"