The Koi Fairy Wife Is Sweet as Honey (Love from The Koi Goddess)

Chapter 444: I only saw the big brilliance

Jin Li blinked her eyes and asked curiously, "Is it like a beloved star?"

Lu Zhengya said quickly: "The beloved star is also inside."

I didn't expect Jin Li to always remember that necklace.

In this case, he took it out and gave it to her.

Lu Zhengya thought a little bit sweetly in his heart: Unexpectedly, things that couldn't be given out at that time could still be delivered to Jinli.

"That's great," Jin Li said with a smile.

Lu Zhengya quickly said, "Then, go see it tomorrow?"

His collection room is in Lu's old house.

In fact, he doesn't live there, and he doesn't usually go there much.

Putting the collection room there is because the place where he usually lives is uncertain, but the old house is always there.

One reason is that the safety factor of the Lu family’s old house is much stronger than other places.

Jin Li nodded and said yes.

When Lu Jianzhen saw this, he said bitterly, "Can I go and have a look together?"

Jin Li didn’t know Lu Zhengya’s habit, and she was still wondering what was wrong with it. Just about to speak, Lu Zhengya quickly said: "Sister, you are not busy preparing for the exhibition these days, even sleeping I'm very nervous, where can I go back to the old house?

Lu Jianzhen: "..."

She gritted her teeth: "Haha."

Sure enough, his brother.

So picky.

She couldn't help but remember the experience of returning home last time.

Lu Zhengya's friend only asked her to take a look at the door, really only one.

She stood outside the door, and Lu Zhengya opened the layers of codes. The moment the door of the collection room opened, she had no time to see the large radiance and closed her eyes subconsciously—

Just a short moment.

Lu Zhengya closed the door!

She didn't see anything at all.

It happened that the stingy man still plausibly said: "Yes, stand outside the door and take a look. You have already seen it."

When speaking, he still had a painful look, as if he had taken a lot of advantage.

Lu Jianzhen's expression became more distorted the more he thought about it, and he wanted to go back to the past, and hung up Lu Zhengya, who had not yet grown up, to give him a hard blow.

Why haven't you grown up yet?

Because Lu Zhengya who grew up is taller, stronger, and stronger than her.

——Can't beat it.

Lu Jianzhen winked at Lu Zhengya: "I followed Jinli for a fun look."

Lu Zhengya calmly turned his eyes back and refused: "No!"

Lu Jianzhen: "I spent so much thought to help you chase your wife! Little white-eyed wolf! Just take a look at what's wrong?"

Lu Zhengya was unwilling to show weakness: "Apart from me, there is my wife. No one can look at it. Neither can my sister!"

Lu Jianzhen: "Bah!"

Lu Zhengya: "Heh."


The exchange ends here.

The two brothers and sisters broke up unhappy.

However, this silent communication did not affect Jin Li.

She didn't even notice the turbulent undercurrent between her siblings, so she happily ate a meal here at Lu Jianzhen, which was sent back by Lu Zhengya.

Lu Jianzhen finally failed to let Lu Zhengya let go.

Jin Li, who returned home, met Lan Ting's excited eyes.

The girl's eyes were sparkling, and she did not hide her gossip desire: "Jin Li Jin Li, where did you go with Mr. Lu today?"

Jin Li glanced at her sharply and asked, "What do you want to hear?"

Lan Ting blurted out: "Of course it's your two appointment..."

She reacted: "Where did you go and what did you do?"

She wronged Baba: "You don't take me, don't you let me be curious?"