The Koi Fairy Wife Is Sweet as Honey (Love from The Koi Goddess)

Chapter 448: I would never let an actor come in

"The girl is a bit knowledgeable." An old voice came from the door.

Jin Li followed the prestige, but didn't notice, the gentle expression of the man next to him was put away when he heard the sound, his expression tense, as if he was indifferent.

An old man with a cane stood at the gate.

He has gray hair, neatly combed, stern face, dressed in a dark red Tang suit embroidered with cranes and auspicious clouds, with a cane in his right hand, and his overall momentum is very similar to this house.

Jin Li glanced at the old man and then at Lu Zhengya.

She couldn't see everything about Lu Zhengya, so she was not so sure about the relationship between the two.

Lu Zhengya received his gaze, and just as he was about to speak, the old man spoke again:

"However, even if we have some knowledge, our Lu family will never marry an actor and enter the door."

Jin Li: "???"

You bad old man is so bad, why is talking so annoying?

actor? ? ?

I am a little fairy from the sky, who has lived for thousands of years, and her thinking is not as rigid as yours?

Besides, who said he would marry into your Lu family?

She puffed up her face in displeasure.

Don't tell her about respecting the elderly, she doesn't know how many rounds the old man is.

Just get angry.

Jin Li snorted: "You are so ugly, you are often scolded in private on weekdays?"

Master Lu: "?"

He glared at Lu Zhengya, blaming his head and covering his face, accusing him, "What kind of woman did you bring back? Is that so uncultured?"

Lu Zhengya looked back at him coldly: "Education is always only useful for people who are equally educated. You set an example first."

Master Lu was so angry that his chest rose and fell sharply, and pointed his crutches at the two: "You..."

Jin Li was so scared that she took a step back: "Oh, I heard that you humans, especially some old people, like to touch porcelain the most, don't you want to touch porcelain too?"

She looked at Lu Zhengya: "Is there any surveillance at your door? Remember to leave evidence later."

Master Lu: "..."

He didn't know how long he hadn't been ridiculed by someone pointing his nose so brightly, and he was so angry that he couldn't speak.

The corners of Lu Zhengya's mouth curled up: "It's okay, Master Lu can't do such a low-level thing of touching porcelain, he still wants to face."

"Unfilial son! Unfilial son!" Master Lu paused on the crutches and shouted, "Come on! Come on, close the door for me, and this unfilial son and this woman are not allowed to enter!"

Soon a team came at the door.

The leader was also an old man in Tang suit. When he saw the appearance of the two, he sighed helplessly: "Master, young master, why are you making trouble again?"

Master Lu snorted coldly, "What are you still doing? Lin Shan, close the door! Close the door for me!"

Lu Zhengya said, "Uncle Lin, my dad is getting older, and he will probably be angry for a long time when he sees my unfilial son. Otherwise, you take him to your yard to calm down. If you don't see me, he might be fine. Up."

Master Lu: "!"

Lu Zhengya looked back calmly.

It took a long time before Master Lu realized that the person he had called hadn't moved at all.

"Are you all dead? Close the door for me!"

Still nobody moved.

Including the housekeeper, they just sighed: "Master, you, calm down."

Master Lu was taken aback, his wrinkled face showed an expression of anger and anger.

Lu Zhengya calmly looked at this scene before him, smiled mockingly in his heart, and stated the facts coldly: "Dad, how many times have you emphasized it, now, the owner of Lu Zhai is me."


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