The Koi Fairy Wife Is Sweet as Honey (Love from The Koi Goddess)

Chapter 459: Round up...

Jin Li stepped back, holding her head, and said unhappily, "Don't touch my head."

Lu Zhengya: "Why?"

Jin Li snorted: "I don't like it."

Lu Zhengya didn't mind either. He glanced at the house full of jewels with nostalgia, and said firmly, "You should take your things back."

Jin Li asked strangely: "Why? I have many, many, many things. My little treasure house has been saved for thousands of years. To me, this is not a mere dime."

She is a very generous little fairy to an approved friend, waved her hand, and said proudly: "If you say it is for you, it is yours if you like it."

Lu Zhengya had such a momentary heartbeat.

But this heartbeat was quickly defeated by another stronger emotion-he found that the wife he had saved for so many years was not as much as his wife.

This perception is too sad.

He sighed: "You better take it back."

Jinli asked, "Don't you like it?"

Lu Zhengya nodded honestly: "I like it."

"That's not enough."

Lu Zhengya shook his head: "You also like my darlings, I will give them all to you, would you want them?"

Jin Li second understood what he meant.

"Okay, then." She nodded refreshingly, and neatly took these jewels back into her little treasure house.

Today's visit is temporarily over.

When the two went out, they walked to the outermost collection room, and Lu Zhengya suddenly remembered something.

"Jinli." He called her, "I remember you said, you like it very much."

"Huh?" Jin Li looked back and saw where Lu Zhengya's eyes were.

It is the beloved star.

She did not deny: "I like it, but when you took it out, I couldn't open my little treasure house."

If you can't open the small treasure house, you can't exchange something of equal value.

So she refused with pain.

Lu Zhengya listened to his words and stretched out his hand to remove it from the display stand.

"At that time you didn't want this thing I gave you, so now?" Lu Zhengya looked at her.

He whispered: "Until today, I still feel that, of all the people I have seen in this world, only you are worthy of it."

The little fairy is cute.

She looked at the necklace before her eyes.

The blue gems are shining brightly under the light and shadow, which is a beauty that transcends the material of the necklace.

She could not refuse this beauty before, but now she still cannot refuse.

"You wait a minute." Jin Li said, with a movement of her consciousness, she began to search in her little treasure house.

Lu Zhengya watched her movements, and the corners of her mouth slightly cocked, Jin Li's reaction was expected.

After searching for a long time, the little fairy fish finally found a big silver stone from a corner of the treasure house.

She looked at the stone with satisfaction, and felt that it was not very good-looking, so she whispered "change".

The stone quickly became smaller in the palm of her hand, becoming the size of a thumb. Jin Li thought about it, and then pulled out a silk from the small treasure house, turned it into a black string, and strung it together.

"Here you!" She smiled and handed the quick version necklace to Lu Zhengya.

"This is Tianchi Silverstone, a very precious stone, only in the Tianchi where I live. Wearing it, you can bring good luck and protect safety."

Jin Li happily handed the necklace to Lu Zhengya, and then comfortably accepted the beloved star in the other's palm.


President Ba: Rounding up, this is the exchange of tokens of love.

Today 8 is over.

See you in the early morning.

There is also a monthly pass for more than 1500 plus a change, let's wait a bit, anyway, it will be added in these two days, okay?