The Koi Fairy Wife Is Sweet as Honey (Love from The Koi Goddess)

Chapter 518: Jinli chose me

Jin Li wrinkled her face: "I don't know, I don't know that they want to speak with me."

Lu Jianzhen thought for a while: "Then you wait a moment, I will ask them, and I will call you back then."

Jin Li: "Okay."

Lu Jianzhen said again: "Don't worry about it. With your temperament and any endorsements, people will definitely make money. Basically, it's stable. Let your agent be mentally prepared."

Jin Li continued to nod her head obediently: "Okay."

After talking, I looked at Sister Qing today: "Sister said that her endorsement is very stable."

Sister Qing sighed, "I guessed it when I heard you chat."

She thought about it for a long time, and after listening to the dialogue between Jinli and Lu Jianzhen, she seemed to finally make a decision: "Jinli, I have something to talk to you."

Jin Li continued to bite the potato chips: "Huh? What's the matter?"

Sister Qing looked at her and said, "You are now walking a path that I have never met and is safe and different from a regular artist."

Jin Li blinked and looked at her.

Sister Qing sighed: "My experience can't help you with anything, and my connections are useless to you. Jinli."

She clasped her hands on her knees, with a serious expression: "You have a good relationship with the Lu family. This is your opportunity and your ability. You can ask Mrs. Lu to pick an agent for you."

Jin Li widened her eyes in surprise, and subconsciously asked, "What about you?"

Sister Qing smiled: "It's hard for you to still think of me at this time. It's not without conscience. If you still need me, I can be an assistant to your agent. Then, I can learn more. "

She spoke very seriously and spoke very pertinent.

But Jinli has always been a little fairy who doesn't like trouble.

In accordance with the strict requirements of the industry's ability, Qing Jie is not a very top broker, and Lan Ting is not a qualified assistant in the general sense.

But what does it matter?

Satisfaction with Jinli is enough.

Jin Li frowned and vetoed her: "No."

Sister Qing was helpless: "You don't need to be willful at this time..."

Jin Li shook her head and refused again: "No need to do this."

She said seriously: "I will find another agent, and I will have to meet people again and get along with her, how tired. As for development..."

She thought about what Lu Jianzhen said, and what the Dao Sect Association promised herself, saying: "Sister Qing, don't worry, you will have resources or anything, and opportunities will come by yourself."

Sister Qing: "..."

Jin Li looked at her earnestly: "If you come to the door if you have something to do, you can just continue. Don't think about it too much. If you are tired, you can find an assistant for yourself."

Sister Qing: "..."

She was helpless and moved: "You really don't need to be like this..."

Jin Li interrupted her: "Although there is a reason why I can't bear to bear with Sister Qing, it is more to make myself comfortable. So don't burden Sister Qing."

She threw another potato chip in her mouth: "Anyway, I will always be red."

She tilted her head slightly, still chewing on her mouth, and looked not serious at all.

But many years later, when Sister Qing became the hottest broker in the world because she brought out the Queen Jinli in one hand, she still remembered this moment. When Jinli spoke this sentence, she had a certain and brilliant look in her eyes.

"Many people say that I am amazing, my eyes and beads have made me Jinli." The gray-haired sister Qing smiled and shook her head.

"Obviously, she chose me and made me."

"I just happened to be the lucky one who was selected."