The Koi Fairy Wife Is Sweet as Honey (Love from The Koi Goddess)

Chapter 52: Beloved star

Even Jin Li was stunned for a moment when she saw her.

She recovered, let out a sigh of relief, and exclaimed: "It's so beautiful."

It is indeed beautiful.

It is the kind of beauty that may not appear once in many years in the world.

Her words awakened other people who were intoxicated in this necklace.

He Ye was the first to speak, and his voice trembled because of his excitement: "This gift box, this design, yes, it's Mrs. Curty, isn't it?"

K.D, every life chief of this brand design institute, is called Mrs. Curty.

The current Mrs. Curty is 76 years old, and since 20 years ago, she has rarely seen any more works.

There is not enough material to impress her, as well as the inspiration that strikes her.

Her last work came out eleven years ago. It was a winding moon brooch, owned by the Spanish Crown Prince Princess Asturias.

Last year, Mrs. Curty held a press conference and said bluntly that it took her five years to create the most satisfying and last work of her life.

This necklace is made of Kashmir sapphires. From cutting to designing, waxing...polishing, inlaying, and the final product, she did it all by herself.

Mrs. Curty named her "Beloved Star".

She is the most perfect work of her life, the most beloved star.

Countless gem lovers and even the royal families of various countries have expressed great interest in this necklace. There are also rumors that if this beloved star is auctioned off, it can at least sell for a sky-high price of hundreds of millions of dollars.

But so far, there has been no news about whose "Love Stars" will be spent.

Who would have thought that she would appear here?

An ordinary coffee shop private room, without any bodyguard escort, was casually used to give away...

Give it away!

He Ye looked at Bai Yan almost shaking.

This person, the husband he said, can buy "Beloved Stars" and can also take her to give away casually. Who is it?

He didn't doubt it would be fake.

There are some things that you can see with your own eyes and you will understand what is incomparable and cannot be imitated.

Listening to what He Ye said, Bai Yan nodded slightly: "Mr. He has vision. This is indeed Mrs. Curty's work, and I love the stars."

He eagerly looked at Jinli: "Miss Jinli, do you still like it?"

Of course Jinli liked it, and she didn't hide her love, and nodded.

Bai Yan smiled all over his face: "If you like it, you will be very happy if you know it, sir."

Jin Li asked, "Your husband wants to give it to me?"

Bai Yan nodded, thinking Jinli thought it was too expensive, and wanted to confirm it again. He quickly promised: "Yes, sir specially bought it for you. Only you, Miss Jinli, are worthy of being unique in this world. beautiful."

I have to say that at some point, Bai Yan's words are still very reliable.

Jin Li laughed when he heard the words: "He has a vision. Indeed, without my beauty, she can't be suppressed."

Bai Yan: "..."

His smile paused for a moment, well, Miss Jinli was still so upright, unchanged.

"However, I don't want it, you can take it back." Jin Li said with a pity.

Bai Yan's smile froze suddenly.

He suspected that there was a problem with his ears.


In this world, there are women who can refuse the temptation of "beloved stars"?


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