The Koi Fairy Wife Is Sweet as Honey (Love from The Koi Goddess)

Chapter 612: Senji

Before Jin Li decided to take a shot, she evaluated the strength of herself and the monster opposite.

She is only 20% of the strength left and will be discounted by half, which is equivalent to a little fairy with only 10% of the strength left.

Against the last demon who recovered nearly half of his strength, he returned from hell.

It is possible to win, but it is estimated to be a bit hard.

Little angelfish is a salted fish that is not very good at fighting.

So after deliberating (three seconds), she decided decisively to play the true strength of the second generation of immortals-Pin Dae.

Dad Tiandao didn't know how many babies he had given her.

Just hit it!

She also threw the seal in her hand without discussing it with the monster in advance.

The monster's mouth was still grinning disdainfully: "Oh, cute, are you planning to use this art-like stone against me, it's really interesting..."

Its words froze.

Jin Li smiled and accepted it: "Yeah, you will find it more interesting later."

The seal floated in mid-air and quickly began to grow bigger.

The slap-sized seal, in just a few seconds, has become a mountain that covers the sky and the sun, suspended above everyone's heads, and the shadows cover everyone.

Even when everyone raised their heads, they could see that the mountains were covered with auspicious brilliance, clouds and mists, and beautiful divine birds flying around.

"This..." Qing Yangzi looked up at the phantom of the mountain range in shock, "Daoist Jinli, are you refining a mountain as a magic weapon?"

Jin Li said modestly: "No, no, this is just a clone of Bu Zhoushan, I can't remember the body."

She doesn't carry it even if she can carry it back, so the little fairy will not do this strenuous task.

Qingyangzi: "..."

After hearing your words, I am even more scared. Have you?

I thought it was just a casual hill. Now tell me this is not Zhoushan?

They were only shocked, the monster was different.

After it was shocked, it instinctively wanted to continue using the space technique to move the mountain out, but found that it failed.

This mountain suppressed the space he was in.

"What are you?" it shouted angrily.

Will Jinli be the kind of stupid fish that tells his enemies his cards? of course not.

She snorted and hummed in her heart: Even the ancient gods and demons could suppress her body. Although this seal was only a clone, it was more than enough to deal with a monster that was not ranked.

As soon as her mind moved, everyone saw that the huge mountain that was out of sight floating in the air suddenly pressed down.

The ground under the monster's feet sank inch by inch, and its entire body was sunk directly into the mud for several meters!

What a might this is!

Everyone looked at Jin Li, as if they were looking at a devil.

More terrible than this monster!

Jin Li didn't like this look at the devil, she said unhappy, "What kind of look are you? I'm not a devil, I'm just a kind little fairy!"

She said fiercely: "Don't look at me like that!"

People seem not fierce, even a little cute.

But everyone looked at the huge mountain floating above their heads and turned their heads tacitly.

The big guy who can't afford to provoke, looks so cute, he dare not provoke.

Believe it or not, just look at that mad monster...


Where's the monster?

However, a monster who turned his head, where the monster was, no longer saw the monster.

Only a huge pit remained on the ground.


4 more.

See you later~