The Koi Fairy Wife Is Sweet as Honey (Love from The Koi Goddess)

Chapter 616: My boyfriend!

The coma, the general manager, didn't know that the hug with Jinli that he had wanted for a long time was actually achieved in another form at this time.

The scene is very quiet.

Quiet to the point of dead silence.

In the distance, there are large pits caused by the monster demon, and a large area of ​​scorched earth.

Not long ago, a series of things that happened in this short period of time almost impacted the worldview of all the profound gates present.

Forget the **** lord.

Jin Li took out a mountain as a magic weapon.

That, the ordinary Huaguo man who has always been looked down upon by everyone, turned into a majestic beast in the blink of an eye, and wiped out the previous arrogant Demon King with his fingers.

What kind of script is this?

Those foreigners are okay, they don't know Pai Yao, they just think Lu Zhengya's real body is very beautiful and majestic, and they don't understand the meaning of his real body.

But people like Huaguo are different.

Ordinary people may not know this famous beast, but can the cultivator not know it?

It was because of the acquaintance that it was even more shocking.

Pai Yao!

The beast in the ancient mythology.

Actually, appeared in front of them alive!

With Xue Laodao as the leader, everyone looked at Jin Li...Lu Zhengya in his arms.

Jinli frowned and snorted, "What are you looking at?"

She emphasized: "My boyfriend!"

Jin Li was a little wary.

These humans, wouldn't they have seen Lu Zhengya's beauty and wanted to steal a man from Xiaoxianyu?

Everyone: "..."

No, I don't care about the beauty of the boss.

I only care about the identity of the boss.

Jin Li looked at Lu Zhengya who had passed out in a coma in his arms, and said: "I have something to leave first, you exchange competition?"

The big bosses who were stunned in the same place returned to their senses.

They all looked at Jin Li and the currently harmless Xiao Zhengtai in her arms and said enthusiastically: "It's over, it's over, this, the champion belongs to this gentleman and Miss Jin Li!"


More than anything!

People are people who can even the **** demon king, no, they are not people at all!

The champion doesn't give it to him, what should I do when someone wakes up and burns them all?

The Duke of Cappadocia shrank and shivered behind the crowd.

He is very square.

As long as he remembered that he had mocked him in front of a big boss as a useless ordinary human, he felt that he was really bloated.

Not only swelling, but also not afraid of death.

The key point is that he not only ridiculed the big guy, but even tried to kidnap the big guy in order to blackmail another big guy.

Fortunately, there is no time to implement it.

The Duke of Cappadocia thought with a deep look: Otherwise, I might really become a grilled bat.

The little bats are grilled black and crunchy with a bite.

The Duke shivered deeply by his own brain replenishment, and felt that he would retreat when he returned...No, sleepy!

This world is too dangerous!

Jin Li returned to the hotel temporarily holding Lu Zhengya.

She carefully checked Lu Zhengya's body with divine power and found that there was no problem.

No, not only that there is no problem, his current body can be said to be very good.

Although he looks like a child, Lu Zhengya's body today is completely different from the pure human body before. Instead, he has become a pure divine body. He can even sense the divine power flowing between flesh and blood. .

It's just that, for unknown reasons, this supernatural power has become extremely weak.

Jin Li looked at Lu Zhengya anxiously. All this could only be waited for him to wake up and explain it herself.


8 more.

Good night everyone.

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