The Koi Fairy Wife Is Sweet as Honey (Love from The Koi Goddess)

Chapter 623: Make money

Although she didn't know why the little dad saw herself again, Ying Qian still responded very dogmatically, and quickly packed up.

Jin Li also asked, "Are you full?"

Lu Zhengya glared at her and snorted coldly, "I'm full of you!"

Jin Li: "Puff!"

I'm sorry, I can't blame, you can't count on the deterrence of a cute little Zhengtai's anger.

In addition to cuteness, it's cuteness.

Lu Zhengya: "..."

He adjusted his position, turned his head to the other side, and went to sleep!

Originally, he closed his eyes because he didn't want to see Jinli because he was angry, but when he closed his eyes, Lu Zhengya really fell asleep.

His body was originally a juvenile form. The cub was thirsty and sleepy. In addition, he hadn't forcibly revealed the body before the time, which had lost too much vitality, so he needed more sleep than ordinary divine beast cubs.

Jin Li sensed his gentle breathing and tilted her head to look at him for a while, got up and took him a blanket, and gently covered him.

This proximity is incredible.

The little Pi Xiu in his sleep seemed to perceive some close breath, and his little furry head moved, raising his hand accurately and hugged Jin Li's arm that was ready to be pulled out after covering the quilt.

Jin Li: "..."

She tried to pull it out and found that the other person was holding her a little tight.

Forget it, let him.

Jin Li didn't like the feeling of flying in a plane, so she couldn't help but yawned, adjusted her posture, one big and one small were covered with the same blanket and fell asleep.

Ying Qian surreptitiously looked here from the side.

Two unreserved sleeping faces appeared in her sight.


Ying Qian held her heart and took a breath.

Double beauty crit, too exciting!

She watched for a while, but couldn't help it, quietly took out the phone, and quietly adjusted it to silent mode, and took a picture of the two lying together.

Good looks are willful, no need to look at the light, no need to find an angle, how to shoot is perfect.


Jin Li was awakened in a daze by someone whispering.

Before she opened her eyes, she realized something was wrong.

What is heavy in your arms?

She opened her eyes blankly, and after a long time, she finally woke up and looked down.

A small head is leaning on her chest, and her hair is soft, and she feels that she feels very good at a glance.

Jin Li blinked and remembered who it was.

Oh, Lu Zhengya, her ex-boyfriend.

I don't know how it came into my arms when I fell asleep.

She sat up and shook the person in her arms: "Get up, Lu Zhengya, here we are."

no response.

Jin Li continued to shout.

Still no response.

She felt that something was wrong, and she separated a trace of supernatural power to investigate his body. There was nothing wrong with the other party, and she was indeed asleep.

Jin Li breathed a sigh of relief and said to a few caring eyes, "He's just sleeping, it's okay."

She said again: "I guess Lu Zhengya won't wake up. Who of you has time, give him a hug?"


"I am I!"



Various excitement sounds came from the cabin.

Jin Li: "..."

Why are you so passionate about doing coolies?

She herself didn't think she was a god, but in the eyes of mortals, Dad Lu was a **** beast Paixiu!


Not to mention being able to hug the brave, even if you can touch the real body of the brave, can you get rich and get rich and reach the peak of life?


7 more today.

The 15th is also a day for not forgetting to ask for monthly tickets.

Good night~