The Koi Fairy Wife Is Sweet as Honey (Love from The Koi Goddess)

Chapter 632: Scheming Beast

Thinking of this, Lu Zhengya began to recall how he and Jinli got along in the day.

As soon as he thought about it, he felt something was wrong.

Jin Li kissed the trumpet Lu Zhengya.

Jin Li took the hand of trumpet Lu Zhengya.

Jin Li hugged the trumpet Lu Zhengya.

Jin Li also personally picked a lot of clothes for him and bought desserts for him...


When he was a boyfriend, he had never enjoyed such a privilege.

A three-thousand-year-old boy who knows nothing and is not handsome, why is he?

Although intellectually clear, he is himself.

But during the day, it was Xiao Lu Zhengya who had no other memories. Strictly speaking, he was not a complete self.

all in all.

Not happy.

In the middle of the night, President Ba was so entangled that he could not sleep in the bed.

No way.

What benefits are given to that kid.

I also want!

He would get up from the bed and go to Jinli's room.

But just as the leg was placed on the ground, he hesitated.

No way.

Run over like this, Jin Li will drive herself out.

Now he is an ex-boyfriend.

Because of the three-thousand-year-old Lu Zhengya said "I have no boyfriend."

Thinking this way, President Ba was very wronged, especially wronged.

Why, it was the three-thousand-year-old cub Lu Zhengya who had said the wrong thing, but should he bear the mistake?

He said the wrong thing, Jin Li still hugged him and bought it.

But he didn't do anything and was kicked out of the room.

Xiao Zhengtai's face showed a sense of vicissitudes that was completely incompatible with his age: let alone people, it is unfair between gods and gods.

You and yourself are unfair, who has seen it?

If Jin Li is here and seeing his expression, he can tell him the answer: because you don't have the cuteness of Lu Zhengya during the day.

The three-thousand-year-old cub Lu Zhengya is cute.

You big trotters with old wine in a new bottle, go aside!


After standing on the floor with his bare white feet and thinking for a while, President Ba finally thought of a way--

In the silent night, in the darkness, a gap was opened in the door of the guest room.

A small silver-gray ball glowing all over appeared in the darkness.

This is a little beast the size of an adult's head. Its long hair is fluffy and soft, and his big misty eyes blinked twice before looking down at himself.

Well, the hair is beautiful and the shape is perfect.

The three-thousand-year-old self still has some merits.

President Ba blinked his beautiful big eyes again, without the guilt of the long-lived old guy pretending to be tender, and happily smashed into Jinli's room door.

Jin Li was awakened.

In her sleep, it was obvious that something had broken into her territory.

Opening her eyes, Jin Li's sharp gaze fell on the intruder——


A beautiful little dumpling was squatting on the carpet, blinking innocent eyes and looking at her.

Jin Li took a breath.

Although, this little guy has no luminous scales.

But he has shiny silver-gray fur!

Fleshy, timidly so small, big silver-gray eyes seemed to hide the starry sky.

"Lu Zhengya?" she shouted hesitantly.

The next moment, the little beast crouched on the carpet kicked **** its hind legs, jumped up, and crashed into her arms like a small cannonball.

Jinli leaned back by this force and fell on the bed.

The little Pai Yao didn't bother her, so he nestled quietly in her neck, swept gently with his long tail, very well-behaved.


President Ba: I got into Jinli's bed by strength (selling cuteness).

3 more, see you later.