The Koi Fairy Wife Is Sweet as Honey (Love from The Koi Goddess)

Chapter 638: What a miserable little fairy

Sister Qing didn't ask any more, because the cub Lu Zhengya didn't really look like he was willing to cooperate.

She turned to talk with Jin Li about the endorsement contract.

The cub Lu Zhengya didn't understand well, but he still listened very hard to the conversation between Sister Qing and Jinli.

Well, Jinli wants to make an advertisement for human beings and makes money from this.

When Lu Zhengya heard Qing sister say, what is the KD request to sign Jinli for one year, must shoot X advertisements within one year, and attend XX events as a spokesperson, and Balabala..., how much is the endorsement fee? When it came to money, I couldn't help it.

He tilted his head and looked at Jinli: "Do you have to work so hard for a year to make so much money?"

Sister Qing who was sitting aside was confused by the adjective "so little money".

So little?

So little? ?

She couldn't help but said: "K.D's endorsement fee has already been paid very high, and most of the domestic first-line stars have not received this price."

Lu Zhengya snorted disdainfully.

"Is this a question of money?" He emphasized, "Who is Jinli? It is already their honour to be willing to be their endorsement, and there are so many broken demands."

Sister Qing: "..."

Jin Li thinks this sounds very comfortable.

"Jinli." The cub Lu Zhengya tugged at her sleeve. "Why don't you take that endorsement? I can also give you so much money without you having to do anything, let me live in Just here."

The little cub, Pai Yao, feels very sad for Jinli: the little fairy who is the most beloved by God, came to this world, and actually has to work and earn money to support herself.

It sounds really miserable.

Sister Qing sitting opposite: "..."

I now a little believe that you are not Lu Zhengya's bastard.

Where can an illegitimate child think so wholeheartedly for someone who might become his stepmother?

However, this style is so inhumane, and it is indeed very Lujia.

Jinli touched the cub's head with a smile, Lu Zhengya was a little unhappy, frowned, but let her touch it.

Forget it.

I heard that she and the reincarnated self are boy and girl friends.

The reincarnated self is also self.

Rounding up, she is also her own girlfriend.

If she likes rubbing, let her rub.

The little Lu Zhengya was a little puzzled, thinking: But how do boy and girl friends get along?

I don't know, forget it.

Just do what she wants.

"Thank you, but the endorsement is still to be shot." Jin Li said.

"Why?" The cub Lu Zhengya was puzzled.

Jinli touched her face and blinked at him: "Did you forget? As I said, I want more people to see my face, and let more people like me. international."


She wants to collect golden energy to restore her supernatural power.


He nodded with a serious face: "Then you go."

Sister Qing was sitting across from her, looking at the serious communication between the big, one and the small, feeling very puzzled.

What does a seven or eight year old kid know? Jinli actually talked to him seriously?

However, it should be confirmed.

Before leaving, Sister Qing didn't forget to say: "If the hot search is a misunderstanding, then you and Mr. Lu should clarify quickly, lest it gets worse and it's not good for you both.

This refers to the Internet saying that he is the illegitimate child of his reincarnation.

Cub Lu Zhengya understood.

Jin Li nodded: "Okay, rest assured, I will solve it."