The Koi Fairy Wife Is Sweet as Honey (Love from The Koi Goddess)

Chapter 651: Should I insist?

Jin Li felt relieved when she saw Mother Su's appearance.

It is estimated that it is not a bad thing.

She went to the Xiaolou to find Su Hexiang.

Su Hexiang is arranging flowers.

She knelt on the carpet, and on the table in front of her was a porcelain vase made of pink enamel, and beside it was a sprig of freshly cut delicate flowers.

No matter when, there will always be flowers in full bloom here.

Jin Li tilted her head and stood on the edge of the door curtain to admire the beauty of the beauty holding flowers for a while, before walking in.

Su Hexiang smiled and looked at her: "I'm finished talking with my mother? I thought she would take you until lunch."

Jin Li sat down opposite her, resting her chin and looking at the flowers in the bottle.

"Mother Su told me that you have been in a bad mood recently and you have something on your mind." She said.

Su Hexiang was taken aback.

"I thought Mom would definitely tell you about this, but I didn't expect that you would ask so directly," she said.

Jin Li continued to support her cheeks: "Otherwise, what else can we ask?"

"Yes." Su Hexiang said, "If you turn a corner, it's not Jinli."

She took the last flower, trimmed the branches and put it in the vase, looked at it for a while, and said, "I like someone."

Jin Li felt that this matter was not as simple as this sentence.

She waited for Su Hexiang to continue.

However, there is only one sentence behind.

"But he doesn't like me."

Su Hexiang's love story, condensed down, probably only has this one sentence: I don't like the person I like.

Su Hexiang shut up after speaking.

She thought Jin Li would say something.

Unexpectedly, Jin Li just nodded, but did not speak.

"Don't you want to ask me anything?" she asked curiously.

Jin Li: "Huh? Ask what? You will tell me if you want to say it, if you don't say it, you don't want to say it. If I ask, you will be in a bad mood if you tell me because of your affection."

She spread her hands and looked calm: So what did I ask?

Su Hexiang smiled and sighed: "Sometimes, you are so transparent."

She shook her head: "There is nothing to say between me and him. But Jinli, I want to ask you a question."

Jin Li: "Well, you ask."

Su Hexiang was a little confused: "I like someone so much for the first time, but his attitude is very obvious and he doesn't feel much about me. You said, should I give up or try harder?"

Jinli blinked her eyes and asked her: "How do you feel?"

Su Hexiang smiled bitterly: "According to the principles I have always used as a person and doing things, of course, I turned around and left arrogantly to give each other face."

Jin Li thinks, generally this kind of beginning will be followed by a turning point.

She waited for Su Hexiang to say the next words.


Su Hexiang said, "But me, I'm not so willing."

She looked at Jinli: "Can you understand? I think if I missed him, I would never like someone so much again."

Facing Su Hexiang's gaze, Jin Li... sincerely shook her head.

"I don't understand this feeling." She said honestly.

"In my life, usually only others like me so much." She said heartlessly.

Su Hexiang: "..."

The melancholy was half broken by this sentence.

She wanted to laugh again but helplessly, she glared at Jin Li: "Seriously!"

"I am answering your question very seriously." Jin Li was stared inexplicably, still a little wronged.

"But," she said, "if you like him, and if he has anyone else he likes, you can try."

She used her own example:

"Like Lu Zhengya, I was rejected from the beginning. He became my boyfriend only by perseverance."