The Koi Fairy Wife Is Sweet as Honey (Love from The Koi Goddess)

Chapter 676: Take a variety show

Regarding these nonsense, Sister Qing was very cooperative on her face and said she understood, and she didn't believe a word in her heart!

Hehe, give potential young actors a chance?

Although Sister Qing felt that the little fairy under her hand was indeed excellent.

But she didn't swell up, feeling Jinli was the most powerful among the younger generation.

Not to mention the far away, the nearest one is Su Hexiang the same size as Jinli?

Even if she gave Qing sister eight Baidu filters, she couldn't ignorantly say that Jin Li could be compared with Su Hexiang in acting together!

Oh, Su Hexiang is also on the list, but in a very low position, she will play a traditional opera artist who has fallen into the dust but has a strong character.

The name that sounds very loud, in this blockbuster documentary, only takes up a few minutes.

Not to mention the other young actors, they are all of the younger generation who have both good looks and acting skills, and none of them can last more than five minutes.

It's incomparable with Jin Li, who is the leading actor who runs through almost all the shots!


When Jin Li handed the script to Jin Li, it seemed like she had really known herself as an artist for the first time, and she looked at her carefully for a long time.

Jinli touched her face: "Sister Qing, what are you looking at? Am I becoming beautiful again?"

Sister Qing exhaled. Fortunately, she was still the familiar Jinli.

She said: "It's indeed more beautiful, but my focus today is not this. Jinli, you can hide so deeply."

If there was no call behind, she might only think that there was someone behind Jinli.

But with the call behind that was obviously soothing and even cautious, Sister Qing understood that it was definitely not a simple person behind it.

Obviously, Jin Li's background is so strong that even the State Administration of Film and Television has to be cautious and even pleased.

It doesn't matter to Sister Qing whether she is strong because of Jinli or the support behind her.

All she needs to know is that no one can stop Jinli from now on.

"You told me before that you would become the most popular star in the world. I don't believe it. Now..." Sister Qing sighed and looked at her, "I believe it."

Jin Li wrinkled her little nose, and her focus was completely different from what Qing Sister expressed: "Humph! It turns out that all you said before, trust me, are all lie! You disappointed the little fairy!"

Sister Qing: "...Is this the point?"

Jin Li: "Otherwise?"

Sister Qing: "The key point now is! Dad of the State Administration of Film and Television gave the green light! You are going to be red! By the way, take a look at this script! This will definitely make all the people of the country see you! Force the grid to be one-time You can reach the top grid!"

Jinli flipped through the script casually, calmly: "I know I know how big things are, Sister Qing, you are not young, why are you so impetuous."

Sister Qing: "..."

I told you that I have endured a lot, and I am not impetuous anymore.

I want to be really impetuous, I can show you a three-kilometer on the spot, believe it or not?

She happily talked about countless topics around this script with Jin Li, and only when Jin Li was dizzy did she say:

"By the way, I also picked up a variety show for you."

This large documentary called "The Backbone of the Country" takes a long time to prepare, and there is still a long time to shoot, enough for Jinli to take over.


4 more.

Step on a wave of life and death every hour.