The Koi Fairy Wife Is Sweet as Honey (Love from The Koi Goddess)

Chapter 698: Brainless

The barrage was actually so inexplicably pinched.

Voting topics even appeared on Weibo, and the battlefield shifted from the barrage to Weibo, and it was a **** storm.

Of course, I don't know this Jinli.

While she was eating fruit, the two partners downstairs also started to have lunch.

Tang Yishan returned to her living room on the first floor angrily, and said to Yi Baicheng who walked in the door: "I want to order takeaway."

Yi Baicheng is also hungry, he has no objection.

Then Tang Yishan started to order.

She just asked what Yi Baicheng likes to eat.

Yi Baicheng was humbled: "I don't want to pick, it's okay."

"Then I will order it casually." Tang Yishan said.

At this time, Yibocheng hadn't found anything wrong.

Until half an hour later, the takeaway brother called and he took the initiative to get it.

He came back carrying several layers of insulated food containers with a dazed expression.

"It's so heavy... what did you order?" he asked.

Tang Yishan: "It's nothing. Three dishes and one soup."

Three dishes and one soup?

Yi Baicheng glanced down at the bill on the bag, and only saw the amount on it, and there was a black eye.

Three dishes and one soup 700 yuan.

He was shocked and said: "Let's make two thousand yuan a month! You ordered seven hundred yuan per meal?"

Tang Yishan frowned: "Why are you calling so loudly? I have saved my order. Where is the only way to order a meal?"

Yi Baicheng didn't know how to describe his feelings.

He felt very fascinated, very desperate, and very puzzled.

Is this eldest lady no brainer?

I know you are the eldest lady, you are rich, and you have grown up in good clothes.

But you are participating in the show now.

They are all young adults. Do some calculations and restrain yourself, can't you?

Yi Baicheng said blankly: "But if you take your takeaway like this, our living expenses this month are only enough for three meals."

Tang Yishan was very impatient to hear such words, and she did not worry: "Why do you always like to say such disappointing words?"

Yi Baicheng is about to kneel for her: "This is not a disappointment, this is a statement of reality. Miss Tang, you have to think about how we will live tomorrow and the day after tomorrow."

"Fireworks on Earth" is so popular, Yi Bocheng really wants to record this episode.

However, Tang Yishan's approach is really not the direction of recording properly.

Yi Baicheng originally thought that it would be a good opportunity to partner with the eldest lady of Tang's Film Industry.

If you can take this opportunity to build a good relationship with Tang Yishan, you will be able to find another way in the circle in the future.

But after only half a day, Yi Baicheng lost this idea.

He even hoped that his partner was not an elusive lady.

Even if it comes to a star or a newcomer, it is better than this.

Looking at Yi Baicheng, Tang Yishan was also very annoyed, but she also knew that it would be no good to be frozen at the beginning: "I have ordered all of them, eat, big deal, let's save a little later."

Yi Baicheng is really not good enough.

But he had the same idea, he ordered everything, or he was recording the show.

I really don’t eat it. After half an hour, headlines like #人间火火,易柏城唐亦珊不和# will appear on major gossip websites.

Alas, life is really hard.

He opened the chopsticks and showed a happy expression to the camera: "Just celebrate the first day of the show, and have a good meal!"

Looking at him, Tang Yishan finally recovered some of the artist's emotional intelligence.

She also smiled at the camera, and symbolically raised the boiled water in her hand: "Celebrating our partner's first day, we will be frugal."

Can be regarded as barely keeping the peace.