The Koi Fairy Wife Is Sweet as Honey (Love from The Koi Goddess)

Chapter 763: Find a master

When the six groups of guests were separated, they had to hug each other to show friendship.

This has been the case in every previous issue. Even if you don’t get along well, you have to look good in front of the camera.

It's just that this time.

No one dared to ask Dad Lu for a hug.

Jinli is very popular-except Tang Yishan.

Speaking of Tang Yishan, with the blessing of the sharp sword above her head, she has been trembling this month, and she is not in the mood to be picky and dare not make trouble again. Her reputation has greatly improved, and there is a faint tendency to rise to the next level.

It stands to reason that she should thank Jinli.

But in fact, Tang Yishan saw Jinli just as a mouse saw a cat.

Not to mention a hug, she didn't even dare to look at Jinli.

Jin Li didn't make it difficult for her, and the two nodded, even if it was over.


The first thing Tang Yishan does when he leaves the show is to go home.

She called home in advance.

Both Tang's father and Tang's mother were waiting for her at home.

When I saw Tang Yishan, Father Tang was particularly pleased to praise her for her maturity: "If you could have been like this before, why would I say such annoyed words that I can't trust the company to you?"

Tang Yishan is not in the mood to talk about the company now.

She almost collapsed and shouted: "Dad, save me!"

Father Tang was surprised: "What's the matter?"

Tang Yishan said what had happened to her. She sobbed and said, "It has been floating above my head like this. Dad, I don't know when it will fall. This feeling of being controlled by others. terrible."

Father Tang and mother Tang looked at each other: This kind of thing sounds really incredible.

They tried to shake their hands on Tang Yishan's head: there was nothing.

Don't talk about long swords, the kind that my daughter said, there is no cold sharpness.

Mother Tang asked cautiously: "Shanshan, you won't be. What frightened you and hallucinations?"

The lady was even worried about seeking her daughter's psychologist.

Jin Li shook his head desperately: "It's definitely not an illusion! Parents, you guys watched the show, think about it, is Jin Li really normal? Normal people can have such good luck? Good luck in everything? Normal people can bare hands Catch such a big python, and still make the python afraid to resist? She must have cursed me!"

Father Tang and Mother Tang looked at each other, and finally decided to contact some friends in the circle and find a master to have a look.

Many of these business people believe in this.

It's normal to reach some masters that ordinary people don't know.

"Don't worry, Shanshan, your father has just contacted the master. The master will come in two days and will be fine soon." Mother Tang held her daughter's hand.

Tang Yishan leaned her head on her mother's shoulder and said nothing.


Jinli didn't know that the Tang family was looking for a master.

She has now returned to her small villa and has become a salted fish again.

"Sure enough, my house is more comfortable." She sighed.

Lan Ting hasn't seen her for a long time, so he misses her panic.

"By the way, Jinli, you have a package," she said.

Jin Li was curious: "What package?"

Lan Ting got up and brought it to her: "It seems to be sent from Baige Country."

The only one you know about Baige Country is your sister there?

Jin Li took the package in his hand and opened it.

Inside was a can of sugar, a bottle of wine, two golden leaves, and a letter.