The Koi Fairy Wife Is Sweet as Honey (Love from The Koi Goddess)

Chapter 771: They are not monsters, they are hope

"Who is this person?" Lu Zhengya frowned.

At a glance, he saw the bad luck on Monday.

And this bad luck has something to do with Jinli.

The tyrant with his eyes turned to the horizon has already sentenced this human to death in his heart.

Jin Li looked back and said, "Oh, a fool."

She opened the door and sat in.

Lu Zhengya stopped looking at Monday, started the car and was about to leave.

I was even more anxious when I saw it on Monday: "Mr. Lu, please wait a minute, I have--ah!"

A scream.

Jin Li shrugged in the car.

Lying on the ground on Monday, I only felt numb from the stomach to the head-the impact and pain at this moment was too severe.

He lowered his head and saw what he was stepping on-a piece of banana peel.

This kind of location really shouldn't have such things.

"Who is so unethical!" he roared angrily.

Lu Zhengya asked curiously, "How did he provoke you?"

Judging from his eyes, Jin Li is indeed a very good-tempered little fairy.

She doesn't mind if ordinary black fans scold people, what kind of man has to provoke the little fairy.

Jin Li snorted: "He said I don't deserve you."

"What?" Lu Zhengya got angry all at once.

Originally, he didn't even see what the man looked like, but now he was very angry: "What's his name?"

Jin Li replied: "Monday."

She couldn't remember originally, but the name of this person is really hard to forget.

"Monday, right?"

Lu Zhengya sneered and did not speak any more.

Jin Li silently gave Zhou a little bit of root wax in her heart-it seems that you may not only be out of luck, but may also have to make some money.

Lu Zhengya took Jinli to dinner, and the two went to the place where the Supervision Bureau was.

The headquarters of the Supervision Bureau is a seemingly ordinary commercial building.

Just as soon as they entered, Jin Li and Lu Zhengya realized the difficulty here.

There seemed to be countless pairs of eyes staring here, and something invisible was swept across them.

At the same moment, in a huge space, there are densely packed with many operation consoles and electronic screens, and countless numbers and formulas flash on each screen.

A man with glasses on the bridge of his nose widened his eyes: "These two people...the peak strength is still rising, and it is almost reaching the critical value."

A voice sounded behind him: "Raise the upper limit to the maximum."

The man with glasses hurriedly pressed several buttons, and the value on the screen began to change.

"It's still rising..." The glasses man said in shock, "Dragon Team, these...what kind of monsters are these two people?"

Long Hao, standing behind him, was not surprised by this result: "They are not monsters. They are hope."

Man with glasses: "?"

Long Hao didn't say any more, got up and went out.

Jin Li sensed her surroundings with some curiosity, and couldn't help saying: "Here, it's quite interesting."

She could feel that there was a sense of restraint, and this sense of restraint was probably aimed at the capable.

Lu Zhengya nodded: "In this world, although human beings can't practice, they have found a different way. The technology is very powerful."

Jin Li exclaimed: "Humans are always the preferred race."

When the two said this, Long Hao walked out from the corner.

He was still in that black trench coat that had not been seen for thousands of years, with cold and delicate eyebrows.

"Welcome to the Shen Supervision Bureau." He said.

Lu Zhengya: "Just talk about business."

Long Hao nodded, he was not good at greetings.