The Last Apostle

v3 Chapter 14: purchase

Therefore, at this time, Du Yuqi had a feeling that his head was about to be exploded. It was because he had a high talent in swordsmanship. It was also unbearable to force things into his mind. Finally, he had to ring the bell to let the boss come up. Ask him to bring a few bottles of strong rum.

Du Yuqi drunk one drink after another, drunk himself directly, and finally fell asleep drowsy. At first, even in the sleep, his brain was still muddled, and it was a mess. Fortunately, in the middle of the night, I finally started dreaming. The dream was completely complete. Fragmented.

The next day after Du Yuqi woke up, his head was still groggy, and his temples were faint. Fortunately, he finally got rid of the chaotic state in his mind, and it looked like a hangover. Du Yuqi learned a lesson, and for a while Dare to practice the sword again, and then go out and walk around in the beautiful scenery of Hutton Mare.

Although he burned a lot of gold coins in order to learn these sword skills yesterday, the purchasing power of gold coins is still very strong. The remaining twenty or so gold coins are a huge sum for ordinary people. He inquired yesterday. There is a black market in Huttenmar's old town, and there is more than one, so you have the opportunity to go there for gold.

In addition, there is another place that must be visited, and that is the alchemy pharmacy.

The importance of the alchemy potion is beyond doubt, so Du Yuqi felt that he should still hoard two bottles, but after he inquired, he knew that he was wrong.

Because the raw materials, the failure rate, and so on of the alchemy medicament all restrict its output, even if there is a time limit for this gadget, the shelf life is not long, it is also regarded as an important strategic material for the country to reserve, so even if it is Among Huttonmarr, only two strong commercial banks can provide alchemy potions.

At the same time, even in the big city pharmacies on the planet, if you want to buy antibiotics, you need a doctor's prescription. How can Arad continent want to buy alchemy medicine without restrictions?

Du Yuqi walked in and looked at the price. I thought it was fair. As a result, I was dumbfounded. I wanted to buy alchemy medicine and needed a mercenary tax certificate or a related warrant! Otherwise, money is useless.

At the same time, even if you get related tax certificates, warrants and the like, this medicine is not supplied in large quantities, but has a purchase restriction standard! At best, I bought you three or five bottles.

With a huge disappointment, Du Yuqi had to explore the alchemy potion in the black market, and found that there is no need for **** certification or warrants, but the price can make you look at the shopkeeper who can't wait to choke him!

The owner of the shop also put out a pair of cheap things like "Buy if you want to buy and get out of hand". Du Yuqi could only grit his teeth and spent a total of eight magic gold coins to buy a small bottle of alchemy potion. It's up! !!

Where is the pit? Of course, this is not to say that you bought a fake of pure water or tap water, but that Du Yuqi noticed after leaving for half an hour that this bottle of alchemy potion is about to expire. Although it can still be used normally at this time, the shelf life is only left. It's been a month!

At this moment, Du Yuqi felt the deep maliciousness of the people of Huttenmar ...

It is worth mentioning that Du Yuqi also saw many priests in the store. The crystal-driven gloves used by the ghost swordsman seemed to be quite popular. He also carefully inquired about this information. I bought one directly, and it seems to be quite easy to use, and the cost is very small. A state-of-the-art ED-22 crystal block glove, the Delos Empire Edition, only costs ten silver coins, and it is also free of charge. A small colorless crystal block can continuously support 630 minutes of energy consumption at a regular frequency.

However, after purchasing this crystal glove, Du Yuqi found a quiet place to put it on, tried it by holding a weapon, and immediately found out something very embarrassing, that is, wearing gloves to let his strength be affected. After the increase, the accuracy of swordsmanship dropped significantly, and there was no longer the feeling that the weapon was a part of the body, such as the arm.

At the same time, because Du Yuqi himself has a very strong talent in swordsmanship, and at this time he is practicing the first-level swordsmanship, so he should have achieved a very significant improvement in the practice of swordsmanship. However, after wearing a crystal-powered glove, he practiced One hour of swordplay, I originally wanted to adapt to the surge of power, but found that this hour I practiced in vain, without any sense and progress, so I only sighed, took off the crystal block gloves and put it in the dimension ring.


After some toss, it was already noon. Of course, Du Yuqi was going to solve the stomach problem. Yesterday I asked about it. There are several places in Hutton Mare that ca n’t be avoided, such as Moonlight Tavern ~ There are not only the famous moonlight wines famous on the mainland, but also the beautiful Elf boss Sossia, and the so-called "Kababu" barbecue, which is a gathering place for adventurers and warriors. .

After I came to the door of the Moonlight Tavern, because it was noon, there were not many people. You can see that there are many elves-like decorations hanging at the door, and there is a sign hanging next to it, written in white chalk:

"Sorcia Elf Beer is available today, with a limit of one per person."

"Sosia grilled octopus **** are on sale today, with a limit of three skewers per person."

At the same time, there are two buzzing and rotating crystals on the window to drive the big fan, blowing out the scent in the tavern, tempting passersby.

After Du Yuqi walked into the bar, he felt a noise and food, the aroma of the drink was blown to his face, and the hunger suddenly became extremely strong. In such a place, he would naturally take a big mouthful of meat and a large bowl. Drinking and shouting loudly is a matter of course.

Du Yuqi looked at the bar and found that there was a five-three and three thick bartenders with clear tattoos on his arms. The legendary glamorous boss, Sossia, was not visible. Du Yuqi still faintly remembered that in the game, The information records that she is a 520-year-old elf .... And now the world is not good, or a few hundred years later in the game world, cough, fortunately, the elf's life is inherently long It is more than enough to live a thousand years.

Du Yuqi was about to order after he sat down, and suddenly there was a feeling of being watched. When he looked back, he immediately stood up with a little excitement ~ ~ Welcome the book readers to read, the latest and most The fastest and hottest serial works are at ~ ~ Please read for mobile users.