The Last Apostle

v4 Chapter 102: Deathmatch

The clown's claw is definitely not picked out casually. After he shot, a huge spider claw illusion appeared in the rear, dark, furry, and extremely sharp. He aimed at Du Yuqi's head and grabbed it. If Du Yuqi continues to produce If the sword, then it is bound to be caught by him.

This is the mystery of the necromancer: Deathclaw not only has a strong dark attribute lethality, but also has a curse effect when it hits the enemy.

At this time for the clowns, Du Yuqi attacked the fragile database, but it was the most clumsy thing that he rushed to block the gun and shield himself. Can he block it once, and ten times? Besides, the clown was penetrated by Du Yuqi just now?

Therefore, the clown's response at this time is the best measure! Offense is the best defense. If you destroy the database, I will kill you. See if you think the database is important or your life is important?

The fighting between the two people at this time is not only a contest of strengths, but also an intrigue between each other. Each trick and each fight is both strength and effort. If you cannot cope with it properly, then To be gone forever!

Facing the death claws of Wei Jiuzhao surrounded by clowns, Du Yuqi finally did not fight hard and avoided himself. At this time, time was occupied by the clowns. Seeing that Kuran's flame-sword sword had three full faces The cracks seem to have been shocking. It can be said that every second more, Du Yuqi's odds are lowered by one point.

In this case, Du Yuqi also made a long shout, and seemed to know that this time he wanted to kill the clown. Hopelessly, he had to be disgusted before leaving, and continued to cut out his sword to the database. Next to the two transformative soldiers.

Obviously, if the clown continues to attack Du Yuqi, the two transforming soldiers will be under the control of Du Yuqi with the highest authority and use his own body to intercept the clown's attack directly, although the clown can also use his hand Go down and kill the two transformation soldiers, but the distance can't hydrolyze the near fire. When he transferred the mutant Rathead soldier, the database was long gone.

Therefore, if the clown does not want to see the database destroyed at this time, he can only rely on himself.

And his abilities are indeed overbearing. After flashing, he is already bullying Du Yuqi. While the shadow spiders around him cover Du Yuqi, he instantly launches his skills to create a lot of illusions, a lot of dense purple mist. The turbulence suddenly confused and disturbed Du Yuqi's senses.

Immediately afterwards, I saw Du Yuqi's sword aimed at the database fell off halfway, but turned a little skewed, and then chopped on the alloy steel floor next to it, scraping out a long Mars.

At this time, the clown also took a long breath of relief, and was unwilling to entangle with Du Yuqi any longer. He was determined to want a quick battle. The right hand raised the scepter in his hand high, and two black lights shone from the eyes of the skull on the top of the scepter, and then a parabola of light smashed onto Du Yuqi's body.

Du Yuqi was blasted backwards, and after the ray exploded, a twisted white light shot out from him and surrounded him.

These white rays look a bit like a long tail, but when they look closely at the head, they are actually twisted faces, some crying, some laughing, some sad, some After being angered and released, he fluttered in the air, and where he passed, he traced a long trajectory in the air, intertwined with each other, and it was very piercing at first glance.

"Dead in the hustle and bustle of the hundred ghosts!" The clown yelled: "hundreds of ghosts travel at night!"

This move is very spooky at night. First, throw a dark light ball at the enemy to damage the enemy, and then the light ball explodes, releasing the ghosts inside and circling around, again forming an amazing number of times for the enemy. Injury, at the same time, people who are shrouded in night ghosts will fall into a very disgusting state such as cursing and blinding, and it is difficult to break free of restraint.

At this time, Du Yuqi suddenly jumped up in the state of being surrounded by hundreds of ghosts. This jump could not be seen as special, but fell into the eyes of the clown, and his face suddenly changed!

Because Du Yuqi's jumping height is actually much higher than most people, not only because he is in an explosive state at this time, but also because of the strong bonus of the ink bamboo bracelet he is wearing. Immediately, there was a short time to get rid of the entanglement of the Hundred Ghosts, but a volley hit the silver light and fell to the clown and rushed over.

The clown previously released the fog that confused Du Yuqi's senses, and the two powerful skills of Bai Gui Night Walk. In the face of Du Yuqi's strong counterattack, he could only evade his front, although he made a dodge action, but the silver light fell. After the bomber came down, he was still hit by this skill range and was blown out by the aftermath.

However, the clown also refused to give Du Yuqi any chance. Although he was not seriously injured by Yu Bo Hongfei, he immediately returned to a squat crouching state. This crouching is also a special skill that can make enemies falling to the ground quickly. Restoring balance is used to deal with the tricks of the swordsman's "back-jump", Street Fighter's "overlord Fuhuquan", and so on.

At this time, the clown did not know that Du Yuqi had mastered the post-jump, but he still used the crouching skill decisively. It can be seen that he devalued Du Yuqi to nothing, but in fact he was extremely alert and refused to let himself have any Minor flaws were revealed.

However, at this time, the clown saw Du Yuqi aiming straight at him, and he immediately guarded himself at this time. However, at this time, Du Yuqi actually sent a note to pick it out, and the clown couldn't help but want He laughed, and felt that the guy in front of him was really rushing to the doctor.

Although picking up has a short domineering body, plus the characteristics of picking up enemies, the signs of the move are very obvious, and the shot is relatively slow.

The clown has gone through hundreds of battles, and he does not know how many times he has fought with various types of swordsmen. He personally thinks that the most tricky starting trick is the sword soul's raptor slashing and breaking the army. The outburst of angry madness of the Berserker is also indefensible.

But Du Yuqi suddenly came to such a record to pick and cut, which really made the clown extremely angry and laughed. Isn't this obvious rush to pick up and insult his IQ? ? If in this case really got chopped, do you still want to mix?

So, feeling a strong insult, and feeling that this is a good opportunity to fight back, the clown rushed to Du Yuqi's upswing and rushed up. When he was about to be picked up, he immediately flashed out, and at this time the clown was already in his mind Well-planned for your own counterattack, this time you will completely defeat the enemy in front of you! !!

However, just when the clown's vicious eyes stared at Du Yuqi's neck, he felt a pain in his back when he was about to make a move! Then the whole person was chopped off involuntarily and fell into the air! !!

"What's going on?"

When floating in the air, Yu Guang in the corner of the clown's eyes actually saw that there was a phantom behind him, and this phantom looked exactly like Du Yuqi. He only realized one thing at this time, that is He was overcast, and the enemy's uprising in front of him had already mutated!

Next, Du Yuqi did not play any combos at all. To deal with powerful enemies like clowns, it is best to use the simplest and most effective tricks. It is best to be able to kill in one hit! He snorted and bleed blood from his nostrils and corners of his mouth, and once again entered my chopped state. He aimed at the clown and slashed straight.

Blood shines! !! !!

"Ahhhhhhh!" The clown screamed sternly and painfully, and was slashed by Du Yuqi's sword ten meters away, and the sky was spilled with a lot of blood, and the visual effect was like someone. I took a writing brush and dipped it in the air.

Du Yuqi's sword was originally run around the neck of the clown. The intention is even more obvious. No matter what moth you have, just chop off your head first. You need to take any alchemy medicine, even the head. Look at what else you are doing.

I did not expect that the clown could barely turn his side while he was floating, and then Du Yuqi's sword was chopped on the position of his right upper arm, and his right arm was cut off straight, leaving only A small cut, not only that, the sword is still intact, and it was cut diagonally from the position below the axillary at least 20-30 cm, and the ribs were also cut off. The flames covered the clown's wounds and body, burning.

I have seen in many books that after strenuous exercise, I feel that my lungs are going to be ignited. This is just a description, but in fact, for the clown, after being cut off by Du Yuqi's brutal sword, that is The lungs were really lit.

After the sword was cut out, the flamesword of Kuran held by Du Yuqi also broke with a click, and the fragments burned in the air and burned to ashes before landing.

Not only that, Du Yuqi once again launched "I chopped the stream" and chopped the clown. His injuries were absolutely not mild. He fell to his knees all at once, his eyes turned black, and he coughed and coughed. It was as if it was heartbreaking, it took a while to feel better, and wiped the blood next to the lips.

In fact, at this time Du Yuqi can also take things like golden communion to treat injuries, but at this time, although he has the opportunity to eat, he is really afraid to eat it!

Because I drank two bottles of alchemy potion at a very short interval before, the threshold for side effects has been accumulated to a very high level. At this time, if this thing is used again, not only the effect is very poor, but the harm to the body is very serious. Already.

However, at this time, Du Yuqi's eyes were quilted, because the flames of blood burning on the "corpse" of the clown more than twenty meters away gradually went out!

"what's going on?"

Suddenly, the shadow gossamer underneath the clown suddenly ejected, expanded again, and even covered the entire huge cabin containing the database. Then, the clown bounced up like a zombie, relying on the shadow gossamer. The ability hovered in mid-air, and the only left hand suddenly lifted high, holding it into its claws, and screaming screamingly:

"Dark soul wave!"

At this moment, as long as all the creatures within the coverage of the Shadow Spider Silk Array, even the genetic squirrel warrior brought by the clown themselves, groaned in pain while holding their heads at the same time, you can see that there is a sudden appearance behind them Twisted shadows, and then drew away like a soul, and finally turned into a bit of light, which was continuously absorbed in the direction of the clown, and each time the clown absorbed a little dark light, it obviously recovered a point! !!

This move is also a very powerful spell of the necromancer. It is not only a range attack, but also can draw the soul of the opponent into a soul ball, which is absorbed by itself for recovery. The more people in the stroke, the more the recovery effect will be. it is good.

Earlier, the clown hit Du Yuqi's sword and went directly into a state of disability plus dying. The injury was extremely serious. Only the top alchemy potions or high-level divine magic could save his life. Of course, just to save his life, it is impossible to take a medicine. Immediately resurrected the broken arm with blood in the same place in an instant ~ ~ The clown can still emit a "soul-absorbing dark wave" after being hit like this, because he directly used thunder Mi's assistance for such top-level alchemy drugs, and the healing power of the soul-sucking dark energy wave only allowed him to recover 50% of his combat power, and the right arm that was cut off should not be taken back.

However, even if only 50% of the combat power is left, plus the clown with a broken arm, the strength at this time is already far above Du Yuqi! !! !!

At this time, Du Yuqi was at the end of his crossbow. He had been injured twice before entering the "I chopped" state, not to mention that the artifact of Kuran's Yanying Sword had been destroyed, and there was no weapon at hand, not to mention he was just as Wounded by "Dark Soul of Suffering Soul", where can I go to fight the clown?

Therefore, Du Yuqi didn't mean to resist at this time. Fortunately, he relied on refining at this time. There is still a small part of the energy absorbed by the polebreaker blade from Kuran's flamesword. This part of the energy is used for It may be difficult to support the battle, but it is more than enough to run.

Therefore, after the pain of "Soul Inspiring Dark Waves" passed away, Du Yuqi said nothing and fled! At this time, it's not a heroic time at all, but it doesn't matter if you can't beat the clown. As long as you can save your life, you will have a day to clean up sooner or later! (To be continued.)