The Last Apostle

v4 ~: Testimonials

Alas, let's talk about the update that everyone cares about the most. It was officially launched at 12 o'clock tonight. Five consecutive outbreaks. Please support me.

It ’s already my Nth book on the shelves, and some authors told me that it was so nervous when it was on the shelves, it was like the first cavern. I could n’t help but insert it in my heart. Can't be substituted, it's very harmonious ...

Basically, it can be expected. This is not my last book on the shelves. It can even be said that in the future, N similar incidents will continue to occur. Ah Tu will write down all the time, and I hope everyone can accompany me. Walking together, new friends and old friends gathered happily together.

Finally, I will definitely ask for a subscription when it is on the shelves. Please support me a lot. Subscriptions, collections, monthly tickets, all are not less.