The Last Apostle

v5 Chapter 1: Ruined

Fortunately, according to Du Yuqi's understanding, the **** of contract is actually a **** who doesn't pay much attention to faith. He pays more attention to practical things and strictly follows the rules. As long as he follows the rules, the believer can offer enough sacrifices. Well, it really does n’t matter if you really believe in your heart, so this sentence is actually harmless.

After a short while, Du Yuqi first determined the authority F, because although the believer level is important and can be obtained in the future, the item of the Holy Relic of the Contract has only been used once, and he should be very I will use it soon, so if I miss this village, there will be no shop, so I start decisively.

Next, Du Yuqi only had a temporary divine crown. The first thing he ruled out was permission E. This kind of uncertain reward like lottery did not meet his character of seeking stability, and permission D did not allow his strength to be obtained immediately. Growth-after all, he doesn't even have a follower now!

In the end, Du Yuqi's choice was permission B to obtain six sacred crowns. This thing should be the currency inside the contract denomination. It is true that when the money is used, the party hates less. This is an absolute truth. With various privileges, this stuff is indispensable, so keep it in reserve.

After Du Yuqi made his choice, he was asked to place the sacred object of the **** of the contract on his own altar, and then began to appear a hazy white light to wrap it, and then prompted Du Yuqi to say, Although the repair process is very short, upgrading is quite laborious. It is estimated that it will take four hours to forty-eight hours. At that time, the function of the exclusive altar will be temporarily suspended.

Du Yuqi has not responded to the call in the past two or three days, so the suspension of the exclusive altar does not matter, and he couldn't help but want to vomit when he saw this time-consuming span. Four to forty-eight hours of uncertainty How many factors?

However, what Du Yuqi could do at this time was only a spit. He suddenly remembered that he had to go over to sign a contract with the landlord of the newly rented room today, and he just slipped away when he was out of class.


At this time on the continent of Arad, it was a storm.

The city of Shatri was originally stricken by internal warfare, and was dropped from the sky by a huge steel fortress, which almost destroyed and polluted a quarter of the urban area. At this time, a group of Bantu people have successfully withdrawn. In the snowy area of ​​Ston, and began to actively build roads, when the prepared empire sent troops to annihilate in anger, it retreated to the depths of the Wannian Snow Mountain.

However, what shakes the entire Arad continent most is that the Minsk Cathedral was destroyed in a mix of natural and human disasters. According to the official information currently released, there have been several precursory earthquakes near the Minsk Cathedral. Some of the outbuildings and main structures of the Minsk Templar have been destroyed. In the ensuing earthquake, the entire Templar was finally unable to support and was completely destroyed. The archbishop Lisarius fell down because of this. The elite among the churches also withered.

Under such circumstances, a mysterious thief raided the Minsk temple and stole the holy artifact by stealth: the Holy Silver Cross of Golandia! This powerful artifact that has been passed down for hundreds of years is missing, and even lost resonance with the rest of the artifact!

Because the identity of this thief was a mystery, the Bantu were regarded as enemies by all priests throughout the Arad continent, and at the same time issued a statement that they have since refused to provide any form of treatment to any Bantu. The order even caused a large number of adventurer squads to appear infighting, because the bat trainers and paladins of the Bantu happened to be very popular members of the adventurer team. Once the two sides confronted each other, the entire team must face The fate of Sancha!

In this case, the conflict between the priesthood and the Bantu immediately attracted the attention of most people, ignoring the other organization hidden behind the scenes but working hard! At this time, the organization had already made a list of people who stood on the opposite side of the battle at Shattly and were very active.

At this time, this list was held in a fiber hand, and then a voice sounded:

"This Du priest again! Interesting, really interesting."

The speaker was not someone else, it was Mixia, and she was in the office at this time. Standing opposite her, it was a clown. Although the clown's face was smeared with oil paint at this time, there was a large scar that had been burned by fire. His right arm actually grew back again, but it still looks like Very weak, so wrapped in gauze.

After hearing Xi's words, the clown shuddered all over his body, apparently hearing the words "priest Du" stimulated, and immediately half-knelt in the tunnel:

"Master, it's my fault. I should focus on dealing with him in the first place. As a result, he survived underground and got out of control."

Mixia sat on the lounge chair next to her, and she looked energetic all the time, waving her hand:

"You did a great job this time, both in contacting the Bantu people, and in negotiations with the sheep and Camoka, and even the seal door under the Minsk Cathedral was handled just right, and it was Aga A large part of the confidential information from Mennon passed over, so even if there is anything wrong, it is flawless and successful. "

As soon as Misha said these words, the clown immediately choked a little:

"Thank you for your approval."

Mi Xia said casually:

"This time, I have issued a warrant for your reward. This time, why did you lose to that Du priest? The reason is that the way to deal with the problem is incorrect. Your greatest advantage is not in your own strength, but in your hands. Power! "

"If you are using the priest ’s life as a condition while negotiating with the Bantu, can they not agree? If you transfer some of the secrets of the steel fortress to the Imperial Army, and on the condition of the priest's life, they can not Promise? If you take a two-pronged approach, you will naturally solve this problem without any hesitation. "

"Son of thousands, don't sit down, I appreciate you because of your mind, but you're fighting against him, this is the real reason for your failure. But fortunately, you have saved your life, this It's pretty good. What dignity, honor, shame, and wealth are all based on being alive. Without life, these are all empty. If you survive, then you have a chance to make a comeback! "

After hearing Misha's words, the clown nodded silently.

Mixia then took a sip of the juice in the goblet next to her and said:

"Although Rev. Du is tricky, his roots are in a different realm. It seems that his origin is somewhat unknown. This time, the **** who has passed the contract has already secretly accounted for him. The next time it is almost impossible to entice him, so first Let it go, it is not necessary to pay too much attention to him now. "

"However, Su Zanxi seems to be a little embarrassing. Kamoka has promised to take refuge in us, but died in her hands. At the same time, the mutant leader Roth we went to meet also fell under her hands. Because of these two things, she has caused us a lot of losses! "

"In addition, I also saw her name in several reports before. It seems that she is still a person who attaches great importance to Fengquan Liu. She is known as a rare genius once in a century, and her reputation in Xuzu is also very loud. , Her next goal is her. "

Mi Xia held the materials casually, and her index finger nails coated with bright red cardamom oil were stuck on the words "Su Zanxi" on the materials, and then said lightly:

"Let this amazingly talented genius girl fall into disrepute and end up in the sorrow of everyone's castaway traitor. It is really interesting to think about it, and this can give our enemies enough warning! I have a plan for the matter and leave it to you. "

The clown took this information and took a deep breath:

"The will of the master will be implemented most thoroughly!"


After returning from the Arad continent, Du Yuqi knew that he must have been hated by the clown this time, but he didn't care about it. After all, it was impossible for the other party to catch up to the earth. This was the biggest advantage. At the same time, he responded to the call. The right is in his own hands, and it is definitely not easy for the other party to do it again.

However, Du Yuqi did not expect that it was precisely because of his difficulty that he caused the enemy to change his target and switch to Su Zanxi!

At this time, Du Yuqi received a call from the boss of the Budokan. The white fat guy almost used a tone of teeth:

"One hundred thousand is one hundred thousand. You have to make sure you do it well!"

Du Yuqi smiled when he heard what Boss Liang said:

"Okay, boss, are you ready to pay 50,000 yuan in advance?"

Boss Liang immediately yelled with his eyes wide open:

"What prepaid 50,000 !!"

Du Yuqi smiled and said:

"Don't we say yes? The 100,000 yuan that I gave me ~ ~ There are 50,000 yuan prepaid, to avoid losing my blood for some irresistible reasons."

Liang Fatzi said in a desperate manner:

"When will we say yes !!"

Du Yuqi smiled abruptly, but did not answer, because if this guy really wants to give 100,000, then he will agree to put forward a 50,000 prepayment, because in his heart, the 100,000 is already classified as " It ’s not the part that belongs to you ", so even if you give 50,000 in advance, it is not difficult to accept.

Therefore, if Liang Fat refuses to pay in advance, it can only show that he did not intend to pay this money from beginning to end!

"One second, two seconds, three seconds" Du Yuqi counted down silently in his heart, and then heard that Liang Fat hadn't changed his mouth, and said:

"I still have something to do. The next time Manager Liang talks, he will simply hang up." (To be continued.)