The Last Apostle

v5 Chapter 112: Clever entrance

This time, all the people started off during the day, the reason is very simple, because now the whole night in Kantwin began to impose a curfew. At that time, there were no ghosts in the street. Even if Du Yuqi had a good relationship with the Knights You can get the road lead, but the eight of them should not be too eye-catching when walking to the street, so strictly speaking, the chance of being found on the side of the Crimson House on Shell Avenue in the daytime is smaller than in the evening.

However, even in the daytime, it is definitely not a good idea, because Shell Avenue is six miles long, and the Red Stone Tower is located on both sides of Shell Avenue. It is the must for Cantwin to go to the seal place. By the land.

The vicinity of the Sealed Land has been included in the restricted area two years ago. This is not an official ban, but an iron fact that countless business travellers, adventurers, and bandits have piled up their own flesh and blood. Therefore, if there is no reason at all, in addition to the poor ghosts who live in the red stone building, there are some tourists from other places. No ordinary citizen will think of going there. Eight people, Du Yuqi No matter how you disguise yourself, they are too conspicuous for those dense eyes and spies.

But it ’s okay, this little thing is not difficult for Du Yuqi. If there are not many people, then a large number of people will flow away. He directly asked the land snake Watley to release the news, saying that there is a treasure buried in the underground of the red stone building, and then Let people bury thousands of silver coins --- Of course, they are buried in several places. Then induce people to dig it out, and finally help a little bit.

So the news spread quickly throughout the city and immediately attracted countless idlers. Of course, the fake methods of these people sent by Waterley must be quite ordinary. Really knowledgeable scholars or sighted people can be seen at a glance. Out of the catty.

But the problem is that Du Yuqi's simple strategy is aimed at ordinary people. When the little citizen heard that the cat and dog next door had dug a few silver coins, he immediately spit fire in his eyes and beat the drums. On the second day, he called his friends and his family to impulsively, and they could not wait to dig Three feet, so this strategy works well, and Du Yuqi's purpose is very simple, that is to make the crowds of places such as Shell Avenue and Crimson Stone House, the gate is like a city ... In this case, eight of them want to In the past, it was much less likely to be stared to death.

Eight people were divided into three groups, and they were mixed in the crowd of people who went to Chihongshilou to dig treasures early in the morning. Because these people were based on families, they were grouped in pairs, so Du Yuqi's group was not at all Obviously, it is estimated that the intelligence personnel of the Zero Organization and the Knights of the Iron Bear are also scolding their mothers at this time. After all, they cannot come to a massacre to kill all the people who go to the Red Stone Tower?

When I stepped on the gray avenue of shells again, I felt the unique texture under my feet. Du Yuqi also gently booed and took a long breath, which was more relaxed than when he came last time. This time he came to this mood But he felt heavy, and despite the crowds around him, he felt extremely depressed.

After entering the range of the Crimson Stone Building, Du Yuqi actually found that there was a few monsters piled up scattered on an open space beside him. These monsters looked carefully, and it was exactly what he had done. There are many types of dead whispers, strange monsters and so on.

The corpse whisperer that was killed at that time was directly dissolved when exposed to light. It should be that the chaos breath emanating from the ground was not strong enough, and the generated monsters were not powerful enough. Look at the current corpse whisperers and Even though they died, they still fell to the ground in a shameful manner, showing no signs of melting, and they knew that their strength was getting stronger and stronger.

However, this is useless, because at least tens of thousands of people gathered here at the Crimson Stone House to dig for treasure. These sporadic monsters face the crowd. With such a large population base, it can only be the object of beating mice crossing the street. What's more, this makes many self-righteous people take it for granted --- Of course, there should be monsters to guard near the treasure.

Of course, at this time, large pits have appeared on the ground around the Crimson Stone Building. Of course, they were dug out by the citizens who heard the news. It can be said that the white sacrifice brought a large group of believers back. The grand start of construction here, Du Yuqi took the lead, and the rest scattered and followed him, and then came to a red stone building next to it.

The number of this redstone building is 11.

The passage opened by the White Sacrifice was in the 11th Red Stone Building!

Of course, there are people living in the 11th red red stone building, but what is the means of white sacrifice? If he did not have his own token, even if someone had to find someone to demolish the building, it would not have been possible to find the opening of the passage that had been opened that year.

Needless to say at this time, the people in the 11th Red Stone Building must be completely cleared out, but there are many people around here, and Du Yuqi certainly cannot use the conventional method, but must let the people inside volunteer.

At this time, the manpower previously arranged by Waterley was used. Du Yuqi winked at her, Waterley nodded slightly, and her left hand was quietly pressed on the hidden crystal ball to notify the arranged person.

So after a while, several people slowly gathered in front of No. 11 Honghongshilou and started digging. However, it didn't take long to dig, and someone immediately held up the soil with a chuckle, and there were silver coins in the soil. It crashed down.

"Hahaha, I found the treasure, I found it!"

Du Yuqi looked at him, couldn't help covering his face, and felt that the expression was not too exaggerated, it was really too unprofessional, but the majority of the people hated this kind of shameless wealthy villains, and they immediately swarmed After coming over, I saw these people starting to fight internally, how could the rest of the onlookers bear it? The strong one stepped forward to scramble, and the weak one quietly found a good place to dig.

Needless to say, of course, a few piles of silver coins were buried in this place in advance, but within a few minutes, the lucky man immediately screamed with joy, which became more irritating, as if it were hot coals, and immediately attracted more People flocked as if flies were seeing carrion.

Such a big movement outside, even the aboriginal people in the 11th Chihong Stone House can hear even the deaf. Of course, they ca n’t help rushing out. Take the opportunity to get rich, and start to be crowded if you ca n’t squeeze into the crowd. Digging the soil, so after a few minutes, Du Yuqi felt that those who could still breathe in the Chihongshi Building had already rushed out to dig in the ground, so he coughed and walked in.

The building in the eleventh is quiet, only the noise from the distance is clear. Of course, the environment inside is dirty and messy is necessary, and there will be a lot of urinary odors even around the corner. Outside After the incoming skylight came in, it seemed to be filtered, and it gave people an unreal feeling.

As mentioned earlier, the building serial numbers of Chihongshilou are out of order, or arranged in an order that Du Yuqi could not recognize. The 11th building is located on the side close to Canterwin's city. If you want to dig an underpass to the land of seals, it is very uneconomical from the perspective of artificial and economics, but then With the order of the white sacrifice, all the mad believers around him were obedient. What was it like? Presumably he will not consider any artificial and economic.

After Du Yuqi entered the eleventh building, he immediately stood in the top rightmost room and refused to move. After ten minutes, Jeter couldn't help it:

"Master, what are we waiting for now?"

Du Yuqi said:

"Wait time, then go down to the tunnel."

Jeter was taken aback:

"The authentic entrance is on this top floor?"

Du Yuqi said:

"I was the same as you ~ ~ I thought the entrance was in the basement, but looking for a thousand years in the basement would never find the entrance. The person who worshipped the white sacrifice was also leak-proof and very secure. The entrance to this place is: Without his token Valangir, he would not have been able to enter even if he himself had come again. "

The worker continued to wait for five minutes, and Du Yuqi suddenly opened his eyes because he had noticed that a dark spot-like thing really appeared in the corner of the wall, which was almost the same as the stain on the wall, and it was difficult to tell the difference. If Du Yuqi had known in advance that this spot would appear, otherwise he would have thought that it was already there.

At this time, Du Yuqi had already taken Valangir out, and saw that group of dark spots immediately gave out a faint light, and then saw Valangir's bright light, the illusion of a small white octopus. Appeared again, and put out a tentacle to lightly spot on the dark spot.

The dark spots disappeared quickly, but the next few seconds I saw a starry light appearing on the floor of the room, these lights quickly connected together, and finally it was an array of pentagrams, The center of the eye can stand about three people.