The Last Apostle

v5 Chapter 123: Motocross

At this time, Morofa's injuries looked very serious. A terrible wound was slanted from the left shoulder to the outside of the right hip joint. If ordinary people suffered such injuries, all the internal organs would have flowed out, which was extremely scary. However, for Morofa after awakening, every muscle in the whole body, including the internal organs, can be freely controlled, and she can still cover her belly with one hand and persist in fighting.

At this point, the dark breath left by his wound had been removed, which made Du Yuqi feel very worry-free, otherwise he would have to cut off the lingering flesh little by little on the wound, and this penitent hand The requirements came out that no alchemy potion could be used, and a small healing spell could not be cast. --- In this case, the subsequent treatment process gave Du Yuqi a feeling of returning to the earth, threading the needle, and debridement. Suture, anastomosis ...

Of course, at this time when he was undergoing surgery, there were also many Iron Bear Knights and Paladins watching beside him, and it was clear that he wanted to steal the division. However, in addition to the hands-on ability of medical medicine on the planet, surgical instruments and various Drugs are also a very important part. Even if they have learned Du Yuqi's handling methods, it is useless without corresponding drugs. Besides, there are many fine-grained things in surgery:

For a very simple example, bleeding occurs because a blood vessel is broken, so in the case that the blood cannot be stopped automatically, the method of processing the blood vessel is different according to different situations.

Just by the type of blood vessel, there is anastomosis between arteries and arteries, anastomosis between veins and veins, even anastomosis between arteries and veins, and side branch anastomosis.

From the type of treatment, it is divided into vascular debridement and vascular repair.

In terms of suture method, it is divided into two fixed-point suture methods and three fixed-point suture methods ...

In terms of applied equipment, magnifying glass and microscope are the most basic.

Not only that, the special vascular suture needle is only 3 mm long, and the hair is 1/5 thicker, and the suture thread is even thinner. The trace of the needle thread can be found through a microscope. It must be matched with a pocket electrocoagulation when sutured. Hemostatic device.

There is also a complete set of micro-operational surgical instruments, such as micro-tweezers, vascular dilators, micro-surgical scissors, curved micro-surgical scissors, micro-surgical needle holders, etc. When it is difficult to suture, blood vessels are also required. Stapler.


Is it already dazzling?

Also, the most common thread used to sew blood vessels is the prilin thread. Depending on the size of the blood vessel, the type of thread used is different. Common sutures are named 3.5, 3.0, 2.5, 2.0 from thick to fine ..., Its minimum diameters are 0.35mm, 0.30mm, 0.25mm, 0.20mm ... in detail, a book can't be beaten.

Therefore, Du Yuqi is not afraid of others stealing the study, because without his explanation, even if the other party learns something, if the other party directly saves it, the disease will become heavier and heavier, and it may be fatal.

Because of this, when Du Yuqi started the operation, there were the most people watching, but after he had performed the operation for Morofa, there were only a few two or three people standing and watching, and it is estimated that A long line emerged from the head? ? ? ? status.

Next, after Du Yuqi's treatment for the other strong men was completed, it took a whole four or five hours. At this time, more and more wounded were sent. Obviously, the Knights of the Iron Bear wanted to expand the results.

However, Du Yuqi was not used to doing good things for free all the time. He directly said that the medicine he had brought up was exhausted, and he was very tired. He couldn't follow up the operation. As for what other people wanted to say, that was their business.

At this time, I have to say that the efficiency of the Knights of the Iron Bear is still very high. After it was determined that a lot of benefits can be obtained here, a large amount of material was quickly sent in, and barracks and a large number of buildings were set up on the square. Defense facilities.

What surprised Du Yuqi at the same time was that the channel they came in to the desperate stage was also expanded and remodeled. It seemed to be more stable than before. It was really difficult to do this in a short time. Feeling of confidence.

However, Du Yuqi soon found the answer, because among these armed fighters who came, he saw the dimension walker, a rare occupation that can only be transferred by a male magician, and controlled the powerful dimension energy. This can not only cause amazing damage to the enemy, of course, it also has a profound understanding of the passage between dimensions.

With the help of Dimension Walker, it is no wonder that the Knights of the Iron Bear can follow along and successfully expand the plane channel opened by the White Sacrifice.

Du Yuqi returned to his camp and took a break. After drinking a few sips of water, he realized that Waterley had obtained the latest first-hand information from the Knights of the Bear, which was in the Knights of the Bear. Collected by the mechanic.

They released a large number of auxiliary robots G1 Corona (sixth generation), which is a pen-sized robot, which moves quickly like a dragonfly, with high adaptability and high detection, although these G1 Coronas were damaged. The number is very alarming, but the rough terrain in the vicinity is also plotted. At this time, Waterley already has a complete topographic map within a few kilometers of the vicinity. At the same time, G1 Corona has the most damaged area. It was marked with a red warning color, showing that it cannot be easily reached there.

After seeing this topographic map, Du Yuqi couldn't help but remember another thing. When he first met the clown, he had broken one of his fingers and got his dimensional ring. There is also a map in the Dimension Ring, which seems to record a relic called the Grieving Cave underground, which looks similar to this one in Watley's hand at this time.

Following this topographic map, Du Yuqi and others also set off to explore again. This time when they set off, it was already a shotgun change. Instead of relying on walking, they carried an all-terrain off-road motorcycle.

This motorcycle appears in earthy camouflage style, which is seven or eight times the size of an ordinary motorcycle. It is very large, and there is a large trailer next to it, which carries the weapon system, and the vehicle has thick external armor. Armored vehicles are similar. The tires of motorcycles look like giant gears, and their off-road ability is very strong. Even on the rugged ground covered with bushes, they can drive at speeds of 30 to 40 kilometers.

Of course, ~ ~ brought by such a strong off-road capability must be crazy bumps. Do n’t consider the shock absorption performance. If ordinary people ride this car, they have to be upset even if they do n’t vomit. It ’s impossible, but fortunately Du Yuqi's strength is strong, and he must be able to withstand it.

This motorcycle quickly passed through the area marked by the map, and stopped to collect various samples from time to time. This was so much better than Du Yuqi's previous reliance on walking, and more importantly, working with Du Yuqi at the same time Starting separately, there are eleven all-terrain off-road motorcycles of the same model, and eight mechanics have released airborne robots capable of flying in the air at the same time. The pressure from all sides made the native monsters lurking on the ground of this seal feel overwhelmed.

Thirty minutes after driving out, Waterley suddenly exclaimed, then pointed in one direction:

"Go there!"

The rest of the people knew that Waterley had a strong ability to foresee, and immediately refreshed his spirit and drove in that direction. After crossing a dirt slope, everyone immediately saw a small valley in front A large area of ​​pale black appeared, and it also shone with a peculiar metallic luster. If you look carefully to distinguish it, you will find that it is swaying in the wind.