The Last Apostle

v5 Chapter 150: control

After the scepter was lifted, it was suddenly a mauve lightning that tore the sky and aimed at the subject No. 3 and hit it down directly. This wind element lord seemed to growl and be mad, in fact, all the moves contained deep meaning, first appeared In addition to its extremely lethal power, the mudstone wind tornado has a very important point, which is to effectively limit the enemy's movement speed.

In this way, the weakness of his next purple lightning was remedied. When this lightning was hit, there was actually a clear charge chanting process, which took at least two seconds. For enemies who are good at moving speed, if there is no mudstone wind tornado, it is not too easy to flash this lightning off. Just under the control of the mudstone wind tornado, this blow can be said to be very fatal.

The lilac lightning struck straight down, and Subject III only had time to do a dodge action, and was hit by the front. Its half of the body immediately turned into a terrible coke, and it was still falling downwards. Carbon ash, the trauma and pain caused by this can be imagined.

But at this time, the unicorn on the forehead of Experiment No. 3 became as shiny as crystal, emitting a little light, and then it cracked and cracked. At the moment of breaking, It was a fist-sized black-red meteorite shot from it again.

Around this meteorite, weird black energy was emitted, and it was shot at an extremely fast speed. It immediately hit the large black-red meteorite that had previously been sent out. After the two collided, a twisted one emerged. Smoke, this smoke formed a crooked and distorted face, which looked quite similar to the previous experiment No. 3, and then directly crashed into the body of the Wind Elemental Lord!

Soul meteorite!

The Lord of the Wind Elements immediately gave out a painful roar! Because it feels a deadly threat, as an elemental creature, it has nothing to do with it, but the black-red meteorite that hit it has launched a direct attack on the spiritual level. You can see this black-red meteorite entering it. After the body's body, it is shrinking at an alarming rate, but the price of this shrinkage is to pay the price of its own life!

At this time, the Lord of the Wind Elements knew that he had made a great mistake. Although at this time, the experimental body No. 3 had been completely torn by the mudstone tornado, torn into pieces, and completely disappeared in this space, but it The remaining killer crickets are definitely not easily tolerated, even the elemental creatures are not the same! Unfortunately, it is too late for the Lord of the Wind Elements to understand this.

You know, what is the basic template for this experimenter No. 3? It is a powerful monster from the realm of the other world. The leader of this monster is called Coco Zola. Coco Zola belongs to the name, similar to the chief warrior. Even if he died, he added it. This is also called this name, the specialty is good at making meteorites to attack the enemy.

After killing Coco Zola, the Biochemical Department of Zero Organization began to use his body as a model to develop clones and develop biochemical weapons. However, there was always a huge problem that could not be solved. That was Coco Zola's body. The power is too powerful, so even the clones are difficult to control.

This question didn't find the answer until recently, and the answer was the arm that Neil Bath broke when he passed through the door of darkness! !!

Neil Bath is already very demonized at this time, so the arm he broke can almost be used as a demon arm native to Arad!

Coco Zhuola's cell finally found the other half that could resist it and restrict it!

Therefore, Experiment No. 3 is actually equivalent to a mixed cell clone of the two powerful Neil Baths and Coco Zola. This elemental lord hit a blow from this guy before his death, and its power is at least It's 80% of Neil Bass or Coco Zola, and this meteorite is also a dual damage of soul and fire, which is not easy to digest.

When the Lord of the Wind Elements screamed and finally took the power of that soul meteorite cleanly, its body has become very thin, almost translucent, and it can be seen how great the damage was. At this time, the original consciousness The wind element lord who had become very chaotic suddenly gave birth to a subtle feeling, could not help looking up at the huge steel giant not far away!

At this time, on the back of the giant robot spider, I did not know when a platform was raised. At the edge of the platform, there was a woman with long hair flying. Although she could not see her face for the sake of distance, she was unparalleled. As the sun rises, as the tide rises!

She is Misha!

Although she is visually smaller than the colossal machine giant under her, she is so small that in the face of the soaring momentum, the robot spider that is as large as a mountain is just her stepping stone!

Far away, a giant pupil illusion emerged from behind the woman, the light spread, deep and unpredictable, as if there was an endless temptation in Tongren!

The giant pupil fixed the Lord of the Wind Elemental. The guy immediately shook his head and looked lethargic. Then, Mixia pointed at the Lord of the Wind Elemental. The Lord of the Wind Elementary was seriously injured. Suddenly, I suddenly felt that a very comfortable warm current rushed into my consciousness, and suddenly became blank. Although I knew that I was still on the battlefield, I couldn't help but want to go to sleep. Although I tried to resist, resisted the consciousness She was quickly stripped, and finally gave up the resistance completely. The huge body quickly shrank, and finally turned into a wagon of misty clouds the size of a car stayed on the battlefield.

Witnessing all this, many people inside the giant steel spider gave a cheer! The elemental lord has been caught alive, such a harvest is not rich! Even use the word miracle to describe it.

Intuitively, even if the core of the element is obtained after killing an element lord, its market price is equivalent to one-fifth of the cost of this expedition, and this is still an element lord caught alive! In the entire market in Arad, such goods have not been seen for 50 or 60 years. It is estimated that once released, even the relevant markets in the entire continent will be shaken, not to mention anything else, just want to sell You have to release the news and wait for one year to maximize the benefits-because you have to raise funds for buyers and have enough time to sell the industry!

At this moment, Mi Xia's mouth had a faint smile, and she stepped down from the upper platform in an elegant step. The surrounding soldiers and staff members welcomed each other and sent out a burst of cheers, Mi Xia He used to wave his hand as usual, then walked into the core command inside the giant steel spider, and said lightly to the attendant next to him:

"I'm a little tired. Take a break first. Don't bother me."

The attendant immediately bowed down and took orders, then stood outside the door in a row, guarding his chest and abdomen ~ ~ Mi Xia nodded, then slowly walked into his own lounge, which was inside The natural decoration is very delicate, exquisitely carved furniture, comfortable beds, and even a golden bathroom for bathing.

However, when the portal behind closed slowly, Mi Xia's face suddenly changed. She suddenly took a moment to walk and took a few steps towards the bed next to her, but these steps seemed to her like nature. It was difficult to get over, and then she went straight down on the spot. She was as weak as a butterfly that had just broken a cocoon, or she had just faded a layer of cicada, and fell to the ground.

Then, I saw Mixia's body bursting into a burst of white gas. Looking through this white gas seemed to bring a burst of distortion, and even the contents of Baiqi were not real. If a great magician can see it here, this is a very sign of the failure of very advanced illusion magic! what does this mean? That is to say, Mixia, who appeared before the crowd, was not her original face, she was so deep-hearted!

"This power really cannot be used easily." There was a sound in the room suddenly, as if sighing, and if complaining about Ai, although it quickly dissipated after ringing, people will feel very profound after hearing it.