The Last Apostle

v5 Chapter 173: capture

This mutant Terra stone was trying to fly away, but was bumped into the air and rolled. Du Yuqi immediately exhibited three segments and rushed out after seeing this. Then the distance between the two was shortened. With both feet kicking on the ground, they flew out, and reached out to make a football goalkeeper's fish-saving action. Finally, he fell horribly to the ground and slid out five or six meters. Fortunately, he was wearing at this time. It was a legacy plate armor set, so it was only scratched by flesh.

In Du Yuqi's palm, he held tightly this blue-colored mutant tela stone. This mutant tella stone is not as docile as the golden one, and it feels completely complete. It's like an angry and powerful fish, desperately tossing, trying to break free of restraint.

At this moment, Du Yuqi suddenly felt a few rays of light shining on the finger of this mutated Terra stone. After these rays of light flashed, a feeling of greed and hunger suddenly appeared in his heart. As if this mutated tara stone in hand is as delicious as ever, with a desire to devour it.

And after Du Yuqi had this feeling in his heart, the mutant tara stone in his hand seemed to sense something, and he was struggling even more crazy at once, but Du Yuqi continued to stare at the mutant tara stone for a while, and was slow. Slow restraint stopped the desire in the heart, successfully quelled it, so it became more rational, and then a feeling of exclusion slowly rose in the bottom of my heart.

Uh, how to say it, it ’s like a person who feels that he can still eat, but he has soy sauce, woolen eggs, and stinky tofu in his hand. It ’s okay to know that this kind of food is not bad, but it ’s definitely not much Meet your taste ...

So Du Yuqi hesitated for a while, and found a box to put away this mutated Terra stone. This mutated Terra stone seems to be able to sense the emotion in Du Yuqi's heart, so he became honest and let Du Yuqi manipulate it. Already.

At this time, Du Yuqi clearly felt that after he merged with that golden mutant Terra stone, his body changed again subtlely, but he was too late to look at it, because Nobis couldn't handle it at any time. They will rush back in a hurry, when will they wait until they leave? Then Rajet loudly:

"Don't go yet, stand up silly!"

Jeter stood in a dull position, then looked at Du Yuqi's some grievances and some incredible words:

"Boss ... I just reached out and grabbed the netted stone, but it stuck to my hand when I touched it!"

Du Yuqi froze for a while, and found it difficult to understand Jette's words. Fortunately, Jette immediately lifted his hand up, and immediately saw that his palm was really close to that one. The black light mutated Terra stone, it really can't get rid of it! Fortunately, Du Yuqi had just assimilated with a mutant Terra stone, and immediately understood what happened, and immediately said:

"This is not sticky, it shows that you and this mutant tara stone also match the attributes. Although it is not as good as me and the golden mutant tara stone before, this thing does not resist assimilation with you. This is a good thing, it is equivalent to you can continuously absorb the power inside. "

Jette was surprised:


Du Yuqi assimilated with the golden mutated Terra stone, had learned a lot of ancient secrets, and immediately nodded:

"Yes, after losing the attraction and repression of the scepter of God, each mutant Tara stone also has its own unique power, so as long as the strong match it, you can assimilate and absorb the mutant Tara The power of the apostle among the stones. "

"So it ’s true that you absorb the power in the mutant tara stone, and even say that you are two in one. When you absorb this mutant tara stone, you should be able to get a certain This kind of new ability, or a certain skill has been greatly strengthened. Let's not hurry up now, run away! The monster will definitely kill back at this time. "

Jeter suddenly excited:

"There is such a good thing! Boss, haven't you just got a mutant teralite? Why didn't you absorb it?"

Du Yuqi shook her head and said:

"The power in this stuff is very unique. Although the power is strong but the damage is also great, if it is not very suitable, it will be a terrible end for us. Let's go ahead and stop here."

Jette heard this, screamed, and hurriedly touched his body to feel what was wrong, and then he was taken seriously by Du Yuqi's proposal to run. At this time, although the aftermath of the surrounding explosion was still very fierce, he was agile. They were far beyond ordinary people, and it was not a hindrance. The two immediately fled the crime scene.

However, when the two came to the ground, they were immediately shocked:

It turned out that the bloodstone altar built by Nobis before was turned to ashes, and a huge silver beam of light rose to the sky, at least five or six hundred meters in diameter. At the same time, there was also a slightly smaller one on the west side. The white beams of light rose into the sky, seemingly echoing the silver beams of light, but it can be seen that these two rays are not destructive, they are just visual effects, and they are gradually fading away.

"We seem to have missed a good show ..." Looking at this grandeur, Du Yuqi couldn't help saying to Jeter.

Jet was also stunned, speechless.


It turned out that just a moment ago, when Du Yuqi caused a big bang, when that rocky arm that collapsed in the sky crashed, Nobis floated into the air, hissing in pain, and everyone could see it. This floating was by no means voluntary.

Immediately afterwards, with the crash of the giant rock arm, it seemed like the sky was falling apart, and the whole plane was shaking. The tall and towering bloodstone altar built by Nobis was also smashed under the falling boulder. At this time, the silver giant beam of light that Du Yuqi saw suddenly appeared, and slowly emerged from it. Illusion of silhouette.

Seeing the illusion of this figure, Neil Bath suddenly looked up, his eyes suddenly restored to clarity:

"This illusion, is it? ..."

Misha's response was even more direct, and she immediately ordered:

"Retrieve the database immediately, search me for all the relevant information about the appearance of the great priest Jig! Now, immediately! At the fastest speed!"

Soon, three pictures appeared on the light screen in front of Mi Xia, two of them looked very shabby and one was even yellowed, and then a panic and hurried voice came:

"Master, the great priest Jig died at the time against the empire. Therefore, after the empire was established, his sect was exterminated and his information was burned. Now we have collected his physical information. And a confidential document, and an excerpt from a lost magic book. "

Mixia Cold Road:

"Immediately compare the retrieved image with the illusion in the beam of light and see how similar it is."

Soon, the voice of the opposite scientist came:

"Although the looks of the two seem to be different ~ ~, there are several facial features that are very close to each other. Even if they are not the same person, they can be said to have a very close blood relationship."

Mi Xia nodded and said:

"It goes without saying that although there is evidence to prove that the spirit of the great priest Jig has been transformed into the ninth ghost and god, the illusion in this silver pillar of light should be a ray of remnant left in this fallen land. Or a ray of will! "

"No wonder the previous exploration will find an evil altar under the giant rock arm. This altar should be a seal built by Nobis to suppress this strand of will! I don't know why at this time, this giant rock arm will actually collapse. , Smashing the altar, so the seal is invalid, it looks like this Nobis is in big trouble. "

When this remnant soul of the great priest Jig appeared, he pointed towards the distance, and immediately saw a white light soaring into the sky. At this time, if Du Yuqi looked down from a height, he could find a very The key thing is that the place where the white light soared into the sky is the place where the white sacrifice rested in the land of the seal.

It goes without saying that what happened next, the White Sacrifice, which was already the soul of dormancy, emerged slowly from the white beam of light, and knelt down and worshiped in the face of Master Jige, a great master.