The Last Apostle

v5 Chapter 47: Lin and Jeter

At this time, hundreds of miles away, Lin and Jette were looking down from the gap between the leaves. Those guys who held them almost helpless were going down the mountain quickly, and they all seemed to have them. A bit of anxiety and embarrassment.

After confirming that the other party was actually retreating instead of a stunned shot, Jett sat down on the ground with a big mouth, panting, and as he breathed, **** saliva flowed from the corner of his mouth, but he It was too late to wipe, and the head necklace hanging around the neck was dangling.

There was a stern wound on his chest. The flesh rolled and was wiped with a handful of dirt by Jette. It seemed that the hemostatic effect was not good. At the same time, his right hand was also severed with three fingers severed.

In comparison, Lin seemed calmer. Most of his body was stained with other people's blood. Except that his face was slightly paler, he didn't seem to be hurt much. This has something to do with Lin's skill, but more importantly, Jet has blocked him several times.

Due to the follower agreement between Jet and Du Yuqi, he has a passive skill: a killer (followers will trigger this special effect when they are about to suffer fatal damage, which will cause a strong layer of protection in vitro. The shield is teleported to the owner instantly.)

It is with this passive skill, that he likes to rush into front of Jet, regardless of his body. At this time, the game seems more fierce and fierce.

It is also strange to say that the Goblin race is full of contradictions. Most Goblin looks timid and timid, but a small part of Goblin will completely ignore his life and become a self-explosive soldier. When it is necessary to go all out with the enemy when necessary, Jeter obviously belongs to this kind of guy who ignores life and death.

Lin and Jet can hold up to now. Before that, they had a lot of organ traps prepared in this mountain forest. They would be of great use. Otherwise, they would have been caught long ago. Forgiveness, these organ traps are also exhausted. What makes Lin even more distressed is that his loyal men have lost seven or eight people. These people are indispensable to him.

After breathing for a while, Jet started to awkwardly wound himself, and wondered:

"Why did these guys retreat themselves?"

Lin watched the current situation for a while, then said:

"It should be the priest Du. They returned to Arad, and then knew that we were very embarrassed by the chase. We intentionally revealed where we were to share the pressure on our side."

Jeter's eyes revealed a vicious color:

"They're good. Come as soon as you want. Just leave if you want. Ha ha, it's too cheap, right?"

After hearing Jet's words, Lin also sneered:

"Hahaha, I think so too. How can we let this happen as the other party flees in such a hurry? Just now that **** mechanic gave me a large-scale air strike, and now it still makes me feel pain all over. Maybe it's so cheap for him? Can you still move? Go! We stick to it, at least we can't let them out of this mountain area easily! "

Jette bit his bandage with his teeth, then tightened the wound on the palm, then learned the shape of Du Yuqi and poured the alchemy healing potion over the wound, and then he breathed out after breathing slowly:


After the two made up their minds, they faced the enemies withdrawn immediately, and immediately chased after each other. Although Lin did not have the strong speed of Du Yuqi's blessing under various superb equipment, he was not slow to intersperse in this forest. Obviously, it was specially practiced. The fluttering clothes jumped from the forest, as if it were a blue and circling goshawk, making a rapid advance.

The group of people who were withdrawn at this time was divided into two parts. One was still determined to hunt down Yu Xi. Such people were headed by Sicily, and there were official detectives.

In addition, some people who came with the flow began to be pessimistic about the prospect and retired. After all, these people have traveled all the way and hunted for so long, but they have been ashamed along the way, but they have been taken Several people were still dead with their noses crossed. At this time, even the forward base was sacked. In this case, it is necessary to evaluate the risks of this industry and think about whether it is worthwhile to do so.

Following the group of people who Sicily was determined to withdraw, the speed of removal was very fast, and the destination was very clear. It was to rush back to the temporary advance base, and all of them were flexing their muscles. I am convinced that this time, the broad daylight, cannot be returned. Run away by them.

The pessimistic group of people is not so active. To be precise, it seems to be lazy, and the millworkers who are clumsy in three or five are all venting their dissatisfaction, and at the same time rely on them. It's not that there's no one who's fooling around behind. Of course, they never expected that the two guys who were hunting down before would have the courage to come back!

What appeared to Lin and Jette at this time was such a small group with a total of four people, and two of these four people had dealt with Lin and Jette, of course, using their weapons .

The sword soul wearing the red cape has a very sharp lightsaber. He cut off three fingers of Jeter, and another roaming gunman in a jacket kicked Lin's right rib. It is estimated that the ribs are all Clear fractures appeared.

I saw a creek next to it. Three of the four went to the river and washed it. Only the sword soul went in the opposite direction, and it looked like he was in a urgency.

After seeing this scene, Lin's eyes lit up immediately

"That's him!" Lin whispered to Jeter. "You start by seeing the rock next to you. When I rush down, you will be responsible for pushing the rock down, at least for a little while. I only need two moves to give this厮 An unforgettable lesson! ''

Jette immediately saw the huge rock, teetering on the side of the mountain, and there were a lot of vines climbing on it. He walked over and tried to push it, and found that it could be pushed, and nodded to the forest.

Lin stood beside him, raised his three fingers, and then flexed them one by one. When the last finger was bent, he aimed at the bottom and ran down.

At the same time, Jeter suddenly stood against the huge rock next to it and began to exert force. The muscles on his body suddenly swelled, looking dark and shiny. Under his force, this huge rock slowly loosened. Then slowly and quickly, it rolled down along the **** above 60 degrees, and when it fell, it brought a lot of dirt, smoke, trees, vines, and it looked amazing, almost like a small Landslide! !!

The attention of the three people beside the stream was immediately attracted. Although the direction in which the huge rock rolled down was not facing them, they did not hesitate to aim at the side and tried their best to escape.

At the same time, the sword soul should have been aware of the clues approaching by Lin Qian, but the power of the boulder rolling down immediately caught his attention instinctively, and quickly moved to the side.

Therefore, when Lin seemed to be down at the tiger and rushed at him, the red cloak sword soul just woke up like a dream and drew his sword arrogantly! However, it seems that this guy's resilience is also first-class. When he starts, he holds the sword handle to store power, and the lightsaber's blade emits a distinct buzzing sound. Obviously, this is a sword soul's signature skill. : Hand-drawn style.

The characteristic of this skill is that the attack range is very wide, covering the area 180 degrees in front of the user. It is said that the area covered by the vision is under the terrible arc sword sweep, and its attack distance is close to even Exceeded the ground fissure. Wave sword! Intuitively, if the user who cuts the knife stands in the middle circle of the basketball court, then all the half of the basketball court facing it will be under the cutting edge.

Someone has seen this trick on the battlefield, and even described this trick as a "mowing grass" technique. The dense enemy soldiers rushed forward and drew their swords, and the enemies in front of them were as if they were weeded. The waist was cut off, and the stumps were flying, which seemed to be extraordinarily harsh!

And Soul of the Sword is a master of weapons, and can choose one or two to master the lightsaber, Taidao, dagger, giant sword, and stick weapons. This guy uses a lightsaber, lightsaber mastery, and Taidao mastery. Pulling the sword and attacking twice, this power can be said to be even higher.

As soon as the red cloak sword soul held the hilt of the sword, Lin battled through the battle and figured it out. If he continued to charge forward, he would eat a sword and cut it right before he reached him. And when there is only one enemy within the range of the sword, its attack power will soar to the maximum.

Therefore, Lin's painstaking efforts created the current raid situation. Of course, he refused to exchange injuries with the other party, but suddenly jumped up, and the sword-like light that was like a sword and arc moon rubbed his feet. In the past, ~ ~, the sharp sword energy only cut into the air.

The red cloak sword soul failed, but it was still not panic. Immediately, the three-line sword-cutting technique was used to escape towards the distance. It is said that even the three-line sword-cutting technique is often used by Du Yuqi. The purpose is not to use it. It hurts people, but directly uses its high mobility to run.

After the ghost swordsman transferred to Soul of the Sword, the three-line sword-cutting technique will be strengthened to a considerable extent, and it will become a five-line sword, with more attack stages and a stronger escape force.

If it was someone else, this time it was really escaped by the Red Cloak Sword Spirit, but Lin who jumped up in the volley had expected that the other party would have such a move, and now it was a wrist flip and a Tibetan front was raised with his hand. pen.

This Tibetan front shooter is not a person, because if you shoot, you may not be 100% sure that you can shoot the red cloak sword soul that escaped, so Lin shoots a big tree in front. There is no such tree The width of one person's embrace, a large hole was pinched in the tree, and it seems that people can hide in from the rain.

Immediately after the location of this big tree hole was shot by the Tibetan pen, a huge crack was produced, and a creak and dull sound was issued, which fell suddenly and fell, but just stopped the red cloak sword soul for three consecutive times to escape. On the route!