The Last Apostle

v5 Chapter 48: Plain mirror

In order not to be hit by this fallen tree, the red cloak sword soul was shocked and furious, and four swords were cut on the trunk. It was chopped so that it could be said that the branches and leaves were flying randomly. It was finally chopped off, but he The big tree that was smashed here stopped for two seconds. Lin had already successfully approached and kicked at him.

The soul of the red cloak knows that the person who came is not good, and the person who is not good does not come. He originally wanted to delay the rescue of his companions. At this time, helplessly, he was fierce. At the end of the chop, if the upper chop is the same with the floating principle in it, once the forest is recruited, it will be counterattacked.

However, since Lin dare to choose this guy as a breakthrough, he naturally has full confidence. His kick was a false move. After landing, he stopped drinking, and his right-hand pen sharpened like a lightning and ate red. The sword of the cloak sword soul, meanwhile, the long pen had already penetrated his shoulder blade and picked it up.

This swift and impeccable thorn was extremely powerful, and even made Lin enter into a state of overbearing domineering. The floating effect of the sword of the Red Cloak Soul was immediately offset.

The red cloak sword soul that was picked up in the air seemed to have expected something, and suddenly screamed for help, but Lin took a deep breath at this time, and then swiped a splash of ink on it. Immediately afterwards, the stroke of the pen is like a wind, and a dazzling shot is shot, which is also mixed with a series of "drink" and "ha" sounds! For a time, the red cloak sword soul was really hit in the air and couldn't stop.

Spring and Autumn style: ink!

Spring and Autumn style: Feng!

Spring and Autumn style: Sunburn!

Spring and Autumn style: Oh!

In the end, Lin kicked the red cloak sword soul out of the air, bumped into a few companions who came to help, and then pinched his hands for a showdown, and immediately saw a glorious giant pen descending from the sky, directly dropping the red cloak sword The soul was nailed to the ground.

Spring and Autumn style: Unification! !!

"Boom boom boom boom!" A desperate expression appeared on the face of the red cloak sword soul, and there seemed to be a series of violent explosions in the body. The whole person seemed to be shocked by the big waves, and was constantly horrified. The air wave flew and fell, and finally the terrible power exploded in an instant. After he fell, he was already a dead man.

Lin was also chased fiercely, so he started to be a hot hand. It is necessary to get rid of the bad breath in his chest. His spring and autumn style pays attention to the Tibetan front and shrinks the tail. Burst, blast out amazing damage, spike the opponent directly.

In the face of this trick, even powerful drugs such as Remy's assistance are useless, because if it is used early, the other party's injury has not yet erupted, which is equivalent to a healthy person drinking the medicine and wasting it for nothing. And when the power broke out, it was an instant spike, no matter how strong the potion was for the dead.

The purpose of Lin's attack is already obvious, and that is to focus on prestige.

The roaming gunman in the jacket saw his old friend killed, and was immediately indignant. He rushed forward to avenge him, but the problem was that the remaining two were in a general relationship with this roaming and sword soul, seeing the previous The scenes of the scene were a little daunting, especially one of the icing divisions was drumming in his heart, because he saw the corpse of the sword soul, and could not help but think of the consequences of switching to himself to eat the previous blow ...

Can such a thing be thought deeply? Sword soul, a melee combat class, must be much more resistant than the mage, so this ice division can't help but think, before so many people arrested these two people without success, now Fewer people can catch it instead? Is this obviously unreasonable?

Moreover, even if it can be caught, if the opponent's counterattack before dying falls on his own body ... this guy can't help but take a nap, and in his heart it is logical to retreat, seeming to yell in his mouth. A few words, in fact, are going back and forth, going further and further.

The man next to Bingjie division is not a fool. When he sees this guy, he is retreating, and he calculates in his heart that if he does n’t go, it will be a two-on-two situation. The Goblin black stick is also very difficult to entangle. Winning the odds, I didn't even have the confidence to retreat from the whole body. That kind of battle still fought a bird, and now I sneaked away sneakily.

Therefore, after the roaming indignation in a jacket for a while, I felt that I could kill the guy in front of me with a little more fuel, and a plate of bricks flew from behind, smashing him Venus flew into his eyes dizzy.

This guy was still swearing in his heart at this time, thinking that his other two companions were really out of nothing, and he was suppressed by one person in front of him, and the two of them worked together to deal with a goblin. Can't figure it out, and let it sneak in on itself.

When he was busy dealing with Lin and Jet's joint attack, he found out sadly that his two companions had fled for a long time and dumped Nuoda's black pot without mercy. on.

The problem is that this pot can't carry itself, it's too heavy and heavy!

Next, this roaming broke through madly, and successively turned on the two tricks of "random shooting" and "mobile shooting". He tried his best to escape. Unfortunately, although he finally escaped the blockade of the two, he was hit by the black stick Goblin. After two punches, you know, this guy is wearing a claw weapon ..... Intuitively, its shape is similar to the Wolverine combat form in X-Men.

The roaming brother escaped more than a hundred meters crazy, and found that the two people behind did not come. When he was glad that he had escaped, he suddenly vomited a lot of blood, and it was still black. He looked down and realized that Where Jeter hit, the wounds showed a terrible purple-black, and the purple-black was still infiltrating around at an alarming rate.

"Hell ... this Goblin stick is a street fighter. It seems that he has also cultivated his weapon poisoning skills to a very high level!"

The roaming was also very knowledgeable and rushed to learn about the poison, but immediately he was terrified to find that his antidote had no obvious effect. It's like pouring water into the fire. If the fire is not strong, the fire is extinguished, but if the fire is strong enough, the water will be useless.

"This ..... this is the poison of smearing? This **** Goblin is at most the third-order middle, how could it be poisonous!"

With such unwillingness, Roaming Brother collapsed to the ground and lost consciousness ...


Just when Lin and Jeter were venting their depression, Du Yuqi leaned against a stone and waited boringly, while Xi was sitting quietly on the grass beside her with her eyes closed to adjust her breath, looking calm. Xi.

The position of the two at this time is on a half-hill slope, surrounded by lush vegetation, and there is a clear spring flowing next to it. Presumably shepherds and other people often come here to drink water for animals, so there are a few clearly visible around. On the trail, the water quality of the spring water is also clear and sweet. Du Yuqi also drank in the eyes of the spring.

At this time, the sun had risen into the mid-air, and the hot sunlight was cast down, but there were several kapok trees growing here, up to more than ten meters, during the flowering period, the red and gorgeous kapok bloomed in large blooms. Extremely spiritual, but also for the two Yu Duqi separated a large shade.

On this half-hill slope, you can have a glimpse of the bustling pier below. If Su Zhanjing really comes to participate in the hunt, then it is bound to escape Du Yuqi's attention. According to Xi, the sensing range of the parent chain is only approximate, which is equivalent to detecting only within one square kilometer, so there is no need to worry about the other party finding one person, etc. as soon as they come.

Suddenly, Xi opened her eyes and slowly said:


Du Yuqi immediately looked at it and found that there were crowds on the dock. It turned out that there was a passenger ship and a cargo ship successively entering the port. The terminal was overcrowded to accommodate the passengers coming off the passenger ship, not to mention the need to unload the goods With a large number of loading and unloading workers appearing in a hurry, it is difficult to tell where the deity is at all.

Seeing this scene at this moment, Du Yuqi frowned suddenly:

"What do you feel now? Can you directly sense that the other party is on the dock?"

Xi shook her head and said:

"No, my feeling is that she has approached me. The definition of nearby is between three and three hundred meters."

Du Yuqi said:

"The key is whether you can determine the current status of Su Zhanjing. Can she definitely sense your presence, or maybe she can't?

Evening Road:

"I think she can do it, but she shouldn't feel as clear as I do."

Du Yuqi took a deep breath and shook his head:

"No, if I were a plain mirror, I would never approach it by boat. In this case, it is equivalent to being monitored by you in a clear place. At this time, both of you can sense the situation. Next, it ’s me, the best way is to attract your attention on the surface, but actually use the sensory position to gather your hands to surround you! ”

Evening complexion, after a while suddenly suddenly said:

"Strange ~ ~ Now the two breaths I feel are all plain mirrors, one breath is on the dock, and the other is in high-speed movement."

Du Yuqi frowned:

"How fast?"

Evening Road:

"Soon, and still straight, coming towards us."

"Soon .... still walking straight ?!" Du Yuqi took a cold breath: "Is it from the sky?"

As soon as his words fell, he saw a distant sky, and an aircraft-like thing was approaching at high speed! This aircraft looks like a rocket at first, but when you get closer, you find that the surface is quite rough, and the traces of various splicing and welding can be said to be quite obvious. Not only that, three of the six external engine outlets are full All were smoking billowing black smoke.

This stuff wafted through the mid-air, and the black smoke dragging behind the buttocks looked like it had split the entire sky, and it was particularly obvious with the blue sky and white clouds in the sky, which set it apart. Clear and eye-catching.