The Last Apostle

v5 Chapter 49: See also Camoca

Du Yuqi knew at this time that this was the magic / alchemy machine on the Arad continent. The giant paddle boat that he rode was relatively stable and could be mass-produced. However, most of the inventions seemed strange and strange. He has seen the alchemy helicopters made by Lin in steel fortresses before, but these alchemy magic products are either expensive and difficult to popularize, or they contain huge hidden dangers .....

For example, if the failure rate of civil aviation aircraft rises to one-thousandth, it will be encountered once after a thousand rides. This probability is not high, but if it involves the people ’s livelihood and national economy, its application volume will reach An alarming number, so civil aviation aircraft can never be launched into the civilian market.

Then, I saw the aircraft crooked and tilted down, and then three people fell from the top by dropping bombs. These three people jumped off when they were two or three hundred meters above the ground. Yes, it can be called extreme low-altitude skydiving.

However, after they jumped down, their hands and feet spread out, and they seemed to be equipped with something similar to a gliding wing. They could actually glide in circles in the air to slow down the momentum of the jump. After the momentum was exhausted, they directly rely on The powerful body counteracted the impact when it landed, and successfully landed next to Du Yuqi and Xi.

One of these three women was also in a martial arts uniform with wind and fist. Two eyebrows were raised obliquely, straight into the corners, and looked very heroic. At the same time, her eyes were firm, and her lips were slightly stubborn State, this appearance is called "snake into the grass" in the aspect art, but it is a quack, the main mind is firm, unswerving.

At the same time, a black veil was tied to her arm, and Du Yuqi also investigated it. This custom is similar to the earth, indicating that a relative has died. Obviously, she should be Su Zhanxi ’s sister and girl Su Zhanjing.

Another man was holding a large umbrella in his hand, wearing a trench coat, and gloves on his hands, even in the hot weather. It seemed that his expression was a bit stiff and indifferent, but Du Yuqi saw it at a glance. He is an out-of-the-box reformer. When he landed, his feet even plowed a deep trench of more than ten meters on the ground! Obviously he weighs much more than others.

As soon as the man touched the ground, his eyes were fixed on Du Yuqi's body, his expression indifferent.

The remaining man looked a bit ordinary, but a middle-aged person, even with a pale face. After landing, it seemed like he was in a daze, and he was very scared when he patted his chest. After seeing Du Yuqi looking over, he squeezed a smile, nodded and took the initiative:

"Hello, you are the priest du, right? I'm a researcher Asibah. This time I was ordered to collect relevant data. I will definitely be neutral and not intervene in any battles! I have three thousand equivalents installed on my body. The detonation device is equivalent to a walking bomb. Once it is triggered, it will not grow within 50 meters of the surrounding area, so please pay close attention to it. "

After Asiba finished speaking, he started to take out a hood and put it on. The position of the left eye of the hood was a microscope lens, and then he took it out of the dimensional ring. The set of instruments seems to be quite similar to the instruments for geological exploration in peacetime.

This guy's hands and feet are also very polite. Within a minute or so, a series of instruments were set up, and Du Yuqi thought of the drum drums necessary for playing a rock band. I don't know how this guy can play alone.

After Su Zanjing appeared, she never spoke. She just looked at Su Zanxi coldly. If someone looked at her like that, she would have to look away, but who is Su Zanxi? Now he did not hesitate to stare at it. The sight of the two women in the air can be said to touch out a series of intangible sparks, almost all eating the other.

Su Zanxi suddenly said:

"We have known each other since childhood. I have never argued with you since I was a kid. I always let you take whatever you like, but why do you do it this time?"

Su Zhanjing sneered:

"To this day you are still so naive? No, no! If you are really naive, you should obediently restrain Shi Shizhen in front of him instead of killing him!"

Evening coldly:

"The only reason I killed him was because he wanted to kill me."

Prime mirror channel:

"This is just your excuse! Do you think this time I secretly thought you were fighting for something? No, in the final analysis, you can't satisfy the old man, he thinks you are a failed knockout, so there is no need to You are consuming resources! Otherwise, as long as the old guy does not nod, who dares to stand up against you in the whole door? "

Said by Su Zhanjing, Xi looks unchanged, but Du Yuqi notices that her left hand has been firmly clenched into a fist. It seems that her nails are pierced into the meat. It must be painful. .

Therefore, Du Yuqi immediately contradicted her:

"This is just your excuse. If Xi is the loser, then Fenglin's senior is already a hundred years old, and he must always consider the issue of heirs. Do you think you can replace Xi? Joke, if Xi is just A failed knockout, then you should have been swept into the trash. "

As soon as Du Yuqi said this, Xi immediately squinted her eyes and took a deep breath to return to a calm state.

Her emperor's heart-cutting method is in a very strange state. If you say that it was successful, there are still some flaws. Feng Lin and Du Yuqi still have a unique position in her heart. If it is a failure Yes, but the power it should be able to exert is quite a bit. There is a kind of seemingly ruthless, but ruthless, but ruthless in it.

"Right and wrong, no one can make it clear. You framed me in a position of injustice, but I killed your father in turn. Let's break this grudge today!"

After Xi said this, Su Zengjing responded with a sneer:

"I hurried over here, wasn't I afraid that you would die in the hands of others? Anyway, you were also a genius of my fist, and today I can die in my hands in a fair war situation, and it is worthy of it. is you!"

"It's a word!"

Xi was decisive.

Then I took a step forward, and the starting positions of the two were the same, presumably as the same door. I do n’t know how many times this kind of similar discussion has occurred. Only this time will be a life-and-death struggle.

But at this time, Du Yuqi suddenly felt that there was something wrong. Since Su Zanxi's status in the door has always been higher than Su Zhan's mirror, which can only be used for spare tires, then it is clear that picking up Su Zhan's mirror is more than defeat!

Since that's the case, is she a fool? I still stupidly came to intercept the eve from knowing the enemy, and at this time this seemingly fair mode, it is almost impossible to think about it after all, and the consequences of treating others as a fool would often change by myself Become silly.

However, at this moment, the opposite reformer slowly raised his head and looked at Du Yuqi, a cold voice came over:

"Priest Du, do you remember me?"

After listening to this voice, Du Yuqi felt quite familiar, and suddenly there was a flash of light in my mind:

"Are you ... the nightbringer, Carmocha?"

The voice sneered:

"Hehe, hahaha! Carmocha is dead. I am the second generation of the night messenger, Carmocar II, using his body and soul, but there is always a crazy obsession in this guy's heart, that is to kill If you lose you, as long as you successfully kill you, his soul will be willing to assimilate with me. "

Du Yuqi only felt that a mouthful of old blood was about to spit out. It was totally reasonable and had nowhere to say:

"Hey hey, are you **** sick? There is a debtor and owner, you obviously killed the woman next to me. Why don't you forget about me!"

Camoka II sneered:

"Su Zanxi killed me because it was because I was desperate and I wanted to find a personal back. I did not succeed in dragging her back. What hate me, but who made me completely desperate and put the good situation into the water? Is it you? Ah, Rev. Du, the root of all this is on you! Ever since I got hooked with you, my life has gone from bad to worse, and I feel like everything is not going well, and in the end, unless you fight with the clown, you will completely destroy the steel fortress. , Then I still have some vitality! "

Du Yuqi said innocently and wronged:

"Brother! It's you and Yangzi who directly call and want to kill me. How can people be so shameless, did I blame you?"

"If you didn't offend the fierce Sunwatch ~ ~ how did he order you a lore?" Carmocha II said coldly.

At this time Du Yuqi returned to God, and the source of everything was here.

At this moment, Camorca II took a sneer and took a step forward with a sneer, his eyes shone sharply, and Du Yuqi suddenly felt dark before his eyes, suddenly like a sunny hillside. Falling into the endless deep black caves, even a glimmer of light is invisible!

Camoka II laughed a long time:

"Welcome to the world of night !!"

After that, he punched Du Yuqi straight into the air! Sure enough, the hard fist hit the soft flesh, and he could even hear the pain and wailing from the heart, and then Carmoca blasted out two consecutive punches. This three consecutive punches were a quasi, and even You can clearly hear the body's groaning and skeletal spasm. The last punch is to completely punch people out of five or six meters!

What's more terrible is that while each punch was in the bombardment, Camoka's wrist was slightly lifted, and a black knife was stabbed from the bottom of the sleeve, and it slammed into the opponent's body, and a Deep blood hole!