The Last Apostle

v5 Chapter 63: Gold pen

This time, the Agricultural Bank of China is also doing a lot of work. Following the leader, there were two accountants who checked the accounts, but after less than two hours, the two accountants had already found a lot of "criminal evidence". These things are considered negligible. Seriously, at this moment, Hu Sandao's large strokes immediately became the black material of Deng Fatty's corruption in his office, which harmed the public.

More importantly, the bitter red greedy bank can take an extra 1,000 yuan a month at the bank counter, and then asked Deng Fat to transfer her position and said directly on qq, the chat records of the two were clearly written Even the sour red bought a fruit computer for Deng's fat son's son.

Hu Sandao has been down to the ground since then. This thing plus some black materials found before, as well as the testimony of employees, the criteria for imprisonment are enough. He directly passed the collected evidence to Deng Fat and bitter red. Lost in front of him, and then said sternly:

"Put the basket out of you and fill it up yourself, otherwise, wait to go to the jail! Deng Fatty, you have been sentenced for almost ten years, Deng Hongding is more than three years old."

Hearing Hu Sandao's words, his sharp red body shook, and he fainted with a grunt, while Deng Fat was awake and slumped on the chair, covering his face with both hands and sighing, tears couldn't help Lives flowed out. Today, he feels that he is really a ghost and he is making the most wrong decision many times. He has hated this silly woman next to him. He knew that he would be transferred to the toilet and ruined his life. On her.


For the farce here, Du Yuqi didn't take his mind too much. Of course, it can't be said that Chu Dasuo's execution is too high. On the next day, there are seven or eight antiques directly placed in Du Yuqi's topcoat. , And each has a relevant certificate, origin, and several certificates signed jointly by several experts.

Faced with such a surprise, Du Yuqi naturally rushed in. Of course, he needed to maintain a certain degree of mystery and independence. He immediately asked Chu Gongzi to request a secret room for the so-called "appraisal". In fact, he put his hands on antiques. The above is just to touch it. In the final analysis, Du Yuqi also does not have much hope, because according to his previous experience, if he has a heavy sacrifice, he will naturally get a strong sense.

However, among these antiques, there were actually two items selected by Du Yuqi. After touching them, they found that there was still something in them. They were called items containing the fragments of the power of time.

One of these two items is a Tang Sancai terracotta figurine with cracks on it, which should have been repaired. The object that Du Yuqi sensed was a fragment of the size of the nails on the back of this figurine. After careful study, he found that This pottery figurine is actually a broken piece, and the broken pieces used to repair it are found on the rest of the utensils, so this thing is actually a patchwork of several broken pieces, which Du Yuqi fancy It was that little piece of debris.

It is worth mentioning that the information he read from it was that a woman was wearing a gorgeous feather coat dancing in a splendid palace. Although the woman did not see her face, she belonged to the kind that looked thin. Actually The very kind, the typical of breast enhancement, waist and hip lifting, just looking at the back is a great temptation.

According to Du Yuqi's research, what he saw should be the situation when Yang Guifei, one of the four beauties, performed the dance costumes. He felt deep regrets at this moment, but unfortunately he could n’t see what happened. Bai Ye, that's the scene where Yang Guifei's soul was broken, and if there was a fat man, it should be the legendary scene of Yang Guifei's private communication with Anlu Mountain. These two events are the iconic events of the Tang Dynasty.

Another thing Du Yuqi picked out was a pen.

A very old Parker pen. The memory fragments he read from this pen actually turned out to be a group of people signing together. Among them were Chinese and foreigners, and they looked very serious.

Among the Chinese, there are those wearing Zhongshan uniforms, some wearing uniforms similar to the Eighth Route Army. Among foreigners, there are those wearing double-breasted suits and old-style US military uniforms. It seems that the time span should be around World War II. There is also a man with a small flat head, who is full of ingenious looks on all sides, looks very familiar, Du Yuqi thinks suddenly realized after thinking about it, isn't this Marshal Peng?

With the identified person, Du Yuqi could not help but checked the information on the Internet with his mobile phone, and immediately knew the origin of the gold pen. When the United States and China signed the Sino-North Korean Armistice Agreement at Panmunjom in the Korean War, they used this Signed by pen.

At that time Lieutenant General Clark, a representative of the US military, had a famous saying: I was the first US military general to sign the negotiating document that did not win.

At that time, the United States brought the dividend of World War II, and it was already in full swing. At this time, China resolutely shook its head and said no. This is also a historically engraved stroke. It is no wonder that this gold pen is judged to have time. Force debris.

After Du Yuqi judged, he left these two things and told Chu that he could dispense medicine after three days. He then said he had to go back to process the medicine as an excuse. After Du Yuqi left, Da Chu Chu went to the back of the living room to find ginseng details-for Chu Da Shao, the cooperation at this time belongs to cooperation, it is definitely not willing to be controlled by others, can be in Du Yuqi's prescription He got the best, so he also formed something similar to a think tank, hoping to dig out the formula from Du Yuqi as soon as possible.

However, after seeing these two cultural relics that Du Yuqi took away, these people felt that they were scratching their heads for a long time. An expert took the lead and shook his head with a grin:

"At present I haven't seen any rules. I only know that one of the things he picked was a counterfeit piece, and one was a modern product. Well, it can be said that these two things add up without this piece of Jun kiln porcelain. . "

Another expert said with help of glasses and said:

"The speed of his selection is very fast. I remember that after you brought these eight antiques, Chu Shao fully invited three experts, and it took two and a half hours to identify their origins, right? I remember the classification of antiques. It is also very detailed, there are experts in porcelain, experts in ancient coins, experts in calligraphy and painting, and just after this Mr. Du entered, it took only five minutes and 17 seconds to select what he needed, given his age , Education and knowledge reserve status, I think he has a unique identification technology, or that his criteria for selecting things are different from ours ... "

After hearing these analyses, Chu Da nodded and nodded. He didn't have to shake off Du Yuqi's single-mindedness. In his mind, even if the formula was dug out, he would at least give Du Yuqi a sum of money. These things are just the instincts of the offspring of businessmen.


Du Yuqi naturally began to sacrifice with two antiques, but these two things contained only the fragments of the power of time. The two things did not change much when they were sacrificed. In the end, Du Yuqi took it. At three o'clock sacred kronor, it still greatly eased the current distress situation.

And just after the sacrifice, Du Yuqi suddenly realized that his altar did not disappear, but began to shine. Every texture on the stone altar was glowing, and at the same time a layer of **** light began to cover it.

Immediately after, Du Yuqi got the following series of tips.

Please note: The next activated sacrifice ritual will be: the blood guides the sacrifice. The sacrifice will use your blood as a medium to make a point-to-point sacrifice call to you. This sacrifice call will only be able to respond to you People cannot join.

"Fuck, it finally succeeded." This was the first thought that came out of Du Yuqi's mind.

However, when he saw the following series of prompts, his heart was suddenly tight again:

"Why is she again?"

It turned out that the name of the next caller turned out to be an unexpected and familiar person:

"Summoner Yangzi sacrificed!"

"Sacrifice: a small colorless crystal."

"Commission introduction: I met your friends and followers on the West Coast. Both parties came together because of common interests. Now they have successfully reached their destination by taking a Mogata, but the situation here is not as it was previously imagined. Life is still not going well, so I need your help. "

"Type of contract: After signing this contract, under the premise of not endangering your life, you must agree to the employer's reasonable requirements for the contract, otherwise it will be considered a breach of contract, and once it is breached, it will suffer the contract according to its degree God ’s punishment, after completing the contract, you will get the agreed reward. "

"The potato chip was good last time. I want the taste of cucumber. Remember to bring it with me. Because the contract content is easy to be viewed by people with interest, and then obtained certain information in a targeted manner, I did not write it too clearly: well-known Does not have."

After seeing the remarks, Du Yuqi was finally relieved that there is no such thing as potato chips in the Arad mainland ~ ~ And the last time after the earth passed, I fell in love with this commonly known junk food , And really like the taste of cucumber.

The summoner Yang Zi Du Yuqi has dealt with, coquettish and charming, plus a black heart, if she said that it was possible to catch Xi. But it is impossible to question such privacy from Xi's mouth. If this is a trap, then Du Yuqi also recognizes it.

After making up his mind, the double triangle mark on Du Yuqi's chest shone, prompting to appear again:

"You have accepted the commission of the summoner Yangzi. This summons is a point-to-point sacrificial summoning. Your stay in this world is determined by the summoner, and the maximum time is not more than ten days."

"The plane channel will open soon. The plane channel will last for half an hour. You can use this time to deal with some related things. The plane channel will be closed after you enter."

Du Yuqi was relieved. This time, the summoning was indeed very hasty. Fortunately, he had already made a certain psychological preparation. The extra half an hour of buffer time was basically sufficient. Of course, the anti-human heart is indispensable. Du Yuqi also made psychological preparations for falling into a trap or launching first aid immediately after entering, so the corresponding emergency plan must be prepared.