The Last Apostle

v6 Chapter 135: Priest

Du Yuqi groaned:

"Please call me the priest."

"Katoshi?" Sir Croton repeated it, and Du Yuqi was suddenly swearing in his heart that you were Ki and your whole family was Ki, but also too lazy to ignore him and nodded wrongly.

Then Sir Croton worried:

"We have a lot of similar wounded here. They were all wounded by fierce beasts and need your help."

Du Yuqi's mouth showed a smile:

"Of course no problem, but you seem to have forgotten one thing, something that I said very clearly before I came, I am not free of charge, and very expensive! Now I have saved one of you Please check out first. "

Sir Croton said anxiously:

"Money, femininity, or status, we can all give you, our organization is omnipotent, will it still depend on your account?"

Du Yuqi said with a smile:

"Is that so? Every time I rescue a person, I need a brilliant epic soul."

Du Yuqi said this, and Sir Croton's face sank immediately. The muscles on his face kept trembling. After a while, he said:

"Boy, do you know what the end of a greedy person is?"

Du Yuqi smiled, and sat down on the chaise lounge next to him, closing his eyes and nourishing himself. At this time, someone rushed to the side and said in front of Sir Croton:

"Ascetics also seem to be stuck"

Croton was surprised:

"How could a tenacious guy like Claude be stuck? I didn't feed him two bottles of alchemy potion?"

The man whispered:

"Because he was holding a giant shield, he rushed in the forefront and suffered the most injuries. He even faced Harnick in the front. There were four wounds on his body that could not stop the bleeding. It is really very good now. Not easy. "

Hearing this bad news, Sir Croton took a deep breath and looked at Du Yuqi deeply:

"Okay, I promise you, hurry to save people!"

Du Yuqi stretched out his hand lazily:

"Sorry, my rule is to charge a fee to save a person, and don't owe credit."

Croton gritted his teeth, took out a brilliant epic soul, and patted Yu Yuqi's palm:

"Always okay now?"

Du Yuqi laughed and laughed:

"Well, take me to the wounded, and you are ready for the next brilliant epic soul."

Soon, Du Yuqi passed through a long corridor. There were many stretchers on the corridor. Most of the stretchers were wet with blood, and even the ground was covered with flowing blood. The moaning came and went, but they were very weak. .

Immediately afterwards, Du Yuqi entered a room. It can be seen that the furnishings in this room were removed. Only a few tables were put together. A deformed giant lying on it had lost consciousness and was unconscious.

I saw the giant man's body covered with heavy armor, and even his head was covered with a steel mask. It can be seen that these protective gears are directly embedded in the body, and his left hand was also forcibly forced. A square gray shield was embedded, and a broad sword was held in the right hand, even when unconscious.

It can be seen that this giant man has three or four very tragic wounds. He is constantly pouring blood to the outside and cannot be blocked. The worst tragic wound is pulled down from the bridge of the nose to the chest, and the flesh rolls. Terrible, obviously after a brutal blood battle!

After Du Yuqi stepped up to inspect it, he said very simply:

"This man is not saved, next."

After hearing Du Yuqi's words, Keton suddenly became furious:

"How could it not be saved? He clearly has gas!"

Du Yuqi turned and said lightly:

"Sir, I am a doctor, not a god. Have you ever seen a doctor who patted his chest and said he would cure the patient? If so, it must be a liar. If the doctor can cure all the patients, then there is no way in this world. No need to die, right? The injuries on his body are too severe, at least I can't help it. "

"Abominable" Croton hit the wall next to him with some uncontrollable punch, and the whole house shook for a while: "Claude, you are a well-known ascetic! How can you not stand it?"

"No!" Croton turned and yelled at Du Yuqi: "You immediately give me a hand to save people, do your best, otherwise I will kill you!"

After hearing such a statement, Du Yuqi shrugged, knowing that this was not the time to argue, he immediately went forward for surgery.

He used his own surgical skills to skillfully recut the remaining wounds, suture them, and then use hemostatic gelatin from the earth to stick the wounds. Although there is a mysterious force at the wound that has been preventing healing, but Under Du Yuqi's two-pronged approach, he also successfully stopped the blood.

At this time, it was the first time that the group saw Du Yuqi's method of treating his injury, which naturally caused some whispers. Even Du Yuqi heard the word "engineer", which made him feel a little puzzled.

Du Yuqi has treated the first few wounds perfectly, but when the longest and deepest wound is treated, even if Du Yuqi has treated the wound well, you can see it every few minutes, which is actually above the wound. There was a sharp shadow of the claws passing by, and then a weird cry sounded in the air, and then disappeared!

And as soon as this claw shadow appeared, the wound cracked and bleeded again! Du Yuqi's previous suture, applied medical gelatin was completely invalid.

This was already a category that was almost cursed. Du Yuqi stood up, shrugged, and said that he was powerless.

Faced with this scene, Croton's teeth creaked, word by word:

"Stubborn Hanick, don't get caught by me, otherwise, I will definitely crush you!"

After saying this, Croton looked at the fellow called Crowd, a man in pain, closed his eyes in pain, and then waved down suddenly, his voice husky and tired:

"Now that there is no help, then ask the engineer to start the recovery process, so that he can save more resources for his next resurrection."

At this time, a person next to him suddenly whispered to Croton:

"This priest is still an outsider. Isn't it appropriate to start the recovery process in front of him? In case it is spread out"

Croton gave a glance at the old **** in the distance and gave a sneer, whispering:

"Want to leave after taking my epic soul? He also has a chance to spread it?"

The deputy immediately nodded, and waved to the side.

Soon ~ ~ With the order of Cotton, I saw three mermaids all covered in black caps and robes, all men and women and their bodies were unclear. It was a trace of chill. When these three people came in, they surrounded Crowder, the ascetic on the stage, and then exposed their right hands. It was a sharp claw!

Next, the three "engineers" manipulated Claude innocently, bleed blood, then cut the limbs, and dug out all the organs in the body, and put them into the cold side box. Among them, this Crowder also has artifacts such as metal parts and plastic organs, which shows that he is indeed a replica.

Combined with the words of Croton before, then it is clear that the organs and blood taken from Crowder at this time are the so-called "resources" in this tissue.

After seeing this scene, Du Yuqi suddenly felt that the operation methods of the three engineers were indeed similar to themselves. It is no wonder that others would whisper beside them and felt that they were engineers.

However, the behavior of these engineers is a bit unpleasant. It is almost no different from the butchers in the slaughterhouse. They cut off the body of the duplicate person, and then divided the organs and limbs into different categories. Du Yuqi sneered at this. This crude and simple act has no technical content, and it is obviously different from the professional medical treatment of brother's life-saving and healing.

Next, Du Yuqi naturally continued to rescue people. After he showed a very different rescue method, and this method was still very effective, he also gained the trust of the people in the violent hunting group, and a large number of wounded were brought to him. In this regard, Du Yuqi expressed that he was not afraid of suffering or tired, and that he would benefit the better. Anyway, to save a person, he would have to collect a brilliant epic soul.