The Last Apostle

v6 Chapter 140: Save people

Where did Du Yuqi go at this time? He actually had two options. The first option was to run right away. At this point, Du Yuqi was almost full of twenty splendid epic souls. As long as he successfully escaped, he would make a lot of money.

As for the two, Jie and Jie seemed to be left there as "hostages", but Du Yuqi had arranged before leaving, and the key point of this plan was on the unconscious Jie.

These guards who are under house arrest and Jate are actually very lax. They think that as long as there is a comatose tow bottle like Jate, they can't escape at all. Therefore, Du Yuqi made an agreement with him before he left. He often found a chance to slip away after leaving for a day, leaving Jeter alone!

Of course, every time after running away, this is the fight against the grass, these guards will undoubtedly take care of Jeter, but this is of no use, because Jeter also woke up at that time and entered the period of rapid recovery. And the cursed mark left by the Voidwalker on him will almost expire.

Therefore, after Du Yuqi flees here, use the skills of summoning followers to call Jeter in time. Unless the caretaker knows in advance that Du Yuqi has this hand, find high-end talents who have the power of the void to help, otherwise prevent No matter how strict it is, it will not help!

However, at this time Du Yuqi has another option, which is to go to the core area of ​​the camp!

I do n’t know if it ’s a coincidence. The core area in Camp No. 3 is exactly on the charge line of a mutant Minotaur. The original strict guarding system was suddenly stirred up, and at this time there were a lot of The bloodthirsty cat demon shocked the past, and the situation was extremely chaotic.

Before, Du Yuqi discovered that the guards in this core area were unprecedentedly rigorous. What good things should be inside! For him, in short, it is necessary to leave, so now that there is a chance to get a ticket before leaving, it is certainly better.

Therefore, Du Yuqi simply wiped his face, and then took a cloak from the corpse beside him and wrapped it around him. At this time, there is another important thing to do, which is to take out one thing. Wrong, it is the dung of the mutant minotaur that Du Yuqi picked up before!

He crushed a piece of dry feces the size of a fist, shattered it onto himself, and then aimed at the core area and touched it with a tiptoe!

Perhaps these camouflages made by Du Yuqi usually look rude, but in the battlefield at this time, the light is dim and the sound is trembling. At any time, the nervous tension may be attacked. There is a pungent **** smell everywhere , A moment of life and death! In this case, the incoming bloodthirsty cat monster and mutant minotaur have a great chance to rely on their sense of smell to identify the enemy.

Because of this, Du Yuqi's tricks really played a big role. He smoothly approached the camp near the core area. Naturally, he was caught in a hard fight. After seeing the timing, Du Yuqi directly found a Opportunity broke into the camp, and he also played a trick, but stepped backwards. In simple terms, if there are still people in the camp, then he must be thought to be under siege, not support. Retreated.

As a result, after Du Yuqi entered the tent, he immediately realized that the tent was transformed by using space technology. From the outside, the tent was about two houses in size, but after entering, it was as wide as a basketball court.

It can be seen that there is still chaos in this battalion. Seven or eight bloodthirsty cat fairies are fighting the guards inside, and they make strange noises.

Du Yuqi soon discovered why it was being attacked by concentrated forces, because four camping troughs were standing upright against the wall of the camp, and there were several cages beside it. It can be clearly seen that there are some young cat demon soaked in the culture tank. These young cat demon's death is miserable, some are laparotomy, some are forced to transplant organs, and the cages next to them are all cat demon. The cubs seemed to be infected with some virus and kept screaming.

It can be seen that the group of people who stormed the hunting group was very thoughtful. It is estimated that they were fed up with the interference of the cat monsters. They wanted to develop a biochemical weapon to deal with these headaches. This kind of thing is also taboo! The cat monsters who rushed in at this time were completely in the state of madness, and did not know that they were tired and attacked, and they would not give up unless their heads were chopped off.

However, what made Du Yuqi's eyes wide open was that on the other side of the camp, there was a small room. There are several odd-shaped steel chairs in this room. Several people are tied to the chairs. The pungent blood radiates from these people. The chairs are also dark in color and look heartbreaking.

Du Yuqi immediately realized that these steel chairs should be torture chairs. The people sitting on them should be captives captured by the violent hunting group. He groaned a little and decided to lean on to release people, because In his subconscious, he was undoubtedly going to be hostile to the group of violent hunters, and the enemy's enemies were allies.

More importantly, aside from these factors, from the current point of view, releasing a few people who will also flee will also distract the enemy ’s attention, and even the pressure of Du Yuqi in the next escape Lighter-there is obviously a big difference between tracking one person in the dark and tracking five people.

As soon as I thought about it, Du Yuqi was a decisive person. Without saying a word, he sneaked into the small room and hid behind the door. After realizing that there was no one in it, he just flipped the switch and planned to release the person. The gadgets are still quite intelligent. If it is the old model, what kind of chain lock bolts, such as Du Yuqi, are really not so worried.

But when Du Yuqi's hand touched the switch, the ghost turned his head back, and he just looked at the dying guy sitting on the chair, and both sides were shocked, and said incredibly:

"It's you?"

Before, both sides looked very embarrassed. One was tortured by torture, and the other was deliberately making himself unrecognizable, but at this time they were relatively close, and some familiarity was definitely found. Appearance characteristics.

It turned out that it wasn't anyone else who was severely tortured after being caught. UU Kanshu is a clown with zero organization! !!

The appearance of the clown initially made Du Yuqi feel incredible, but it is reasonable to think carefully-even the iron fortress was shot down and captured. What is so strange that the clown above is caught. How can it be completed under the nest? egg?

At the same time, Du Yuqi's heart moved, and now that the clown has appeared, shouldn't the people next to him be the top of the zero organization? With such speculation, he immediately looked at the others, and it turned out that he really recognized one! The burly bald head, and one hand was cut off, was fierce Rishou.

"Let it go or not?" At this moment, Du Yuqi's mind suddenly had such an ambivalence.

If you don't let it go, it will be an outright killing with a knife, but this behavior will undoubtedly be detrimental to one's own interests, and will not have any benefit to Du Yuqi at this time.

But if it is released directly, although it is considered to be some benefits, it is really not reconciled.

Just when he was hesitating in this contradiction, Du Yuqi once again looked at the people who were covered with bruises. Suddenly, he had a clever move, took the door of the penalty room with him, and decisively pulled down the switch to open the penalty chair.

In the creaking opening and closing sound, the clown stood up with his teeth grinning, and then sat down with his feet soft, his teeth creaked, and he covered his abdomen and twitched. The wound was painful.

At this time, Du Yuqi rescued the rest of the people from the punishment chair, but these people were either seriously injured, and they could all be seen to have suffered from inhuman torture, and they learned from their soft conversation If they continue to be "stubborn", then after being sent to a safe place, they will be tested as mice, and the information will be read after the brain is dug out.