The Last Apostle

v6 Chapter 39: accident

Therefore, when he was in a distressed situation, he secretly took a large part of the wealth accumulated in the middle school and made three treasures. Once the succeeding descendants could not support them, they could rely on the three treasures left or run. Road, or resurgence.

Before dying, the founding king passed on the three keys of the three treasures to the three sons, one of whom became the throne, this is Lin's ancestor, and the other son is Yun Mi's ancestor.

There is a change in the world, but the founding king did not know. His worries did not happen. Although the son who inherited his throne had no talents, he had great luck. The enemies surrounding him actually had internal conflict or suffered. In the rare natural disasters, the national strength declined in just ten years. As a result, not only was Lin Guo not destroyed, but the powerful enemies were annexed one by one, and a dynasty inherited for more than 300 years was established!

However, there is no sun that cannot fall, and no imperial dynasty. The dynasty of the Lin dynasty stumbled for more than 300 years, and finally came to an end and was replaced by the latecomers. Why can Lin, as the deceased king, still have a small secret force? Is there a lot of loyal people around me?

Of course, this cannot be explained by simple inheritance or loyalty. The most fundamental reason is that the monarch at that time passed his treasure key to the then prince, that is, Lin ’s father and Lin ’s father. Use this key to open a treasure left by the founding king of the year, and it is this treasure that supports the restoration of the country at this time.

However, when Lin inherited his father's last wish, he found that he still had no idea if he wanted to regain his country. Why? Because of money! Even if the people who follow you are fighting for faith, do you want money for everyone's equipment? Do you want money? Should I be treated if injured?

Also, if you are working hard for you, you can't let your wife not marry and your son be born, right? Does someone raise a grandma child? OK? Even if it's so great that you can't marry your wife, do parents have to support it ...

So, the problem now facing Lin is like this. In order to maintain the status quo of the current underground organization, there should be no problem, but if you want to go further and continue the act of reunification, then the treasure key in Yun Mi's hand. It is something that must be started.

Of course, as for whether Yun Mi has any treasure key in his hand, it is undoubted, because after Yun Mi's arrival in Arad, the impression is that this seemingly low-key rich girl spends a lot of money, often sells artifacts, and is still very Generously leased high-strength magic weapons to others for use. Obviously, she must have amazing wealth behind her. However, it is sighing that Yun Mi doesn't seem to take these wealth to her heart ... ...

Lin made up his mind before this trip. If he can find the treasure key left by Yun Mi after this trip, then it means that fate hopes that he will continue the great cause of reunification. If he ca n’t find the treasure key, it means that Lin ’s dynasty is exhausted. He has dedicated his first half of his life to this. From then on, he will live happily and do what he likes to do. Lin ’s dynasty Let it be a trace of history!

Because of this, when Lin set off this time, he didn't bring anyone with him or tell anyone his choice. He felt that he should face the crossroads of fate alone this time, only wearing his mother. The pendant left to me because Lin felt that no matter what decision he made, his mother would smile and support herself.

At this time, Lin was already standing in front of the village in the illusion! The distant mountains are still there, and the green bamboo looks like it, as if the plain-haired, dark-haired woman walked with a smile. Just a moment ago, the old horse called Sanshun followed meekly, but didn't realize it was time. After hundreds of years ...

Three words were engraved on the stone next to it as a street sign:

Yuexi Town.


Du Yuqi felt very uncomfortable,

The mouth was like a fire, almost burning.

My head is very painful, it seems to be divided into two, but my fingers ca n’t move even a single move, and the whole person ’s mental state is also very bad. I feel panic and panic. He knows whether this Normal state, so bitter teeth support, can only use willpower to fight.

However, at this moment, as if a very ethereal voice came from a very distant place, singing a nursery rhyme full of fantasy flavor.

Pink petals in the water (wandering),

Bright moonlight falls (swaying),

The black shadow is out the window (smile),

Send perilla leaves and mountain grapes (applause).

The sea of ​​sky is roaring,

The empty-bone fish hummed and pulled the net minor,

Mysterious palace hides treasure,

Two giant eyes stared ...


After hearing this voice, Du Yuqi didn't know why. He began to feel a sense of peace and tranquility, and began to relax. Listening to this strange ballad, he was gradually sleepy, but at this moment, he suddenly felt his will. Suddenly, he re-dominated his body, and there seemed to be something in his mouth. A bite felt a cold liquid flowing into his mouth. Suddenly, Du Yuqi sucked greedily and hungrily, panting heavily.

After this liquid flowed into the throat, Du Yuqi's consciousness began to gradually recover, and he found that he was leaning against Xi's arms, his back was soft, needless to say what it was, and Xi was sitting beside him. On the stool, his face was full of tiredness and worry, his eyes looked at the sunset in the distance, and his mouth hummed softly. It was the nursery rhyme that made Du Yuqi heard before.

After a while, maybe Xi suddenly felt something wrong, and she lowered her head, which happened to be opposite to Du Yuqi's open eyes. Xi suddenly said with a little surprise:

"you're awake!"

To tell the truth, if there is an acquaintance of Su Zanxi next to this, then she will be surprised that her mouth will not close, because for Xi, her only expression is expressionless, even if she is seriously injured. It's so faint, like the surprise expression on his face now that the sun is almost coming out from the west.

But after Du Yuqi woke up, Xi quickly returned to the previous state, put Du Yuqi back on the bed and lay down, and then spoke loudly to the outside:

"He is awake."

After speaking these three words, he stood up and walked away, without even looking back.

Du Yuqi sighed in a sigh of relief, but Jet had already rushed in at this time, and said very excitedly: You woke up! ?

It was only then that Du Yuqi knew ~ ~ he had been poisoned for a day and night!

In fact, the injury on his body is not serious. The most fundamental reason is poisoning! The reindeer Goblin didn't know when the poisonous needle shot hit Du Yuqi's calf, but he didn't notice it at that time, he was still exercising violently, and the poison poisoned his heart.

The next person was helpless, because if the organization of the sons of Ramis had a solution to this toxin, Ming Xi would not have to be frozen in the ice and sent to the teleportation array.

However, at this moment, someone helped and who was helping? Even Du Yuqi himself did not expect that it was the hand of the awakening strong man of the previous mechanical war god!

The awakening strongman of the mechanical **** of war is called Babylon, but he was born in a large family, and once became the backbone of the Carrett organization. After forcibly performing the awakening technique, this old problem was triggered, and the cough and vomiting continued.

But at that time, before taking off, Du Yuqi took the medicine on the earth to give him symptomatic treatment. The result quickly relieved Babylon's pain, so that he calmed down quickly, fell asleep, and the next family member burst into tears.