The Last Apostle

v7 Chapter 12: Ying Ling Gallery

It turned out that the Holy Spirit Exhibition Hall of the Holy Church is the place where the most precious collections of history are stored in the Holy Church. At least half of the people in the Holy Church did not even know that it exists. Du Yuqi also entrusted the blessing of Fenglin to know here.

的 The equipment that can be put into the Yingling Gallery is without exception, all rare and rare prints! For example, it is the bone ring of Skeleton, and the equipment of the level of the magic sword Apophis, even in the epic equipment, can be said to be outstanding.

Du Yuqi smiled and waited for Bishop Mia to finish speaking, then smiled and said:

"At the same time, two people swear in the name of the Holy Light. The temple will not deliberately take away the treasures from it before I enter. Well? It seems that some people are against it, then it doesn't matter, the business is not close, I hope next time Opportunities for cooperation, I have something to discuss next, so I will not send you two far away. "

After speaking, Du Yuqi stood up.

Bishop Umia also stood up with Tie Qing's face on her face, but Bishop Charlo was still sitting still, and said earnestly:

"Your price is too outrageous."

Du Yuqi smiled and said:

"A black bread is usually worth only three copper coins, but during a famine, a rich man who was starving to death begged others to sell half a black bread to him with 3,000 gold coins."

Bishop Umia roared:

但是 "But now you can only get forty-two brilliant cosmic souls, how can you even say that the lion is so big?"

Du Yuqi smiled and said:

"No, I can only get forty-one now."

He said at the same time that he had taken out a brilliant cosmic soul from his arms, pinched it with his thumb and forefinger, and looked at it through the light. You can see that the surface of this thing is crystal, and there are countless indescribable lights inside. The refraction of stopping is beautiful.

When the two were surprised why Du Yuqi suddenly took out a brilliant cosmic soul, he saw his fingers suddenly force, this gorgeous creation instantly turned into a plume of smoke, and a touch of colorlessness The powder fell from the fingers!

This splendid universe soul is so ruined once!

"You and you !!!" The two bishops were stunned, and then said sadly, "What are you doing!"

Du Yuqi smiled slightly, but her words were sharp like a knife:

"Two bishops, your words make me uncomfortable, so I plan to crush a few splendid cosmic souls to play and make myself feel better. It has nothing to do with you at all! If you want to buy, just Come on my terms. If you do n’t buy it, please go out and turn right. Do n’t say that there are 41 brilliant cosmic souls in my hand. Even if there are only 11 remaining, this price will be sold to you! "

"If you come and talk to me well, then under the same conditions, you will buy fifty-eight, but you are making me very unhappy now, and keep saying that my things are not worth it, so even if you immediately With me, I can only get forty-one. If you continue to make me unhappy here, then believe it or not I ruin the rest? "

The two bishops faced Du Yuqi's outrageous and direct way of negotiation, but felt that their mouths were full of bitter water, and they did not know how to talk to such people. The intimidation and lure I envisioned before is useless at all, because no one wants to get the old man who has a wind forest here, and has successfully broken the barrier, reached the level of the ancestors, and ranked among the best in the world. Among the group of people.

The flesh of Bishop Mia ’s face was trembling. Du Yuqi saw that he still wanted to speak, and when he turned his wrist, he took out a brilliant cosmic soul and sneered:

"Especially you, Bishop Mia, I know that you look very unpleasant to me, but I also look very unpleasant to you! I feel weird, obviously you are begging to buy my stuff, where do you come from? The mystery of self-confidence, looks high? "

"I know you can't be the master. Hurry back and ask for instructions. I still have forty-one in my hand. If you come late, I can't guarantee how many are left. But no matter how many are left I still quote this price, I love to buy it, I don't ask for it! Goodbye! "

After I finished speaking, Du Yuqi stood up and walked away. Bishop Mia's face turned blue. At this time, he felt the malice and helplessness of the world for the first time.

The Church ’s response has never been faster.

After the high-level officials have expressed their determination to get what they want, in fact, what the following people can do is conceivable.

I was probably less than an hour after the two bishops returned,

Du Yuqi got a reply here, and his second condition was accepted. The most secret galleries in the temple will be opened to him, and he will be allowed to take something away from it. It is no problem to swear.

However, the sanctuary also made certain restrictions on this. Du Yuqi could only stay there for an hour, and he would go out an hour later, and he could only enter alone. Du Yuqi must also make an oath not to disclose any news she saw in the Yingling Exhibition Hall. At the same time, any equipment Du Yuqi brought from the Yingling Exhibition Hall must be kept secret from its source, and the Church will not admit this. The origin of the piece of equipment.

As for the condition that Du Yuqi requested to complete the Seven Injury Sword Qi suit, the temple said that they can only get five pieces in their hands now, and there is one that coincides with Du Yuqi's hands, so there is no way to get the nine pieces together. , Can only make up a six-piece suit for him.

After hearing the reply from the temple, Du Yuqi said that he had to think about it. In fact, he had already agreed to it. Now the temple is finally a bit like talking about business, and Du Yuqi's bottom line is to enter the hall of the Holy Spirit. The rest of the conditions can be discussed. In fact, if the temple counteroffers, he can only provide him with a three-piece suit of seven wounds, but he still has to hold his nose to recognize it?

At this point, Du Yuqi was afraid that Night Long Dream would like to complete the transaction faster. Who knows that the temple is more anxious than him, because in the description of this group of people going back, Du Yuqi has completely become an outrageous lunatic. They did a lot of things that didn't make sense, and they were really afraid that Du Yuqi would make another moth out, so they invited Du Yuqi to the core of the temple on the west coast at night: Delance Cathedral to conclude a deal.

This time the temple saw that it attached great importance to this matter. The carriages sent to pick up Du Yuqi are all the best magic carriages. The surface of the carriage is decorated with ivy carefully crafted in gold. There are crystals on the spokes of the wheels, and they turn bright and dazzling.

And the waiters who came to pick up were all dressed up, but their attitude was quite indifferent, and it was seen that someone had explained it and had a very bad impression of Du Yuqi.

Du Yuqi also laughed at this. He came to do business, not to enjoy the service. As long as he can make a deal, then what will he walk over? After entering the temple, I saw that Bishop Mia and Bishop Charlo were waiting there ~ ~ After the two men calmly vowed to the Holy Light, there was a silent one The waiter came to Du Yuqi and motioned him to follow.

Following the waiter, Du Yuqi walked through the house, walked through several long corridors, and finally came to a heavily guarded place. A man wearing a red bishop's robe was waiting there and saw Du Yuqi sidewalk:

"Is the splendid universe soul brought?"

Du Yuqi smiled, and then took out a small box and handed it over. The bishop of the red robe took it open and saw the radiance inside, he also calmly said:

"It really is a high-quality brilliant universe soul!"

Then the bishop of the red robe began to count, and there was a little more surprise in the voice:

"Don't you say there are only forty-one? How could it be fifty-three?"

This is Du Yuqi's slapping marketing method. He deliberately underreported the number of splendid universe souls from the beginning. At this time, the mentality of the people in the temple will naturally be different. Immediately You will feel that the dozen or so extra ones are really a surprise, as if they have made a fortune.

Du Yuqi said with a bitter face:

哎 "Hey, the teacher said that I have a friendship with your boss, and I can't let you suffer too much, so I broke the contract and took back some of the brilliant cosmic souls that have been traded out. How can I stand on the West Coast in the future!"

哪里 But the bishop of Red Robe cares about Du Yuqi's voicing. A knowing smile has already appeared on his face, and he turns around and leaves. It seems he can't wait to share this great news with his colleagues.