The Last Frontier of Fire and Sword

Chapter 151: Retreat 5

"So you just came back?"

In a temporary camp in the woods, Boguslav, angrily, was angrily berating Walter and others who had returned empty-handed.

Although the other teams did nothing, but it was because they followed the wrong direction. After all, it was excusable. But these wing cavalry that they raised, let go of Chris under their noses, and they were full of knighthood to fight their opponents.

"His Royal Majesty, those people told me that the young lady escaped because she was treated unfairly in Miatelsk." Walter stood up straight and looked at Prince Boguslav in front of him with piercing eyes.

The so-called unfair treatment, Walter has already said very vaguely. If it is true that the prince used force to force a girl, as Yelishei and others said, then it would not be an exaggeration to call it a crime.

"This is not something you should care about. As my subordinate, you only need to obey the order to bring me back the people I want." Boguslav said to Walter with the arrogance of a superior.

"Then, your Royal Highness, do you admit that what those people said is true?" Walter looked at Boguslav's eyes with a little contempt.

"I said this is not something you should care about! Damn it, you birdie! Who do you think you are, how dare you stare at me, and ask me. Have you forgotten who raised you? Is it?" Boguslav said hysterically. Following the advice of his cousin, recruiting these wing cavalry was really wrong.

"Your Excellency, please respect yourself! We are all rich nobles. It is not for any money to join your wing cavalry team, we have no shortage of this. We came here for honor and patriotism." Walter sees Bogu Slav even insulted himself as a "bird man", and his anger went straight to the top of his head in an instant, but he still suppressed the impulse and retorted in the most calm manner of self-feeling.

The wing cavalry who stood beside Walter were also concerned about Walter's words. Although they are not as bold as Walter, they still support their captain with their eyes.

"Guard, guard." Boguslav called his black cavalry loudly, and he wanted to punish Walter severely. Because he not only let himself lose the last chance to get Chris back, but also dared to contradict himself. Under his Boguslav’s command, such a person is unacceptable.

A group of black cavalry came in. As the name suggests, these black-shirted cavalrymen are all dressed in black lacquered leather breastplates. They were all Germanic, but they did not join Boguslav’s army as mercenaries, but a gift from Boguslav’s uncle.

Boguslav’s mother was the younger sister of the Elector Frederick William of Königsberg. Back then, this marriage caused a great shock in the Republic, because it is generally believed that, as one of the most prestigious and powerful families in the Republic, the Laziviu family, marrying with a foreign princess is inappropriate. This will give foreigners a chance to interfere in the internal affairs of the Republic. In the end, this incident even alarmed the then King Władysław IV. But in the end, the Laziviu family withstood the pressure and married the German princess.

"Master, are you calling us?"

The captain of the Black-shirted Cavalry, William Holstein, put his hand on the hilt of his waist and saluted Boguslav.

"You drag this man out for me. I will hang him like a serf." Boguslav gritted his teeth.

Immediately, the two black-shirted cavalry tied Walter's hands upside down and tried to **** Walter out according to Boguslav's order.

Hanging is not honourable to a nobleman. It is conceivable that this order aroused public outrage from the other wing cavalry. They automatically stood in front of Walter and pushed the two black-shirted cavalry away, and then pushed them away.

Seeing that the situation was about to get out of control, Boguslav drew his musket and fired a shot into the sky.

"Don't let go, you are the same as him." Boguslav threatened.

But not a single wing cavalry gave way.

Seeing that no one obeyed his orders, Boguslav ordered the black-shirted cavalry loyal to the long time to draw out their pistols and aim at the unarmed winged cavalry.

For those who disobey him, Boguslav will not spare their blood.

But the appearance of a person saved Walter and others.

"What are you doing?" A majestic voice came from outside the tent.

Then, a middle-aged lion-like man appeared in front of Boguslav.

"Cousin, didn't you arrive until tomorrow?" Boguslav put the still smoking pistol back into the gun case on his waist and asked suspiciously.

And the black cavalry also put away their weapons.

"His Royal Highness!" Walter and others also shouted with joy.

The visitor was Prince Yanush Raziviu. He was dressed in a uniform, and he was draped with silver-plated bright silver scale armor. Although plate armor became the mainstream armor of the battlefield at that time, it has a history of a hundred years and began to withdraw from the stage of history in the face of the increasingly powerful muskets, but in the Republic of Poland, some traditional nobles often prefer less defense. But even more gorgeous scales.

"Boguslav, what are the mistakes of these boys?" Prince Yanush glanced at Walter who was **** and asked his cousin.

"They disobeyed my orders." Boguslav said briefly.

He was convinced that this one reason was enough. Because his cousin's character is also a person who can't tolerate anyone's disobedience.

Unexpectedly, Prince Yanush after listening to Boguslav's words Although habitually frowning (this is the prince's customary action before getting angry), he stretched out quickly. And he actually let go of Walter's tied hands personally.

"His Royal Highness." Walter looked at Prince Yanush gratefully. He wanted to tell the Prince why he violated Boguslav's order.

"No, boy. You don't need to say anything. People can't make mistakes forever. When I was young, I was arrogant and did a lot of stupid things. Opportunity. I believe that you have a lasting pain in disobeying the orders of the Royal Horse Superintendent, but the soldiers should obey the orders as their bounden duty. This time, I will forgive you for the Prince. Because the Laziweu family and the Republic are employing people. Every drop of blood of the youth should not flow outside the war. Go back and reflect on it and repent to God.” Prince Yanush said earnestly.

He forgave him without even listening to Walter's explanation. This stunned Boguslav, who thought he knew his cousin.

"Prince!" Walter's eyes filled with excitement, and he knelt to the ground and grabbed the hem of Prince Yanush's clothes.

The other wing cavalry also admired the kindness and generosity of Prince Yanush.

"Well, you guys go down and have a good rest. I have something to say to the royal horse guard prince." Prince Yanush lifted up Walter and said.

Everyone left the camp, and the black-shirted cavalry also retreated under the sign of Boguslav.

"I didn't expect my cousin to have a benevolent side." Boguslavian said mockingly.

Hearing how Boguslav commented on himself, Yanush's chest felt tight. He covered his chest with one hand and the back of the chair in front of him with the other, his expression extremely ugly.