The Last Frontier of Fire and Sword

Chapter 168: Surprise 8

Letting Boguslav pretend to be neutral and leave Miatelsk is a dangerous move. This meant that in the following days Prince Ryanush had to face the resistance in the city alone. And the weapons he can trust now are just a few foreign dragoon teams and infantry teams, and the other local teams are not so reliable.

Moreover, Yanush must use the fastest time to stabilize the situation in Myatersk. He could neither allow the Swedes to see his weakness and unpopularity, nor could he allow those who resisted to come back to Pavel Sapega. The latter, even more frightened Yanush than the former.

For reasons known to all, Sapega’s deputy commander has always been Yanush Raziwiwu’s most staunch opponent. Now Yanush's own actions have made everything that Sapega had done before become a foresighted "correct" decision in the eyes of others. For opponents of the prince, Pavel Sapega is a banner-at the moment when the lord and team leader who oppose him are imprisoned, the resistance without a group of dragons is likely to rush under this banner.

Military sentiment is of urgency. On the afternoon that Boguslav led the army to leave Myatersk, Prince Yanush gathered all the foreign officers under his command.

On the huge map of the Miyatersk defense zone, the head of the bodyguard of Prince Yanush, Longzinsky, marked one by one the positions of the barricades guarded by the various resisters. The one-armed knight has discharged the important task of protecting the prince’s wife and Princess Anna, and returned to the side of Prince Yanush. Because now is the time when the prince appoints people, every manpower is very precious.

Although Lonzinski was not satisfied with Prince Yanush’s surrender to the enemy and treason in his heart, he was trapped in the vow of the knight and he could only continue to serve the prince.

"Everyone, these places are the areas where the resistance of the rebels is the most intense. Each area has at least one hundred and as many as three hundred rebels stationed. However, these rebels only have guns and spears, and do not have the weight of artillery. Weapons. So after the meeting is over, the group leaders can go to the castle’s armory to receive artillery as support firepower."

While talking, Lonzinski inserted small red, green, and yellow flags in the marked area. Each flag with a different color represents the team responsible for attacking this area.

The uniforms of Victor's infantry team are yellow, so they are in charge of the north.

"Everyone, the Laziwiwu family has been raising soldiers for a thousand days and using them for a thousand days. Today is the time for you to give me back. Eliminate these people who oppose me, and your achievements will be thanked by the Laziwiwu family and matched with it. "Prince Yanush swept across the faces of everyone in the meeting one by one, carefully observing everyone's expressions.

These expressions range from excitement, solemnity, peace to pain. The prince knew that even among his foreign mercenaries, not everyone agreed with his approach.

"Any questions?" Prince Yanush asked. His eyes stopped for a moment especially on that painful expression.

No one spoke, maybe everyone acquiesced that there is no problem.

"If there is anything else you don't understand, bring it up now, if you don't have it, go to the armory to pick up the artillery later." Prince Yanush finally said.

At this time, someone finally spoke up.

"I have." said a voice.

This voice came from the only face that showed pain in the crowd. And the owner of this face is Cheer Chen. Chechen's face was pale at this time, and there was almost no blood on his face; his entire expression was painful and desperate, as if he didn't care about anything.

"Head Chechen, what are your questions." Yanush asked.

"I ask the prince you to lock me and Anzu together." Cheer Chen said.

This request is undoubtedly shocking. All the officers present looked at Cheerchen in surprise.

Yanush's eyes fired. But he quickly controlled his emotions. Cheerchen saved himself twice, this is something everyone knows. And this boy was young and vigorous. More importantly, he is malleable, and his values ​​have not yet been finalized. As long as he accepts his point of view, he will devote himself to his cause.

"I remember you once swore to the cross to be loyal to me forever." Yanush said word by word.

"To be loyal to my oath, I will lose my trust with my friends; to be loyal to my friends, I must break the oath. Both are subject to God's condemnation, so it is the same thing to me anyway."

"Are you blaming me for locking up Mihavu and Anjay?"

"They all trusted you incomparably. But you failed their trust." When he said this, Cheerchen was already in tears in his eyes.

Prince Yanush took a deep breath.

"Then if it were you, what would you do when facing the flanking attack of two powerful enemies?"

"I will fight to the last minute." Cheerchen said loudly, trying hard not to let the tears flow down.

"You all go down first, Cheerchen stays." Yanush did not answer Cheerchen right away, but asked everyone to leave.

The officers left the room. Before leaving the door, Victor glanced back nervously, then closed the door.

Now, only Chechen and Yanush were left.

"I admire your courage. If I were a soldier, I would make the same choice." Prince Yanush continued with the words just now: "But have you ever thought about it, if I carry it like you said? Loyalists like Mihav and Anjay fought a battle with the Swedes or the Russians. In the end, the Shroud of Magde was killed in battle. What will happen to this country? Can she avoid being ravaged by the invaders? Both Mihau and Anjay He is a loyal and courageous patriot, I know that. Mihau saved my life. Am I the heart to harm them? But they can’t understand and don’t want to understand my recipe for saving the country. They don’t trust me. It's like you don't trust me now." Yanush talked loudly. He speaks with sorrow, as if everything is someone else's fault.

"If they want them to trust you, you should tell them what you think." Cheer Chen insisted so I will tell you now. Let you understand first and do things for me sincerely. Listen, I’m like a businessman walking on a deserted street with a pot of gold coins. At one end of the street is a gangster with a dagger, and at the other end is a man with a stick. Bandits, they all want to grab my gold coins. what should I do? The best way is to put the gold coins on the ground and let the gangsters and bandits grab them. When they lose both sides, I will get the gold coins back. "

Cheerchen understood what Yanus meant, his eyes beamed: "The Kingdom of Sweden is the bandit with the dagger, and Tsarist Russia is the bandit with the stick. You want the bandit to kill the bandit and then kill it. Broken and bruised gangsters. Oh my god! Why don’t you tell Mihavu and Anjay this story, this is a truth that I can understand, and they will definitely support you."

"They won't," the prince shook his head: "You are a foreigner, so you can look at things detached and understand what I think. But in their minds, whether the Swedes or the Russians are invaders, they must go to war. So I can only lock them up first and not let them disturb my plan."

"His Royal Highness, I misunderstood you!" Cheechen said ashamed. He felt that he was still too immature, unable to penetrate such a sophisticated scheme of His Royal Highness.

"It's okay, boy. Now that you understand everything, then you support me wholeheartedly and wipe out those who rebelled against me. When the civil strife subsides, I will take you to Smolensk to take it back."

"Yes, Your Royal Highness."

Smolensk was the place where Captain Franco buried his bones. Cheerchen wanted to fight back in his dreams. Hearing what Prince Yanush said, Cheerchen was completely overwhelmed by Prince Yanush's foresight.