The Last Frontier of Fire and Sword

Chapter 175: Escape 5

In the dark of the night, Mihavu and Ronzinski completely disappeared into the darkness after only ten steps away from the convoy. Mihau walked in the forefront. Although he walked carefully every step, his ankle chain still touched the stones on the ground from time to time. At this time, there will be a dull crash under his feet.

"Enough, right here."

When Lonzinski saw Mihavu taking forty or fifty steps and was not ready to stop, the stern guard shouted.

Mihau stopped.

"Don't be nervous, I just want to find a bigger tree." Mihau said with a smile. Although he knew that Longzinski might not be able to see his smile clearly. Because at this distance, he could only distinguish the contours of their faces by looking at Longzinski and the dragoon behind him.

"That's it. Hurry up, we have to hurry." Longzinski followed the big tree on the left and said to Mihavu.

This time, Mihau walked towards there consciously. He stood still under the tree, his hands stretched underneath pretendingly, when in fact he was undoing the loose handcuffs.

"Lonzinski, do you remember our first martial arts match?" Mihav said while trying to distract Lonzinski.

"Of course I remember. At that time you just joined the prince's command, and the prince praised you as the first swordsman of the Republic in front of everyone. The people present were very unconvinced, thinking that the prince was exaggerating." Longzinski said. As he spoke, he walked in front of Mihavu, he suspected Mihavu's tricks.

"Yeah, so those who were not convinced pushed you to challenge me. It happened that Yanush also wanted me to stand up in the army, so he agreed to a fair duel with us." The liquid was sprinkled under the grass and on the stones, arousing stars and dots.

"In that duel, the back of your sword hit me on the shoulder and my saber hit your neck. We made a tie. Since then, we have played against each other a few times, but there is no life. Fought." Longzinski recalled.

At this time, the sound of liquid dripping became smaller and smaller, and Mihau had almost finished unraveling.

"You said that if we fight again, who will lose and who will win?" Mihavu asked unintentionally.

Hearing this, Lonzinski immediately became alert. He put his hand on the saber and drew the saber as quickly as possible.

But Mihavu is faster. He had already retreated a few steps quickly, and his body reached the dragoon.

Mihav raised his hand and pressed his elbow to the dragoon's chest. With an elbow, the dragoon fell to the ground with a scream. And his saber also magically reached Mihau's hands.

The moment the dragoon fell, Longzinsky's saber followed. He swung a knife in the direction of his subordinates screaming, and that knife hit the back of the saber that Mihau was blocking in front of him, and was picked up by Mihau.

Immediately afterwards, Mihav quickly backed away and strangled a few steps, disappearing into the darkness.

"When did you release the handcuffs?"

Lonzinsky knew that Mihavu had only hidden his figure but did not go far. He saw that he hadn't succeeded without delay, and he closed his sword and jumped into the darkness.

Longzinski knew well that the advantage of time was on his side. Although the current situation is dim and far away from the convoy, the surroundings are so quiet, the screams of the dragoons must have spread to the convoy. As long as it is delayed for a while, reinforcements will be able to arrive.

But Longzinski could think of it, and Mihavu could think of it too. He did not answer Longzinski's question, but slashed forward in the direction of the sound.

Since Mihau relied on the sound to identify the position, he could only hear roughly but could not tell the specific position of Longzinski. Mihau's knife was only capable of piercing Longzinski's long armor.

Fortunately, Lonzinski escaped this trick, and he secretly scolded himself as stupid. Even speaking, he exposed his position.

Once this time, Longzinski stopped talking but stood still, waiting for Mihav to reveal his flaws.

Longzinski can stay still, because time is on his side. Mihau couldn't stay still. If he couldn't knock down Longzinski or get rid of his block as soon as possible, when the dragoons arrived, he would be hard to beat by four hands, not to mention that the dragoons had muskets.

Although Mihavu's handcuffs were opened, the shackles were still there. The heavy fetters dragged on the ground, not only slowed down his walking speed, but any slight movement would make a sound to reveal his position.

With such a disadvantage, Mihavu had only one way to defeat Lonzinski, and that was to fight to be found by Lonzinski and attack first, to come up with a defensive counterattack.

The plan was settled, and Mihav moved his body to the left. He deliberately made the noise under his feet loud, so that Lonzinski could hear it. And Lonzinski really got it, or it's not too because for Lonzinski, Mihav’s exposure was the best opportunity.

In the dark, the party who is discovered first will be at an absolute disadvantage, because you don't know where the attack will come from. Your opponent can chop your head, swipe your waist and scratch your body diagonally.

Facing the thousands of possible angles of attack by Lonzinski, Mihavu had only one chance. And his choice was to put the saber on his neck.

The gold and iron intersect, and Mihau's hands are a little numb from the shock. But he was right. With this fatal blow, Longzinski chose a very ceremonial neck cut, just like they did when they first met.

Mihau's body slanted, and the blade of the saber swept down Lonzinski's saber to the end. This time, the saber broke a big hole in the Longzinsky's armored long suit.

From the beginning of the match to the defeat of Lonzinski, the whole process took only two or three minutes.

Dark red blood gurgled out of Longzinsky’s wound. The wound was too big, even if Longzinski covered the wound with his hand, it wouldn't work.

"You won." Longzinski said painfully.

Mihaou thrust his saber into the ground. He helped Lonzinski to lie down next to the big tree, then tore a large piece of silk from his shirt and fumbled for Lonzinski's wound.

At this time, the shouts of Lonzinski's reinforcements and the sound of running were getting closer.

"Why save me?"

"I know that as long as you don't die, you will return to Yanush, but I still decided to let you go." Mihav whispered.

"As long as God gives me strength." Longzinski replied weakly.

Mikhau frowned and seemed to be angry at Lonzinski's ignorance.

But in the end, he stood up and disappeared into the night before the dragoons arrived.