The Last Frontier of Fire and Sword

Chapter 182: Friend or foe 5

At night, the soldiers guarding the cellar panicked and brought an unexpected news-Batty ran away.

At that time, a guard soldier unexpectedly discovered that Batty was no longer in the cellar when he was delivering food, and he and another soldier had been guarding the door without leaving a step. Batty seemed to disappear out of thin air.

Encountered such an unimaginable thing, the two guard soldiers thought that Nabati must be a wizard who knows black magic or a cult who dedicated his soul to Satan. They chanted "God Bless" several times and withdrew from the cellar holding the cross on their chest high. But when they came to the hall of the manor to report this to Chechen, they were still pale and trembling.

At that time, Cheerchen, Pedro and several officers in the mercenary group were discussing the next step. Now that the military resources are almost collected, the task assigned by Prince Yanush is half completed, and the other half is how to recruit a group of soldiers to expand the strength of the mercenary group. Only halfway through the meeting, two soldiers rushed in in a panic.

After everyone knew what had happened from the stumbling narration of the two soldiers, Cheer Chen hurriedly asked people to call Ki Ayan over. Knowing the son Moruo father, Chiayan is also in charge of the Ponievier Manor, he must know something.

Soon, Ki Ayan was brought in. The old steward of the Beauneville Manor was wearing a nightgown and barefoot, apparently dragged off the bed by the soldiers.

Seeing the bright lights in the hall, Cheerchen and a few officers-like people were there, Ki Ayang respectfully said: "Knight Lord, what can you do if you are looking for me so late?"

Cheer Chen looked at his self-assured expression, not as if he knew that his son had escaped from prison.

So Cheerchen said directly: "Your son Batty is gone."

Ki Ayan's body trembled, and then he showed an expression of impossibility.

"How is it possible? Did you give him to..."

Obviously, he suspected that the mercenary group had killed his son.

"Nonsense!" Pidro saw that Keayan actually slapped him and suspected that he killed his son, and his eyes glared: "Your son disappeared in the cellar. Did you give your soul to the devil? , What black magic did you practice?"

"The cellar... the cellar..."

When Pedro said that his son had disappeared in the cellar, Chiayan murmured a few times, and he finally remembered a secret that only he and his son knew.

"How long has he escaped, Batty?" Keayan asked.

Cheerchen looked at the two guards, but they both shook their heads.

"I don't know, I only found out when I was delivering food to him. It should be less than half an hour from now." One of them said.

Kiayan nodded. Then he said to Cheerchen: "It's all my fault. People tend to forget things when they are old. Under the secret door in the cellar, there is a secret door leading to the outside of the manor. That was a few years ago. We repaired with my son and prepared that if the manor is broken by bandits or robbers one day, we can escape from the tunnel, so as to save some of the family wealth of His Royal Highness. But this hasn’t happened in the past few years, so I just forget."

After speaking, Kiayan wiped his tears, as if ashamed of his forgetfulness.

"The cunning of the Jews." Pidro whispered secretly. The old man definitely deliberately told them to lock Batty into the cellar without knowing it, so that his son could escape. Now still pretending to be pitiful here.

After knowing the truth, Cheerchen looked away. Even if Keayan deliberately didn't tell him the authentic things, it was all out of a father's love for his son. If Batty's escape does not cause damage to the mercenary group, Cheerchen does not intend to injure more lives, but punishment is necessary, otherwise it will not be enough to convince the public. Cheechen decides to impose a small punishment on Ki Ayan.

"Yelisei, take them to the cellar to see if it is really authentic. If there is one, seal it up." Chechen first ordered Yelishei.

Yelisei immediately left the hall with two guards.

Then, Cheor Chen walked to Ki Ayan again. Ki Ayang was a head taller than Cheechen. In order to allow Cheorchen to talk to him on an equal footing, Ki Ayang consciously bent down.

"Mr. Guan Shi, I have already forgiven him, and I will release him when we leave. But he still chose to escape. Where do you think he is going back?" Cheer Chen asked.

"This is all my ignorant son is not good, and I will punish him severely when he comes back. But Commander Chechen, where Batty has escaped, I really don't know. We have no relatives here, even There is no one to take refuge in. Perhaps he escaped into the forest and hid." Ki Ayan replied cautiously. He tried to convince Cheorchen that Batty's escape was harmless to the mercenary This made Cheorchen believe a little. So many mobs attacked the manor, and none of the nearby farmers came to help. Obviously, Chiayan and his son were not well-connected in Ponnevière.

"I trust your judgment. But after all, your son's escape caused our mercenary group to suffer losses. This loss should be compensated by your father. It shouldn't be excessive," Chechen said.

"I'm willing to take out four hundred Taylors to compensate for the loss my son caused to the mercenary group." Ki Ayan didn't want to say immediately, as if the money was not his.

Four hundred Tyler, Pidro was dizzy. It's so simple that 400 Taylors are accounted for.

"Yes, four hundred Taylor sold. But there is one more thing to get rid of you to help." Cheer Chen said.

"What's the matter?" Kiyan asked.

"In addition to asking us to send Bonjevie’s assets to Werner, the prince also ordered us to recruit locals and refugees from Smolensk and other places to join the prince’s army. Are there many people like you here? ?" Cheerchen asked.

Kiayan groaned and replied: "Most of the people who attacked the manor today are refugees, but I don't know if any of them escaped from Smolensk. As for the locals, if there is a prince's conscription I think there should be many young people willing to join the army."

What Kiayan said was basically the same as the results discussed by the officers just now. Cheechen decided to send someone to each village tomorrow to post the Prince's draft edict.

When things have reached this point, they have almost come to an end. Starting the next day, Cheer Chen and the others began to get busy with conscription. On the third day after Batty escaped, Fatima found Bonneville. She also brought back a person, who turned out to be Batty who had escaped.