The Last Frontier of Fire and Sword

Chapter 188: Friend or foe 11

Colonel Jerzy Khaletsky, how could this name Cheerchen be unfamiliar? Victor and Cheerchen were the ones who eliminated and wiped out the resisters who fought against Prince Yanush in the city of Miatersk. Subordinates of the colonel.

"So, you are planning to attack the manor not only because Batty surrendered to you, but also because of Colonel Jerzy Halletsky?" Cheerchen asked deliberately.

Thousands of mobs are no longer something the mercenary group can deal with. If you add Jerzy Khaletsky's regular army, it will really be the end of the mercenary group.

Tepesh smiled strangely, he felt that he had taken the initiative.

"The colonel sent someone to find us, and the conditions are very good."

As for the favourable conditions of Jerzy Khaletsky, Tepes did not explicitly state, nor did he indicate whether the attack on the manor was related to the colonel. Tepes knows that the more vague the words are, the more nervous and confused the other party will be, and the more he can gain the initiative.

With this hand dealing with Chechen, who was inexperienced in negotiation, Tepesh almost succeeded, if it weren't for Bachter's spoiling the situation.

Bashit couldn't see that Tepesh betrayed his group, but after all, he had something to say first. At this moment, seeing him pretending to be a fool, I couldn't help but pierce him.

"The colonel's messenger is only Taylor's salary a week. What is the difference with this little brother's."

These words broke the favorable situation that Tepeshi had created with great difficulty, and also let Cheerchen know the market.

Zepesh glanced at Bachter angrily. He licked his blood-red lips with his tongue, which was indescribably strange and terrifying. But Bachter was not afraid, looking back at Cepesh with his moonlight-clear eyes.

In the contest of eyes, Tepes did not take advantage. He retracted his gaze and put the target on Cheerchen again.

"Dear messenger, yes, I admit that the colonel also offered the same price as you, but he represents the deputy commander of Sapega, and behind the deputy commander is the king of our republic. And, The colonel also promised us the wealth in the manor."

The implication is that the words of Colonel Jerzy Khaletsky are endorsed by His Majesty the King, which is highly credible.

Chechen immediately refuted what Tepesh said: "I also speak to you on behalf of Prince Yanush Laziviu. In Lithuania, the power of the prince is not worse than that of the king."

In order to prevent Tepes from overestimating his value, Cheerchen lied for the first time: "Moreover, the reinforcements sent to me by the prince are already on the way. corps."

But Chechen's remarks didn't seem to have any deterrent effect on Tepes. Tepes still remained silent, without even blinking his eyelids.

"Is there any flaw in my words?" Cheerchen couldn't help feeling guilty.

At this time, Basit suddenly said to Chechen and Tepesh: "You two continue to talk here, I have had enough."

After speaking, Bashit went out.

Chechen and Tepesh watched Bacht walk out of the shed, the remaining two plus Batti sitting on the stump, the three of you look at me and I look at you, none of them speak first.

The scene was surprisingly quiet. But Tepesh's heart was not as calm as he had shown.

Tepes is different from most people in the camp. He is a nobleman, and his ancestors are still very famous. Although his family is in decline now, the glory of the nobility hidden deep in his heart still drives him to work hard to return to the upper class.

From the very beginning, he opposed Bashit's looting of the noble manor, because it would make them and the noble rivals. Wouldn't it be enough to grab those farmers? Tepes thinks so. In particular, Bashit's reckless looting of Yanush and Sapega's assets is equivalent to making everyone a mortal enemy of all nobles. Tepes has always suggested taking advantage of the favorable time when both sides are recruiting troops and buying horses to seek refuge in one side and wash their identities.

This suggestion has never been approved by Bacht. The last time Colonel Jerzy Khaletsky’s messenger came, Basit clearly refused, and Tepesh endured it, because he believed that Saperga’s group was a mob, and their strength was no better than those supported by the Kingdom of Sweden. Yanush, even heard that they were struggling with military expenses, and the deputy commander even sold the copper buttons on his clothes. But this time the envoy of Prince Yanush came to Bashit and refused. Tepesh couldn't bear it, and he finally jumped out by himself.

"Should I accept his terms? Although there are fewer Taylors a week, you can wait until you join Yanush's army, and you won't have anything you want in the future." Tepesh thought to himself. The fingers of his left hand placed behind his back kept twitching, constantly calculating whether it was worthwhile. His face also turned from white to blue, which was terrifying.

The change of Yanush's face also made Chechen's mood up and He wanted to raise the price several times, and first took Tepesh under his command.

"Mr. Tepes," Cheerchen couldn't help but said first. In the negotiation, this is equivalent to telling the other party that he has insufficient chips and missed a step first.

When Tepesh heard Chechen speak first, he was overjoyed. There was an excited smile on his face immediately.

The smile reminded Cheerchen. It turned out that the other party was not as calm as he imagined.

"Mr. Tepesh." Chechen continued: "It is not impossible that you want a higher salary. His Royal Highness is very generous to the meritorious subordinates. Now there is an opportunity to see if you can Get it."

"What opportunity?" Tepes asked hurriedly.

"A chance to show loyalty. Didn't you say that the people of Jerzy Khaletsky also came to you, as long as you help us destroy Jerzy Khaletsky's army, with this great achievement, Your Royal Highness Will there be less rewards?"

Chechen's move is tantamount to using Jerzy Khaletsky's method of enlisting Tepes and others against the mercenary group back to himself.

"There are three hundred of them, and they are all cavalry!" Tepes said.

Cheer Chen realized. No wonder Jerzy Khaletsky didn't come to attack the manor by himself but wanted to win over Bacht. The reason was that they were all cavalry, and the cavalry was very bad at attacking fortifications.

"How many people belong to you here?"

"Most people here listen to me," Tepes said.

But this is a complete lie. In fact, if Tepesh really leaves, he can take away up to three hundred people. These three hundred people are the capital that Tepeshi finally digs out of Bacht's eyelids. He is unwilling to easily lose it for others without getting any promises and benefits.