The Last Frontier of Fire and Sword

Chapter 190: Friend or foe 13

In this case, if Pidro was on the scene, he would definitely make a price all over the sky, and even give Tyler of the entire estate to Tepesh at any cost. Because once Tepes is lured by Koppolali, these members of the mercenary group, including Chechen himself, are likely to be given to Colonel Jerzy Halecki as a gift by Tepes. So in the case of Bashit's neutrality, no matter how high the price is, we must win Tepesh to his side.

Chechen didn't have such awareness yet, or that his thinking was not quick enough. He heard that Coppola had doubled his salary, and although he was still calculating how much the price should be increased, Chechen’s foothold was still the value of Tepesh and his accomplices rather than the critical ones right now. environment.

Tepes turned his head and glanced at Cheerchen. In his opinion, he is now taking the initiative, and the mercenary head of Prince Yanush has to raise the price to win him. But he was disappointed, Cheerchen was still hesitating with a thoughtful expression.

Tepesh couldn't help cursing Chechen for not being able to see the situation clearly.

"Captain Chechen, you heard that too. Lieutenant Coppola brought the colonel's unrejectable condition. If Prince Yanush can't give me and my men better treatment, I can only deal with him. You say sorry.” Tepes said clearly.

"Tepes, what do you mean! You dare to use me as a bargaining chip between you and this villain!"

After listening to Tepesh's words, Cheerchen still didn't respond, but Coppola angered first. Coppola couldn't help but not angry, and Tepesh's words were tantamount to using himself as a tool to intimidate Chechen. This is something that Coppola, a nobleman and soldier, cannot tolerate.

"Second Lieutenant Coppola, I'm sorry. I have no other intentions, but since Prince Yanush also sent people to recruit us and we did not respond to the Prince's call, I must make the reason clear to the Prince's messenger."

Tepes also realized that he was a bit of a mistake, and quickly explained to Coppola with a smile.

"Yanush is no longer a prince, he is a traitor to the Republic. And this so-called messenger is nothing more than a rebel." Coppola said sternly. It seems to be teaching a subordinate.

Tepes lowered his head slowly. In the process of lowering his head, he tilted his neck slightly to observe Tetsuchen's movements. He decided that if Cheerchen was still so ignorant of the current affairs and didn't offer a higher price, he would swear allegiance to Coppola to the colonel.

"Wait a minute, Lieutenant Coppola."

Finally, Cheerchen spoke. Although the words were addressed to Coppola and not to Tepes, Tepes still stopped and waited for Cheechen to finish speaking.

"Lieutenant Coppola, you just said that His Royal Highness is a traitor, but how did the prince betray the country? He was the one who resisted the invasion of the Zaporozhye Cossacks, and he was also the one who resisted the invasion of Tsarist Russia. Now the king abandons the country and saves this land. The one who was ravaged by the army of the Kingdom of Sweden was also His Royal Highness. He was the true patriot of the Republic. You must know the conditions he made to King Karl X of the Kingdom of Sweden. Which one of them is a traitor? Has he ever ceded a piece? Is it the land of the Republic? When it comes to rebellion, His Royal Highness is the general leader of Lithuania, and Pavel Saperga is the deputy commander. You should be the one who rebelled."

Without waiting for Coppola's retort, Cheerchen stepped forward and pulled up Tepes, who was slightly bent down. And we will pay you two months’ salary in advance."

Although Cheerchen was slow in some aspects, it didn't mean that he had no brains. When he wanted to understand the key to the current situation, he immediately strayed the money away.

Tepesh was forcibly pulled up by Chechen. Without waiting for him to express his position, Cheerchen said loudly in front of everyone, "Leader Tepesh, I welcome you on behalf of the prince."

At this time, Chechen tightened one of Tepesh's hand to prevent him from having any opportunity to oppose it.

Hearing this, if Tepesh was caught off guard, then Coppola was shocked first and then gritted his teeth with hatred.

For Coppola, the task assigned to him by Colonel Jerzy Khaletsky was to take these people into his own hands. Now that he could not complete his task, these people were recruited by the rebels and went back on their own. There is no way to explain to the superior.

Angrily attacked, Coppola drew the pistol from his waist. He wants to solve this matter in the simplest way.

At such a close distance, with Cheechen unprepared, Lieutenant Coppola is confident that Cheorchen will be killed with a single shot. At that time, Yanush, a traitor, died here, and Basit, Tepesh and others would not be able to get rid of their relationship. They had to take refuge in their own way.

The ideal is full, but the reality is very skinny. Although Coppola's movements were fast, two of them shot at the moment he drew their guns.

The first one is Fatima. As Cheerchen's guard, Fatima always puts the safety of the regiment leader first. When Tepes was a little moved by Coppola’s condition, Fatima’s target was Fortunately, there was nothing wrong in Tepes; Ra flushed with resentment, and Fatima had already watched his every move vigilantly. As soon as Coppola's pistol was pulled out of his waist, Fatima's Damascus scimitar was thrown at it.

This second person is Bashit. Although Basit had already made it clear that he would not join any party, he did not want any of Chechen and Coppola to have an accident with him. Because this is no more than robbing a manor, the consequences will be much more serious. Either party, for their own dignity, will take revenge.

Fatima's scimitar cut across Ensign Coppola's arm like cutting a piece of thin paper, cutting off the ensign's gun holding arm. The second lieutenant's severed limb fell to the ground, his finger on the trigger.

Coppola looked at her severed limb, then at the remaining half of her arm, before letting out a piercing cry. The pain of the broken limb was so painful that he fell off his horse and rolled on the ground.

It happened between the electric light and the flint. When the ensign's men wanted to drew their guns to avenge the ensign, Fatima's men had pointed their guns at them one step in advance.

Originally Bassett's giant axe blocked Cheerchen's eyes, and his door-like giant axe protected Cheerchen's head and chest. When Cheerchen heard Coppola's scream, Cheerchen pushed away the giant axe in front of him with his hand.

Although Coppola was on his own account, seeing his shocking wounds, Chechen couldn't help but pity Lieutenant Coppola.

"Head Bachter, do you have anyone who knows medical skills?" Cheerchen asked.

"Of course, I'll go and ask him to bandage Ensign Coppola immediately."

Bashit retracted his axe and hurriedly called his men to call the doctor.

In fact, Chechen doesn't need to say, Basit will never let this ensign die here.