The Last Frontier of Fire and Sword

Chapter 206: Entering the City and Audience 1

In this way, the troubled Chechen and Boguslav's team continued to march in Werner's direction for four days. Thirty miles away from Werner, Boguslav and Chechen broke up. According to the prince himself, he is still a neutral party now, so it is not appropriate to go to town to visit his cousin. Since the act of acting is of course a complete set.

When he said this, Boguslav’s face had a smug smile, as if it were a remarkable move. Cheerchen's nausea was seen by this smiling face. Cheerchen resisted the urge to punch the disgusting prince's face and said faintly: "His Royal Majesty, then I will give you Yanush The prince says hello."

When Boguslav heard this, he nodded in satisfaction: "I have written everything I want to say in the letter. Don't forget it."

Saying goodbye to Boguslav, Cheerchen returned to the mercenary group.

"What did the **** imperial horse superintendent say to you?" Pidro saw Cheerchen coming back and asked what the two of them had talked about.

"It's okay, he just asked me to say hello to another Laziviu." Chechen said.

Since Boguslav learned that what Prince Yanush had told him were all lies, Cheerchen had lost the respect he had for Yanush. In Che Chendu's eyes, his benefactor was nothing but a liar villain and a complete conspiracy.

"I should have listened to Mihau before. But it's not too late. When Werner arrives, I will say goodbye to Yanush, and I will leave him." Chechen thought to himself.

The plan was decided, Chechen said to Father Spaso Kukecki: "Father, you take a few people to Werner to report first, saying that we are going to the city to meet His Royal Highness. And tell them that we will bring this time. There are a lot of people, let them arrange more rooms and food for us."

Father Spaso Kukecki made a cross on his chest, and then took two soldiers on a fast horse to go all the way.

"The other people rest where they are, everyone tidy up. Tomorrow we will enter the city with the best military appearance." Cheer Chen shouted to the others.

Following Cheerchen's order, the trumpeter blew his trumpet. All the soldiers stopped and began to camp.

After a while, Basit came to find him. As soon as he saw Cheerchen, he asked, "Head Cheerchen, didn't we walk thirty miles to Werner? It's still early, why should we camp in the wild?"

Obviously, Bacht believes that if you can enter the city as soon as possible, you should enter the city as soon as possible. With so many people sleeping and sleeping for so many days, you should also eat hot meals and live in a roofed house.

Cheerchen can fully understand Bacht's feelings. He didn't want to go to the city earlier and talk to Yanush, and then the two of them were cut off. The reason for staying overnight is actually because of Bacht and the others.

"The leader of Bashit, Prince Yanush comes from a famous family. Although he pays most attention to military exploits, the prince also pays attention to etiquette and appearance. Our people have gone through the war and have been running around the wilderness for so long. It’s just like that, and there’s no military appearance. If you just enter the city like this, you will not only be laughed at by the people of other troops, but the prince will definitely not like it. Besides, so many of us have not notified Werner rashly. It will also cause unnecessary misunderstandings." Cheer Chen explained to Bachter.

After listening to Bachter, he praised: "It's still Commander Chechen that you think comprehensively."

Cheerchen smiled embarrassedly. Where can he think about it so comprehensively? These are all things like Pedrow, Father Spaso Kukecki and others.

Bacht was sent away, and Tepes came by again. As soon as Tepesh saw Cheerchen, he opened the door and asked, "Head Cheerchen, how will you arrange for me and my brothers tomorrow?"

"What's the arrangement?" Cheerchen didn't understand.

"It's the arrangement to enter the city tomorrow. Of course, you and your mercenary group are the first to enter the city, so what about us? Is the arrangement behind you?" Tepesh was a little anxious.

"I haven't decided on this yet. But there are many people led by Bachter. I think it would be better to put them behind my mercenary group and enter the city second."

Hearing what Chechen said, Tepesh became even more anxious.

"Head Chechen, your arrangement is improper. Just because Bachter has the most people, they should be arranged at the end. You know, now my people and Bachter have broken. If we are at the end, the family members of Basit’s will follow, and it’s not good if we get unpleasant."

The reasons Tepesh cited seemed to be for Cheerchen's consideration, and Cheerchen also felt that Tepesh had some truth in what he said. Along the way, the people in the original refugee camp were glaring at the people who left Tepesh and others. If Bashit hadn't watched Chechen and the mercenary group's face suppressed, the two men and horses might have fought halfway.

"Well, tomorrow you didn't follow us into the city for the second batch." Cheer Chen said to Tepesh after thinking about it.

At this moment, Tepesh couldn't mention how happy he He bowed to Cheerchen with joy, and then left with joy.

Waiting into the night, Father Spasokuktsk returned. Victor turned out to be with him.

"Captain Victor, it's been a long time since I saw you. Is your trip going well?"

Although Cheerchen and Victor did not have a deep personal relationship, Cheerchen was still overjoyed to see this fellow again after so long goodbye.

And Victor was obviously in the same mood, his unsmiling face was actually smiling. Victor first congratulated Cheerchen: "Congratulations, Cheerchen. Father Spasokuktsk told the prince about your defeat of Colonel Jerzy Khaletsky. His Royal Highness was overjoyed at the time. Victory, we will hold a grand entrance ceremony for you. This is the best news that the prince has heard in so long. This is the first time we have won a big victory against the deputy commander of Sapega. I am different, God. Did not take care of me and gave me the opportunity to swing a knife"

"It all depends on everyone's concerted efforts and God's blessing." Cheer Chen said.

Victor nodded.

"Tomorrow the prince will personally greet you at the head of Werner, and a dinner will be held for you." Victor continued.

Unexpectedly, Cheerchen shook his head.

"Victor, please reply to your Royal Highness, and the dinner will be skipped. I hope to see the Prince alone after entering the city."

Victor was a little surprised at Cheer Chendu's request. However, it is common for subordinates to be unwilling to be too ostentatious and ask for rewards from the lord alone after they have made merits. Victor did not think much before saying to Cheerchen that he would bring Cheerchen's wishes to Prince Yanush. of.

"In short, you will be more energetic tomorrow and show your best appearance. Especially those you just collected." Victor reminded Chechen at last.